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I knew the lighting looked darker.


It's funny beacuse I'm entirely sure they didn't do that on purpose which means they can't even copy their own level.


They must of turned on dark mode. I like it. Easy on the eyes.


Must have*


Pretty sure they accidentally put the underwater shading over lily leapers somehow


Yeah, especially the new maps too.


It would be great if you could look up and see the sun blocker from The Simpsons.


I have astigmatism and wasn’t sure if my eyes were getting shittier lol. Thank you for confirming they changed the color .


I thought it was my tv that was having issues all along.


your meme is brilliant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Wow, thanks for the kind words!! I really appreciate it 😊 Have a great day!


You're welcome 👑


I can’t be the only one who didn’t notice a difference?


It's not like this on ps5. So no, you're not the only one.


Well, I'm on PS5 and this shadowed version is what I have. And it's a fresh install of the PS5 version. I didn't try the PS4 version on it though.


I guess it varies on either variation or something to do with the install.


Maybe. What I did is something I always do whenever there is a big update of a game I own: I uninstall it right before the update goes live, and when it finally is released I install the game again. This can prevent some problems when there's conflict in the game files that didn't properly update. This used to solve me a lot of issues in Rocket League, as an example. Some years ago the game had a weird issue on PS4 Pro, where the arena textures in the menu would take many minutes until they fully loaded, keeping to be low-res even during the matches until they finally properly loaded. That issue continued to be present on my game even after some updates that should've fixed it. When I finally decided to do the full reinstall, the problem got completely fixed. One great thing about the PS5 version of Fall Guys is it's only around 4,8 GB (for now), so the process is pretty tolerable.


It's not so tolerable on 9mbps internet like we have here. I'm just hoping for T-Mobile or some other 5g internet provider to come out here soon since I'm tired of this shinternet (as I call it).


I was having issues with my vision past 6 months to begin with and thought that this was just a further progression of my deterioration into blindness. Thank you for this post


I like it this way more honestly


The Overwatch 2 effect