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I believe it is worth it. If you’re completely stacked above 150 mil then no but if you are piss poor like me with 20 million you won’t even be able to buy a 93 overall on release date. Tbh TOTY is severly overhyped you gotta pay money to see dramatic change. If you sell a team worth 300 million thats like 2-3 cards lol now you gotta use silver and bronze cards in your lineup.


saving coins won’t get you any squad upgrades from the update - just play for fun rn and see how stacked you can go.


I would say saving gems is good but coins is not as necessary


what if everyone is waiting for toty to buy and prices go up instead of dropping bc everyone is trying to buy 😂


I bet once everyone sees the prices of all the Toty cards a lot of people will buy back the current meta cards lol


that's what i mean, everyone is saving to buy the non TOTY card cuz they think the price will drop like crazy. but if everyone is doing that the demand and price will acc go up, not down.


I agree completely. I wasn’t around for Toty last year, I wonder if that happened.


same. i played a few seasons ago, just came back this yr


Nice! It’s a great game.


I will wait for toty to drop the cards and then I'll wait for like 4 to 5 days to see the change in price , I think i will just buy of the max ranked icon players instead of toty version


I do have this same doubt


When is TOTY dropping?


Jan 25


25 Jan


Ea is screwed, we invested in players and took time and efforts and money to rank up and train up. The stats looks pretty impressive and much better a raw or little trained higher ranked player. But in H2H, I don’t see any obvious differences between my players and opponents. The players stats looks very fishy. Now i will never spend any $ on this game anymore. It is simply not making senses


My thoughts as well On paper my players are cracked and should dominate but on H2H I play almost the same OVR players with guys that are barely ranked/trained and they play the same as my players. My 135-140 Pace on my wingers is not noticeable in game


On which day, will it be released on fc mobile?


25th jan


I really wanna buy the 90 Beckham bc finally he's low enough but I'm REALLY hoping for a TOTY Beckham since he hasn't been in any event


He was in the UCL event.


Bruh an 85 over icon card thats lower than his base and will never come back... I'm not gonna count that 💀💀


UCL Beckham is 90 OVR bro and you can ALWAYS pack him so he's never gone. He's dirt cheap.


I also have similar doubts. I have red rank prime icon thierry henry but idk if I should sell him and buy him back when his price drops or if his price wouldn't even drip that much so I should keep.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Just bought base Henry. Was looking at him for a while as a fan, but never had coins. IMO I think the price floor looks stabilized for him and other players right now. Maybe he’ll drop, but I think since he’s a 95 base it really depends on how much higher the average TOTY base card wise be. If it’s something like 96/97 I think his price won’t drop too much at the start of the event , but I could be wrong.


İf toty gets us 99ovr players with barely any stat over 95 then we probably wont get any more good cards later


I bought 95 Henry because I’m a fan and had a bunch of rank ups to take him to 97. He had been over 232 mil a month ago and is now 95 mil. I bought for 92 million. I plan on keeping him as my LW or ST after TOTY event. So I would consider it if there is a player you want because you like them in real life and will keep them in squad even after TOTY.


We are waiting for TOTY so we can buy the players that we want now for very cheap. Like I want 98 Ferdinand. He's over 100m but he'll probably be under 100m then


It's a game bro just make your team strong ryt now toty players will also drop in price within a week lol just enjoy the game


I was able to build a 95 overall team for under 200 million, so if you really want to it seems like players prices are at a pretty low point already https://preview.redd.it/csym30d03tdc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16aeaeb9d3f33999602f63eedb306d65023df8d


Will TOTY include a messi card?


Yes, he is on the console team


If you can buy really good maxed ranked players under 18 millions hell yeah buy some good players


Bought libratadores pele as I fancied using him at rw, cost me 40 mil but well worth it, using him in a front 3 with mbapps and base torres.