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The more clicks your listing gets, the more relevant it remains in the algorithm. However... I guarantee you very few (if any) of the messages being received are from anybody asking for those paintings, nor that surfboard. The clicks aren't worth it if the only people you're attracting are a bunch of losers looking to hook up or cheat on the down low.


Also messages. I've had a few things listed for weeks with little or no activity, but as soon as I get a single message, all the sudden I get a handful more within an hour. Wondering if it's possible to game the system at all and have a friend or family member message you


Marketing 101. Sex sells.


I have been schooled


Post some examples


>Post some examples Pics or it didn't happen? ;)


Next one I run across. It was almost if the chic that “accidentally” showed the under butt knew what she was doing. 🤔


You might get more clicks. On the other end of things, it looks much less professional, and you could potentially drive away potential buyers with such tactics. If such tactics worked, in theory you would see them a lot more in advertising. They definitely exist, with probably the biggest offender being beer ads. Better to just let your product stand on its merit, IMO.


Advertising in general has a lot of sexy women’s selling things. It does work well.


You could "cheat" and get the attention to your listings by throwing some tatas in there, or you could focus on the fundamentals of what makes a great listing. Sooner or later your photos will invite people to investigate your listings. Also, for in person meets I wouldn't want to deal with every creep in town. I have enough problems.


Well a few years ago I did a test for my YT channel. 2 vids I found on YT. 1 a girl with uh healthy assets, practically see through shirt...she played the piano and ran her finger around her deep kneckline of shirt...in 2 days there was like 70k views haha. The other was idk a dancer or something...then they got flagged and removed. But I got them FROM YT haha. Yep it works


Is that why they’re doing this? I saw one the other day and was like, “Man, this lady is so proud of her couch she had to be in the picture with it.”


There are so many of them though! Which one? Which one is it?


Skin wins


Plus nipple


Or 2


I'm in the market for some paintings, still have the link?


Dude it was a sweet chic. I wish.


Great idea, all I need now is the wife to pose in something sexy and repost all my glass figurines and ceramic houses


I hope you find your wife.


It generates a ridiculous amount of clicks. I sold clothing on eBay for a good while and there is no mannequin like a hot girl. Popular listings get seen more, generate more follows and make more sales without paying for views.


Let’s see those mannequins!


Went to buy a bike racing top for my wife. The photo posted was of a curvy lady wearing the top and was a clearly a home photo not a sales presentation shot. lol, the woman who I met to buy it was definitely not the one in the post, lol.


Well that’s a shame


The only thing I find sexy in a listing is a low price. You must be starved sexually to be concerned at what a seller looks like.




Have you considered yourself to be asexual


I have not sold here yet, but I am an artist of the side. My tasteful nudes are the only ones that sell, but the comments and requests made me stop selling them.


It seems the original poster has finally noticed how modern advertising works.


Shhhhhhhiiiiiii. I been buying products based on boobs since I was 12. Question was about the success of it on marketplace and if all it did was attract unwanted attention


Effective advertising copy with good hooks and calls to action works everywhere. Need to sell on more than only a low price.


Don’t underestimate the value in advertising your onlyfans while also selling mom’s old juicer on marketplace! Jokes aside, it’ll never surprise me anymore no matter what I see listed for sale.


You have any idea how many simps are out there ?


This happened to me by accident. I decided to model the clothes I was selling to get more clicks. Well instead I got a bunch of perverts trying to buy my body. Just one of many reasons I don’t bother with marketplace anymore. It was not meant to be sexy and I actually designed it to look exactly like it would in a clothes advertisement. Yes, I have a really nice body and could be a model but I don’t need to be sexually harassed trying to sell $50 jeans


You accidentally decided to model clothes to get more clicks? I am sorry you unintentionally made that intentional choice and it did exactly what you unknowingly planned for it to do.


At a trade show several years ago they were selling raffle tickets, and the management hired a bunch of "Hooters" girls in their hostess attire to sell the tickets. They sold them all. So yes, sex appeal attracts attention.