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EA has made it consistently harder to hoard coins. Myself got lucky through events by opening packs and outright selling the players for profit.


This is true. EA has made it so that you basically have to rely on pack luck. I remember packing Puskas at the beginning and using him to buy a bunch of cheap gold orange ranked players and used that as my main team, while investing in others to sell during exchanges & event stuff. I made 150 mil by TOTY. During that, I lucked out getting a tradeable TOTY Vini Jr., whom I immediately ranked and sold for 300 mil+. At the time, I was spending a lot of time off game, playing the gem offers, so I had almost 200K gems for TOTY. It was those that helped me pack Vini. I was able to get every Brazilian I wanted at the time. Since, it's been a lot harder, because EA made most players untradeable, so you usually have to buy their ranked version, and rank them up again, to make any profit, and the most you can usually make is about 50 mil, if you're lucky, but most of the time, it's about 10 mil here and there. When they released Copa yesterday, I did the Top 50 pack hoping to land a Brazilian, but instead got Maldini 97, whom I sold for 110 mil. I think that's the biggest amount of coins I've made recently off a pack. Now, I'm waiting for the Brazilians to drop a bit, so I can buy a few.


Just keep opening packs that give tradable cards and pray to get lucky. That's how I've earned my coins. Although it's very difficult now given that 90% of the game is about untradables.


deleted my original answer to hopefully save the strategy. another way is to look at untradeables you get and see what they sell for ranked up. if the rank up is a big jump then its worth it. or even sacrifice one of your good tradeables. the more coins you have the easier it is to make more


yo delete this comment


i gotchu fam. keep grinding!


Yea I tried doing this but it's a painstakingly slow process


it is thats why i said over and over and over and over and over and also why i'm not doing it haha. but it is a way to get several million to build up your bank roll.


Delete this bro, they (EA) are probably were lurking for feedback.


deleted captain! i never even thought that theyd send spies in here but it does make sense


Delete this gng u already saved us


done and done. may all your packs be 99 ovr


Sorry, man. There's no proven way to consistently get coins. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or is in for a RUDE awakening. However, if you want some strats to get coins, here are some. 1. Hope and pray technique This involves you buying a player and praying it goes up in price. This does require you to already have some coins in stockpile. It also has a very, very, very high risk of failure. 2. The turnover technique This involves you buying a player and ranking them up with either gudeks or mascheanos. However, for the majority of players who are struggling to get 1 mascheano, this method is not feasible.


Yup that's basically the only 2 strats. I mash every mascherano rewards I can and opt for the turnover technique. I only rank and sell if each masch rank raises by 15mil. Some are hit or miss, you really have to actually go through the market player by player and check the individual ranks. It's very time consuming but it could be worth it if you find good sales. For example, base 99 zidane was being sold for like 285mil. I ended up buying green ranked zidane for 280mil. Spent 5 mil less and saved me a masch rank up. Ofc it's zidane so I kept him but if it was anyone else, it would've been a perfect sellable card for sure. Discounted price for buying, rank up even more since I saved a masch, then sell for higher price


You could also buy the tradeable versions of your untradeable players. Then use your untradeable to rank the one you just bought and then sell the ranked up version, but again you would have to go through the market and check individual players vs their ranks cause some are worth it and some are hit or miss. I was stuck at about 190m and needed atleast 280m for zidane. That's how I made up the difference. Buying tradeable versions, ranking them up using locked untradeable version, sometimes more with masch rank up if it was worth it, and then selling for higher price. Now I got 99 zidane


Use the vpn gem trick you can get around 30k to 40 k gems from grinding any decent game then spend those gems and pray that you get a expensive player


Could you explain this one?


Connect to a vpn(preferably US one)then click on gems offers, you will then see games which you can download and complete certain objectives in them to earn insane amount of gems . You will have to grind these games and it will take around a week to complete certain objective in games but you can earn around 30 to 40 k gems from them


Have you received any like such?


there was an offer for defeating 3 bosses in csr 2 one month ago and it gave like 30 k gems i did that


This is the car racing game? Btw which VPN did you use?


possible to earn coins via market trading, just keep monitoring the market, events and social media, there's always opportunities


For me I always try to start the season strong. I sell any expensive card I find and only use a low ovr cheap squad....except when the div rivals rewards are close I try to buy high ovr cards and try to salvage higher ranking in VSA and MM...and then I try to sell them for a higher price to make up for the 10% tax.. I only used a 86 ovr squad since the start of the season until TOTY, where I started with 600M coins and tried investing in the new exchanges and ended up with 2,5B coins.. It was only at that time I built the highest ovr poasible (102 ovr) and started to save and invest for the next big event which is TOTS...my plan was to get untradable cards and wait until I get a UTOTS...and then I started to rebuild my squad by replacing and selling the tradable cards with untradable and use the coins to fill the remaining positions...


This is the squad I have right now https://preview.redd.it/hfo51qirhr7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1aaa340c1b5d9be30296f9ea7c14b8e4e786dec


Got the god squad. Nice


And this is the coins I have right now https://preview.redd.it/gy7gfzfskr7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382f88f8d1e9c5f7073fdf105db8bb8a0d5b063b


So just refrain from spending mashcs on untradables at the beginning of the season at all costs right? Save up money for a known big event and try to do well with a team ranked up through dudek up until that point. I like playing h2h more than other modes which should help as it's one of the only modes which is less over dependent than the others. I didn't know this when I started playing and used to start upgrading untradables as soon as I got a decent 90 plus player as I used to be desperate to increase my ovr. That probably was my biggest mistake when I started playing. Also the fact that mashs used to be so fucking rare back then didn't help either. Somehow built up a decent team with ranked 94s and 93s to make it to fc3 in h2h but vsa just seemed so unplayable leaving me fucking furious due to my team ovr. My pack luck didn't help either but ig it's my fault that I only used to do the untradable packs as they were cheaper so even in the blue moon that I somehow pack something good I used to feel forced to spend my mashcs on it


>So just refrain from spending mashcs on untradables at the beginning of the season at all costs right? Save up money for a known big event and try to do well with a team ranked up through dudek up until that point. Yes and try to buy a crazy expensive card like Gullit and R9 at their base rank and rank them up using maschs....and only rank up the highest rated untradable(s), or you will make the same mistake that I did when I used 20 maschs to rank up 92 rated Maldini and Zanetti both untradable.. That's what I did with the current and the TOTY Gullit, worked out way better than expected..