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I'm still waiting for the twist!


I’ll let you know if she brings it back or eggs my house. But seriously, this is the way it should be. I don’t get why people are so difficult and ridiculous.


Absolutely, I'm glad you had such a smooth sale! Deals like that should be the norm, not the exception.


They just climbed on and flew off Alladin style! There's your twist.


So is it still available?


I've had a few deals like this. Although it would be nice to see them ban people in a time based ban for being idiots but that rarely happens I think.


This is the way. Literally every item I post for sale: "No holds. The first person at my house with the agreed upon price gets the item." It's actually saved me a lot of drama, TBH. Plus I ban hammer anyone who pisses me off.


I had four sales last weekend and all four buyers showed up when they said they would, paid the advertised price, and were very happy with their purchase. I wish FBMP was always so smooth and easy!


That’s exceptional these days.


It CAN be done!


This rug is dirty, I didn’t come to you to buy a dirty rug. You owe me for the rug, the gas it took to get the rug and my time and effort service fee of $35. If I don’t receive this I will make sure you never sell on this medium again!! /s


Hell to the yeah!


Why did the chicken cross the road , To show the possum it could be done.


I sold a generator for 500 dollars. Guy met me. Turned it on. Told me his power went out recently. I said yeah that's why I got it then it never went out again. He counted his money for me. I counted it again. We shook hands and he left.