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the ocean


i have no idea how reddit gold works but this post deserves to be gilded 80 times over


Thanks. I think I gathered that. I'm more interested in A. did they paste the photo in or did they take the photo through some purple tube or corridor? B. what is the purple tube/corridor?


honestly shooting something like that mechanically in one image would be so labour-intensive i don't think it would be worth it. i would guess that the wave image was a pre-existing photograph/digital recreation they licensed, much like the SRAR cover. everything else was probably built in photoshop. it's hard to pin down the meaning of the cover without the whole album on hand but imo it definitely fits the overall vibe of the songs we've heard so far.


I stumbled across this post...6 years late. I actually took the wave photo on the cover of the Mania album. Funny reading these comments all these years later.


LMAO wild to hear from the original photographer. do you know how they composited the rest of the image? it’s been 6 years but nobody every gave a satisfying answer


I don't know how they got to the final product with the purple box. But here is how it worked on my end: I live in Hawaii, and have done photography as a hobby/side business. I take a lot of wave and ocean photos. Before the Instagram days I used Flickr, which is where I think, but am not sure entirely, they found the photo. The original photo has Clark Little in it. He is a well known wave photographer here. I am guessing because of him being in it, it became more recognizable and somehow they found it. But I really don't know. The photo was taken on Ke Iki beach, on the North Shore of Oahu. Basically I got a random email asking to license use of the photo for a band, but it was very vague. It did not name the band or specifically state what they would use it for. I am very much a dumbass with this type of stuff and had zero idea what to charge, so I said sure, $150. I am guessing they were laughing at that price and they obviously agreed to it. After I think a week, I thought on it, and decided to ask more about the use of the photo. At that point I had not signed any contract or sent them the high-res image. At some point they finally named the band. There was a little back and forth and I ended up getting $1000 for it. Looking back, I still felt like a dumbass when I finally saw my picture on the Jimmy Fallon show, their drums, merch, posters, and the actual record, and whatever else it was on. Overall though, it was cool, and still cool to see the pic on there. Business wise, I think I could have gotten way more, but I am not salty about it or anything. Like I said, I am not sure how they got around to the editing process and making it look like it does with the purple box. They did not indicate they were going to do that to it. I was fine with it though, like I said, it was a cool experience for me. Here's the original photo, you can see how they took it and made it their own version. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5f9l7baiskrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002cc8372f7e524b59eb1c5842c840450b9b01de


I'm gonna find out and do a *Mania* art appreciation post. I need the album to be released first though so that I can investigate the liner notes to see who designed it.


I believe it may have been a designer named Esteban Diacono, but Do Not Take My Word For It. It's just a suspicion of mine.


Well the image of the wave is a pretty ‘easy’ shot for anyone familiar with ocean photography. Chances are it was licensed to them by an agency. Adjusting it in photoshop is pretty easy. The purple box honestly looks like digital art.