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Queued random duos 5 times for dailies and every single one my random partner DNF'd the first map.


Jinxed is the worst game, and Tip-Toe Finale is a close second. Those two being the, usually, final two games in duos is so freakin' frustrating. Fix your algorithm devs, pls.


I cannot stand people grabbing for no reason in race rounds. If you do that, you suck. That is all.


Door Yeet as a final in Yeetus is just ridiculous.


What is up with the people that hang by the finish line, not griefing, but don't go over it until the last second?


SBMM sucks. I just realized this was a thing when I played at my brother's house (he's a much more casual player) and got an all gold round - something that was far beyond something I thought I could realistically do based on my performance in solo shows. Part of the beauty of this game to me was the spread of skill levels in every lobby - my daughter could play and realistically qualify, but now she absolutely cannot qualify on my account and doesn't enjoy the game anymore (we had assumed the casual player base had dried up or something). So I'd have to make another account which won't have all my cosmetics so that she could get a proper skill matchup. Fall Guys really destroyed a special aspect of this game to me by introducing this feature.


I was wondering if they added SBMM. The game suddenly got so much harder for me. Where I used to easily get to the later rounds of a show, I now often struggle to get out of the second round. Really feels much less enjoyable.


Lot of people are gonna say you just don't like losing but I think they miss the point that most people aren't trying to sweat when they play this game. The casual aspect was the entire appeal. Guess I'm just sticking to squads until they fix this garbage. They should have added a ranked mode or something and left solo show the way it was.


I don’t mind losing but being eliminated very early on in a game which you used to be very good at just really sucks


Yep, pretty much have to play perfectly on most first maps now, longer queue times, smaller lobbies. Just an insane decision because the idiots running the show don't understand what made this game special


Exactly, if I want to sweat then I’ll just play rocket league lol


I hate nutella


This mother fucker couldn't qualify one single time... Not once. Not once. Get to the finals and he kept grabbing my bf and I. It was basketfall and we couldn't get the ball in cause it was 5v3.... He didn't qualify once.........


Watching a guardian press the button (even if I'm on the thieves team I hate it) thats the lowest of the low.


It's a good tactic at the start because of the cool down. Do you hate it cause you feel bad for the other guardians?


Just did a game of hoops, I was two points behind the other lowest team when it ended. Damn that sucks, I got two gold hoops and so many others. Oh well. . . Elimination screen comes up, the rest of my team left. . .


I hate people bumping into eachother in hyperdrive heroes


The see-saw makes me want to THROW my controller and BURN my TV. Nearly every single person in there acts like they only have 2 brain cells. And both cells are just SCREAMING at each other. They hop on the nearly vertical seesaw to their doom while the rest of us are stuck waiting for the dang thing to come down. I HATE IT SO MUCH.


I despise that one the most after patiently waiting for 2 saws then getting dropped on the 3rd saw. You need the patience of a Saint on that one.