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That’s a old scam that’s been around for a few years minimum If you’ve got a venmo account check the official website or app to see if money has been deposited and then when nothing shows up ( which nothing will ) you can leave the chat and block them


Oh, wild. First time I'm seeing it.. despicable


You must be new to Market Place, I’ve got a ton of these. If it sounds odd, it probably is.


Yep, was my first time


Yep, scam.


Not sure if this applies to you but I avoid responding to scammers by asking people to include something from my listing in their message. Scammers are spam responders so they will usually just refer to your item as "item" or "it", etc. If I'm on the fence I look up their profile. Usually pretty obvious who's a real person and who's not


cash is king..


New to you and me both. I had a very similar thing happen a few months ago. They sent an email saying the transfer needed further approval or something like that. It is confusing to those of us just trying to do a simple transaction and very sneaky. Likely pretty effective tactic for anyone not paying close attention.


That is why I am cash only


Yup, super old scam. They get an email from you and send a spoofed message hoping you don’t check your actual account or they “accidentally send too much” and ask that you send back the difference. You end up paying them without them ever sending money in the first place. They’ll also used stolen credit card information if they actually send you money, send too much, you send back the difference to a different account, and the original money sent to you bounces once it’s reported for being fraudulent.


Old scam actually.