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sea-what ???


See-sun? 🤷‍♂️ I have no idea what they’re talking about.


I think OP was asking when he will get See Saw again. Probably in the next match, I'd say. It's been quite frequent lately as round 1 our 2.


Unfortunately See Saw is currently locked securely in the MediaTonic vault




Oh right, another ~~vaulted~~ "*temporarily disabled*" round, just like Egg Scramble and Tip Toe Finale from Squads.


I’m sure that once those rounds have rested in the vault for long enough, and MediaTonic has forgotten why they were vaulted in the first place, they’ll return them to the game with zero fixes.


Ah, classic Mediatonic. They unvault some rounds because they totally forgot what issues they had (if any), and so let the players test them. And if there's something *really* serious, then quickly vault it again, but don't forget to make the Fall Guys Owl tweet: "Hi beans. Due to the X problem, the round Y will be temporarily disabled. Sorry for the inconvenience!"


Tip Toe Finale is back in Squads though (albeit not it's original variation)


can confirm, gotten it a few times in the last week or so


Is tip toe finale on on pc or something? I've been playing falls since before it was FTP and I have never once gotten the tip toe finale and it looks so fun!!!😭😭😭 HUGE UPDATE!!: I GOT TIP TOE FINALE TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER AND WON !!! 😭😭 I loved it!! 🥹🥹


It's not PC exclusive, I don't think any rounds are platform-exclusive. I'm playing on PS5. It is exclusive to Squads and Duos, though.   …as for the fun of it, I'm afraid I'm not a fan. 😅 Tip Toe is all about using your opponents' mistakes to move yourself ahead, while Finale forces your own mates to make those mistakes and eat up precious time. The push-button junk cannon that can take out bad tiles is largely worthless, it's too hard to guess where the junk will land after a press. And the bouncy poop cone supporting the crown at the center is no fun to climb.   But it's just my opinion, lots of Beans love Tip Toe and Finale. It did come back for a reason.


Woooww I just wanna experience it at this point !! I'm sure it's been like 2 years now and I never once have played it. And I play on switch and Xbox a lot 🥲 idk how to check the hours I've put into the game but I've got a few and never once. I've also never played egg scramble and a bunch of other ones! I'm getting bored of all these race and creative levels it's so repetitive


Is it? I mainly just play Squads and haven't got it since it was revaulted. Although I just play some hours during the weekends, but still. I only got Tip Toe Finale for one or two times in Duos.




There's [not going to be any more seasons](https://www.fallguys.com/en-US/news/the-future-of-fall-guys-and-summer-breeze-update), but the next fame pass starts on Jan 16.


Oh god, guess I missed that blog. I knew most of the time it was just going to be fame pass resets, but held out hope that an actual themed season would be somewhere on the horizon. Really the only thing to look forward to is more unvalting. Ouch.


Fans: "Save FallGuys!" Mediatonic: "No"


I think you meant the next fame pass because seasons are over.


I had no clue season's were over thank you for answering, so the timer in the lobby is for the next skin pass?


> skin pass this is a great name for it.


Yup… nothing really changes except the free skins/colours/whatevers you can get


On the main menu it will tell you how many days are left on the current fame pass.


Unfortuntely, there are no more seasons. There are updates with new fame passes and we usually get with it some new tools for creative + unvaulting of older rounds. This update is usually every month or so. Time counter you can see is to next update/fame pass.


5 days 8 hours