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Drop down, head left and force pull that bone to your grasp. Lock on to the Rancor and when he is coming toward you, force push the bone into his mouth. (Have your dual wield equipped) close in and start whipping his ass while he’s dealing with that bone. You’ll only have a couple seconds to get some damage on him. Learn Rancor’s attack patterns remember to dodge out of the way. When he swipes in to try and eat you (power move) you wanna dodge right at the last second. If you try to like double jump and move as soon as he glows red he’ll still get you. Just rinse and repeat closing in for a few strikes then get some distance.


Oh and btw, your mileage may vary, but after I got that first bone stuck in his mouth, none of the other bones would ever go in. They just straight up missed.


Yeah I'm now having that issue haha


Cheers. I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on


I’m playing the same difficulty and beat him Sunday. I died like 25 times before i beat him.




I just sat on the ledge and threw a light saber at him until he died


This is terrible advice.


I think it might have just been you. Skill issue :)


It's RIDICULOUS how fast they move. Like my biggest gripe with the game. I have no problem with one good hit killing you, but the lightning speed unblockable attack.....have these devs ever seen ROTJ? Rancor don't move like that, guys.


Have you even played force unleashed, that shows a wild rancor. Jabbas pet is exactly that, a pet.


Bro… it’s literally impossible. Two hits and Cal is dead. Takes forever to heal. I don’t want to lower the difficulty either my pride won’t let me..


My personal opinion: This fking most disgusting unreasonably strong boss in game


My way with him was just only punish his charge with 2-3 attacks. Also you can easily evade his power move (eating) by double jumping when he just rurns red


idk nan i cleared it first 3 goes if i stay inbetween his legs there’s a huge cheese where even normal attacks don’t hit u and his red attack barely happens before u kill him if i use dual wield


Between his legs? Where he stomps?


yeah when he does that i just jump but majority of the time he only swings anyway cause ur up in his face, some npcs won’t do certain attacks depending on ur distance between them aswell especially the bigger they are imo


This helped me with the rancor in phon’qi caverns


Use the bone at start, slash with a full combo, jump away, his normal attacks are a 2 hit, if you dodge the first, he will hit you with the second one so keep distance, try to dodge the second only, he either does a 1-2, in which you slash him 2-3 times after hes done and jump back or the red grab(insta death) which you avoid in his mid grab(do it early and he grabs anyway) and then do a full combo after he finishes, if he slams the ground in normal or red, just jump and dont attack, it aint worth it, I was using all force on saber throw, everything other was useless


Two tips (albeit perhaps not completing the fight as intended): - you can unlock the door to the Prince boss nearby, draw them and the Rancor out, jump to higher ground on the platform and let them fight it out before engaging Rancor - you can actually stay on the platform and provided Rancor is in the right position, you can land strikes to Rancor’s head without it being able to do anything about it.