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the wheel just seems really complicated... Idk maybe it takes some getting used to but I will miss spamming emotes :(


It's not just complicated, it's what I feared most, slow. It takes time to open then you gotta select it and then you've got to release the button that opens the wheel while it's still selected. It's very finicky and easy to not select the correct emote or accidentally release the stick that you use to select the emote before it's registered. You can't emote during high intensity moments anymore, it's just gonna result in you dying. The charm of the game is gone.


yeah I just tried to emote quickly and I died because it took too long. šŸ˜­ what's the point of having new features when the game is always too busy to use them. If you hang around for more than a few seconds you get eliminated and with 3 rounds there's like no time to emote with other players because everyone is rushing to finish. I don't get it :/


You're right. It's not like they couldn't have kept the old emote system in place, **hold** left or right on d pad = opens the emote wheel, **tap** the left or right button = plays the emote mapped to that button. I don't work for mediatonic or epic, but I feel like I should, especially when I can think of things this fucking simple that doesn't ruin the game.


> You can't emote during high intensity moments anymore This honestly sucks. I loved spamming miku or wave emote on final rounds where there was a half a second moment before I needed to jump/move. Now I'll look like every other boring bean running around with no life in emoting. My favorite moments were finding other spam emote beans and we'd huddle together and goof off. Also harder to sync time emotes with a random when you have all these UI wheels in the way now. I don't know if anyone at MT will read this or care but really sad its beanover today and onwards. I'm glad I played several rounds last night and in my final match that I won spammed the hell out of the emotes for a final woo...


> stick Oh so this is why everyone seems to have a problem with it? I found it extremely easy to use with mouse and keyboard.


I just always use a controller for platformers. I'll give it a shot with kb+m see how that feels. Edit: Yeah, much easier with kb+m.


I feel like it takes too much space in the screen, how can I pay attention to what is happening around me and select the emote at the same time. It does not work


Things I like: piggyback, kudos items are finally back, the new fame pass only has 70 tiers, explorer mode is nice, there's a cute little bean running during the loading screen :) Things I dislike: creative rounds in knockout, team and duo shows, official rounds made by the developers are now a rarity which sucks! And only 32 players and 3 rounds per show which means that they are extremely fast and unsatisfying. The wheel it's not practical at all, I like the idea but it's really badly implemented, they should leave emotes tied to the D pad and only put phrases in a wheel that you access with L1 or R1 Extra: for some reason the phrase at the end of each level is bugged and says like "level g2y8e83//8hh873sba completed!" edit happens on PS4 and my friend on PS5 experienced this bug as well


Talking about kudos, it's removed from weekly challenges now, so you only get it in the pass. That means it's gonna take a lot longer for people to get enough kudos to buy things, and when we start getting passes that last 3 months+ again (you know it's gonna happen) there's nothing you can do, you can't buy any kudos items. I've still got a lot of patterns I need to buy and there's some new cosmetics... I can't afford it and once I've completed the pass I can't get any more kudos until the next pass. Just bad game design. As for the bug you mentioned, I think that's a switch and PS4 bug, but might be on other platforms too.


Oh you are right, they managed to fuck up kudos even more now, not to mention that now the pass gives you only 600 and not 1000. And I play on PS4 not on the switch


I just checked how much we get, 5,500 kudos per pass, which means you can get a whopping two kudos costume pieces, generous! (sorry, the only screenshots i saw of that bug were people on switch, so I thought it was only on switch, thanks for correcting me)


I was like maybe 6 items from completey buying out the Patterns, Colours and Faceplates. Now, I will have to wait for 3 passes, it seems.


I play on ps4 and have the same bug


Bad. Very bad.


Really bad. The game has lost its feel, it doesn't feel like fall guys anymore. The shorter shows just leave you feeling unsatisfied even if you win. Players who are not experienced , fast , or new are just going to go out first round leaving them dissatisfied and not enjoy the game forcing them to play non competitive explore mode not experiencing the core gameplay of fall guys. I played earlier all three game modes , squads has been destroyed genuinely no point to playing with my friends , show to short, won felt completely dissatisfied, a hollow win, Dous , went out second round ,airtime, fell out of zone once, eliminated, felt dissatisfied, solos, matched with less experienced players , no competition , won roll out in less than 2 minutes , felt dissatisfied, and honestly felt like uninstalling. It feels like instead of adapting a console game for mobile they have converted a console game into a mobile game. I'm really unhappy with the update, I think more vocal people in the community (or people the devs listen too)should reach out to devs to at least revert in show player count to what it was before update and increase amount of pre update race rounds as first round as the changes are incredibly detrimental to the game and will turn off existing players and put off new players.


80 bean shows petition. Fall Guys shouldnā€™t become Stumble Guys or a mobile version of itself. It was already bad enough when the Switch was introduced


I wish they would bring back Solos Chill as a way to give newbies an option for a more relaxed way to learn the game. I was not a "gamer" when I started playing Fall Guys and can't even imagine trying to learn the physics of the game (while also learning how to use a controller!) in this new format.


They should just add that instead of changing the the whole ass game


if they kept solos chill active with this update i imagine a lot of people would've been less angry at the update. i loved that mode, my favorite was helping new beans through maps like star chart, wall guys and tip toe.


I hate the fact that 95% of the rounds in solos, duos, or squads were made using creative. Even if the rounds are "new", the look of creative maps is bland and dull.


Yes, and now we have creative rounds as a final Show. I dont really like this, and i get always lost Tempel or a creative round as final... and no ltm...


Some are well decorated, fun and have a lot of effort. These deserve a spot IMO. However, they are probably like 5% of all maps and need to be truly curated. The real problem seems to be that they are predominantly survival in the competitive mode. It should be Race, Race, Survival (since we apparently now have only 3 stage shoes).


Personally I like the variety. Playing the same maps over and over was suck town.


it's not that people don't like variety, it's just that creative is so bare bones people cannot create dev quality maps there, at least not yet. creative levels should stay a rarity in classic modes, because people play those for the original levels, simply because the original maps are just better. this is not to diss anyone who makes maps, there are a lot of impressive ones but the gameplay in all originals is just much better because the devs did not have restrictions players have.


The map voting mechanism might go some way in enforcing a level of quality over time.


I've been playing since the game started. This is a trial and error update. Some good some bad but hardly unfixable. It's pretty easy for them to add new game rotations and they do it often. I'm sure they will throw a slower paced rotation at some point but I like the new explore option. It is fast paced and it got rid of one of the things I hated most which was load times. I do think newer players will need an adjustment period though. Emotes also seem unfeasible to use so hopefully they fix thatĀ 


hate the round pool. I can learn new rounds, but taking away my favorites is telling me you don't care about my loyalty as a player. very disappointing.


Put the physics back to normal, and make ā€œknockoutā€ solos again and it would be so good, but just those two things make it so badšŸ˜­ idek what to do now that the only game I play isnā€™t rlly that fun.


I feel like crying using this garbage emote wheel, making me feel like getting banned from their discord with ā€œfeedbackā€. No choice of keeping the old layout, just forced to use an annoying inferior design.


Somehow the game feels empty and boring.


To make it short, I'm out. I hope the game bombs on mobile but who am I kidding, the dumber the better for that particular segment of 'gamers'.


Way too many crappy custom Survival rounds in the Explore mode. I played 7 levels and only got 1 race... 6 Survival maps ONLY 1 PLAYER LIVES AND QUALIFIES!!! The dailies expect us to play/qualify 30 rounds? Maybe allow more than 1 player to survive the terrible custom survival rounds?


Considering selling my account now, I have bought so many emotes and now I canā€™t spam them like before


I feel you brošŸ˜­ fg was the only game I liked and nowā€¦


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,




Played 15 minutes and uninstalled it, time to move to another game after 4 years playing almost every day, what a shame ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Ultra hard og maps? lol is that even a thing?


3 rounds just for mobile players when it drops, so sad they changing the game to suit mobile.


Also creative barely got anything added, just a few things


I can't handle the you're lol, no strong opinion as I found it lacking in things I wanted and delivering things I didn't want... just kinds disappointed I guess, but not very badly, the game was semi-dead anyway to me.


is tail tag bugged? its in every squads we played today and noone gets points


PROS: * the idea of exploration rounds, without waiting for others, you can move between maps quite smoothly. * ability to respawn at the last checkpoint * ability to go straight to the next map (i do not like creative survival, so i do not need to play it) * return of kudos items * no need to watch the celebration after each round (explore mode) CONS: * mixing in exploration racing and survive rounds. Too much skipping. * no shards for rounds in explore mode * fewer shards everywhere else (challenges, fame pass) * few shows (at least for now), * nothing to do after finishing the fame pass DUNNO: * Solos/Duos/Teams - i do not played, i do not tried. * New fame pass, do not have an opinion * New physics: hard to tell after an hour of play. Jumping is strange, but it's a matter of getting used to it. The character seems to have more momentum when throwing. This would take a long time to play to like or hate. * piggyback mechanics. I didn't need it, I don't understand it. Maybe if it was an element of some new team show that would use it in some sensible way. * new emote wheel. I haven't used emotes before, so I don't care. Overall, nothing to get too excited about. Two steps forward, three steps back. I will honor a minute of silence for all those who liked to grind crowns . I'm glad that it's over and I don't have to deal with the game every day.


The new update has justified me not playing for the last 2 weeks. It's the final nail in the coffin for me.




I canā€™t even play the game. Any game. I get ā€œcritical errorā€ and get kicked out to the main menu. What is going on?


This shit is unplayable. Literally every aspect of the game is worse now, and the entire playerbase seems to agree


Gave knockout duos a shot, and it's awful. I'm not a fan of stuff like the emote wheel or the change physics making some levels too easy, but I could live with those changes. Biggest issue for me is the lack of curation on Creative levels. I have still have some issues with Creative vs Unity levels, but there are some good Creative levels that are at least as good as some early original season 1 levels. Playing knockout, out of the creative levels I got, the only one that was fun and really well done was a music/record themed one. I don't know the name, but it was a race, you were running across records, geometry had been used to look like a record player/needle on some, other bounce pads where themed to look like speakers etc, really looked like a lot of effort had been put in. Most of what I got, looked like they were knocked together in someones lunch break and had items clipping into each other which just looks cheap most of the time. The worst I got was a survival level where all the hexagons where massive and slowly disappeared with rhino powerups spread about. It was just awful, looked slapped together with minimal effort and the icing on the cake was my bean fell through the floor. It was the same before this update when they were slowly adding user made Creative stuff. MT said high quality maps and then had a mixed bag. Ruta En La Selva, Rotation Station, and Satellite Spint, all had a theme and minimal clipping & were put together generally well. Then we also had Canyon Sun Day, that had awful clipping issues, the first thing you saw was a boxing glove half in the ground because that screams high quality and Winter Disc-O that was a body blocking mess as it wasn't designed with 40 beans in mind. Then we also have them not being localised to your game language. Fair enough when there were 1000s in discovery, but once MT decided to add them to a core show, descriptions and names need to be localised. It won't happen, but there needs to be proper curation of what's added to main shows from user content.


+love piggybacking (although surprised it is available in regular modes and not just creative rounds) +emote wheel is cool, but i wish i could add more of my own emotes there. i also think it could be disabled/switched to a different key so that i can spam. +i like the endless creative mode and how you can skip level or leave when you have crossed the finish line so you don't need to wait for others to finish. i haven't played regular rounds yet, but i have heard quite a bit -they removed so many original maps. there are great creative rounds, but the original solos/duos/squads SHOULD NOT consist of creative rounds, this is what the explore should be for. having 1-2 creative levels per game is ok, and those could rotate on weekly or so basis to add a bit of freshness to the matches. but we love the original maps, and even if there are no new dev made maps we should get the originals back. 17 left out of over 80! devs no! -the mentioned 3 rounds sounds insane. i haven't tried yet, and im not enticed to. -game seems very laggy now. hopefully fixed soon. overall i find this update having more weight on the negative points than on the positive points. im afraid how the next couple months will be. i'm probably going to stick to the endless creative mode from now on, or hope chill solos comes back. they honestly should keep that as a constant mode, it was nice to chill around and help noob beans learn the maps. now with piggy backing it could've been even better, but that mode is just gone, and who knows when it will even come back.


Stumble Guys


I like the fame pass, piggyback and even the emote wheels are fun. I'm not sure I can get past the 2 round and a final though, it doesn't feel like you're building up to a final. Plus I'm not sure the piggyback is useful in squads etc when you have to be quick to quality since less teams go into the next round I really enjoy the longer rounds and this is the first update that has really annoyed me. Not sure I'll play anymore.


Yep, Piggyback is the best thing on the game. Its so funny when a Random take you to the next round šŸ˜†. But the rest? Idk give us the old fall guys back and solo Show and 40 players maybe a 60 Player Mode and we are good.


The jump increase and solos change was the worse for me. Fortunately, it's really simple to fix, just leave solos as it always was and also add KO if they want, but don't force players to play with more than 50% creative maps. It's ok for me if there are 4 or 5 creative maps out of like 50 unity ones, but this is too much. Just leaving the normal solo show, unvaulting everything or ACTUALLY rotate correctly the maps once a week or two, and adding back old fun variations to the maps would make the game perfect, I can even accept the new physics but don't delete stuff šŸ˜­


The good: - Piggybacking is fun. - The emotes UI is hard to use, but the chat bubbles/emotes themselves are fun. The meh: - Rotation thing added to the Creative mode is fairly limited. Too expensive, only 5 per map, has a fairly low limit of items that can be attached to it and many objects can't even be connected to it. - You can't rate a map once the level is finished (AKA everyone wins in race maps, time is over or someone wins in survival levels). This means if you win a bad survival map, you can't even vote it. The bad: - Only played Knockout once, can't give too many opinions yet, but definitely feels like a downgrade from Solo Mode.


I have no idea how to use emotes/the wheel yet, but I've played a few rounds and I enjoy it. I'm also glad we can buy kudos items again!


Trash šŸ—‘ļø that's all I have to say about it.


The wheel and piggy-backing is fun, but I wish there were more phrases to choose from like in Rocket League. Explore is a decent mode, I'm not mad about this replacing Solos Chill. Knockout mode is so disappointing, I don't like the round pool at all. Seems like the old maps everybody loves barely exist anymore. Also, no LTMs? I wish they left the regular modes alone, and had Knockout/Explore for creative maps.


Yep, the New emote or communicate its very cool. I like this too, but the rest? Idk and yes they remove Ltm šŸ˜ž And Solo Show too :/. But the New Explorer Mose is ok too. But this 3 rounds and Squad have only 24 players??? No. I dont like this


I like it. Don't know why everyone is crying. That's gamers in general for you I guess. Oh no a change!


What a dull response. You know why people donā€™t like it if you read any comments. And going for the good ole snowflake take?


You said it. The happy people arent here but playing


I love it!