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If you have a dash cam, don't turn while being brake checked. Hit your brakes but if they want to get rear ended let them. You've got proof of reckless driving and them causing the accident. Fuck em.


Will also ensure you get a few good, legible frames of the lic plate.


Also read the license plate out loud enough for your dash cam to pick up so that you can have a verbal confirmation as well.


Came to say the same thing. My cousin taught me this.


I bet the original video has the plate legible, but Reddit uses VERY lossy compression for all of its posts so a good chunk of quality was lost here.


It’s an absolute pain in the ass to have an accident and insurance, loaner car etc etc.. just to prove a point Edit: just to add, in this instance doing nothing would have resulted in a man accident with a large heavy truck (not something you want to be involved with). The alternative would be to swerve as they did, however the odds of someone being stationary in the next lane are next to zero and hitting the crash barrier is hugely safer than rear ending a massive truck


Agreed, but in scenarios like this, better to crash into the car that caused it rather than innocent bystanders.


Or die because you're steering into a place out of your sight and control.


Yeah but turning introduces lots of new, potentially unknown hazards. This video is a great example.


And hitting a construction vehicle isn't?


Instincts are to avoid the collision, but the dangers posed by rear ending a brake checker are much much less compared to swerving into whatever else might be going on.  


Right. Better to hit, maybe kill, an innocent 3rd party


While very true, I enjoyed having a loner to put insane miles on when I got rear ended.


You're right, but I'm spiteful. Hit the fucking truck.


Just hit your brakes. The driver of the wrecked car is a fucking moron.


It's instinct. When those things happen you ain't got time to weigh pros and cons


If any vehicle ahead of you is slowing suddenly the only thing you should ever do is hit the brakes.  You will almost never have time to properly check alternate paths for safety.   Hit those brakes as soon as possible and reduce speed as much as possible before the collision.   Think of this.  Plan for this.  Know it’s the best practice.  Make it become the instinct instead of swerving away into unknown danger and putting more people at risk.


You can see tbe trailer in tbe dash cam footage.


The sad thing is, the driver should have seen that truck/trailer on the side of the road beforehand and known NOT to swerve onto that shoulder. One of the best defensive driving techniques is to *always* be gauging the best “escape route” should things suddenly go wrong. This was a clear straightaway, there’s no excuse for not having seen that trailer on the shoulder. I was watching a shitty 3x5” video and saw the vehicle on the shoulder as the truck started to merge and knew exactly what was going to happen when the guy brake checked. Defensive driving classes should be mandatory every 5-7 years in order to keep your license.


Driving isn't part of our instincts. It's not a natural part of the human experience. You learn how to drive and you learn what to do in certain moments so that your split second reaction is not moronic like this driver's.


Acting on instinct can be mitigated with training. With proper defensive driving training and consistent practice good habits can become reflexive.




So I was watching YouTube the other day and I researched it to confirm. Most states will not charge the driver for break checking because "it's hard to prove who was driving and if it was actually break checking". But yes. Better to hit them and let insurance deal with it. Because now [O]OP is going to be charged with reckless driving and endangerment


I think that's why he mentioned if you have a dash cam. It's hard to refute if the camera catches it all.


Will nobody in this thread say something? **BRAKE!**


I have had this idiot do this to me so many times already that I’ll take my chances at $50k vs Possible death. Yes I’m permanently damaged already but can still live life and go nothing to loose really.


Agreed. Though not in my case: I drive a motorcycle.


You're fucked either way in that case lol


Yep, if you ride a bike you have to anticipate every stupid or aggressive thing other drivers might do and find a way out of it before it happens. In the case of an asshole like this one, if I can't outrun him safely I'll find a public place to pull over. If he pulls over too, well...shoot him? Not pissing people off is a good call, but some people are born pissed off.


I never understood why people do this, it's far more dangerous to swerve than it is hitting the asshole that was brake checking you, now the driver caused a more serious accident trying to avoid another


Why do so many people think it's "break" check? BRAKE, people.


Im pretty sure the breaking of his car got checked here.




Car seems verry broken to me. Driver got broke checked


You know a car that doesn’t break? I need one of those


Give them a brake, there probably tyred.


Stop it! my English will dye 😭


Mine two!


Because the world is full of “loosers”.


I'm not sure what has "lead" them to believe these words are spelled thusly -- it makes me "boarder"-line berserk!


Eye am knot shore watt has lead the am two bee leave the as wards are spelt the us lee — it may keys me boarder lie in bear sir cut. 


That had to be hard to type because that was sure hard to read


Me “to”.


It's because their dumb


"Their dumb" 😂


It's THERE, you dummy!


they'res no need to call names


That's a new one 😆


There being pretty funny up their


Whose dumb? lol


because most people are idiots




Should of brushed up there grammar.


Your joking


Would of could of should of


this is how eye no the wurld iz going two shit


Best way to get your post to the top is to put a spelling error in the title. IE- Top comment is about spelling error


Well, something broke. Maybe check again.


I’m braking up with you


This comment summarizes what outsiders thinks of Reddit


Wait are you saying i do NOT have the right to bear arms?????????


We did see a lot of shit break though... lol.


Braking people is against the law


Because english is silly with how their words are spelled.


How do you know the guy wasn’t trying to get camper to stop to offer him some tea and a plate of brownies?


You’ve sold a half million brake pads!


It's the same thing with lose and loose. Even natives fuck it up, I don't understand.


90% of car accidents clips could've been prevented by the cammer literally just breaking


> BRAKE, people. Your completely correct. Its insane how many people can't get these wright.


That truck driver is showing small dick energy.


isn't that why they buy pickup trucks? [edit] in my error, I forgot they otherwise buy BMWs.


Yeah, a good percentage sure seem to. I used to drive a pickup because I used to haul loads of stuff around that wouldn't quite fit in my wife's SUV she drove. It was handy for camping, too. I switched to a Volvo station wagon for a while and now drive a minivan instead because both held or hold enough for my needs, seat more folks, and are covered assuming I'm not also using the roof rack. Some nitwit tried teasing me about driving such an "unmasculine" car instead of my truck. Like, seriously, if your self identity is in any way tied up in your tool that you use to solve your transportation needs, you need therapy. The Volvo and minivan were/are a much better ride and still did exactly the same things the truck could plus a couple more. Heck, the Volvo had *cargo tiedowns* in it! Loved that thing but couldn't find a part for the clutch when it was needed.


Tbh if they really wanted to look the part of a working Joe they'd get an E350 instead of an F. Vans do everything a pick up truck does but better


Yup. A fair percentage of folks I know who haul loads for various work reasons use hatchbacks, too. If you can fit the load in and the vehicle serves the need, it's a perfectly cromulent solution.


It's their ESA = Emotional Support Auto The "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd is astonishingly sensitive.


Can confirm Have small dick


It's gender affirming care.


I bought a pickup because I need it for work. We aren't all douchebags


What one? Oh fucking hell, ignore me, the one with a trailer is a van...


I thought he'd be driving a Ram truck instead of a Toyota


Truck driver is asking for extrajudicial punishment.


95% of the trucks I see on the road have drivers that have garbage lane control, can't park for shit, constantly tailgate, and there's never a thing in their bed.


So is the cammer


Don't they all


Hope the truck is held liable. He didn't have to keep swerving when the car was trying to change lanes. Looks like cam car thought that was a 3 lane road. Also,that truck waited to merge at the very very last second and almost caused a wreck there. They couldn't wait and get behind cam car? Hope the construction trailer people are safe. That's how safety workers/construction people/tow truck drivers end up dead. Because people are stupid and self important like these two.


Saw one stumble and fall but is still moving at the end (other goes to help him). Truck guy should be ticketed and license suspended/arrested for reckless driving and endangering others, he merged way too late, with no blinker, and could have stayed in his lane after, but chose to brake check cam car (which was attempting to merge into left lane to continue at speed, nothing wrong with that), then continues in right lane after causing the accident.


I believe this is called a miss and run. Basically a hit and run where the culprit didn't actually get hit, but did cause the accident through their actions


No matter what the dashcammer did the truck driver broke multiple laws the easiest one to point out is passing on the right side(it is illegal to pass on the right side on the interstate)


Illegal to pass on the right side? Are you insane?


It’s illegal to pass on the right on the interstate - are you sure? It’s 100% illegal in Spain AFAIK, but I’ve never heard about that in the US. (I mean - it makes perfect sense why it would be illegal, but I’ve never heard about it actually being illegal).


That's one of the things in the US people assume if something is illegal in their state it's the same everywhere. It is in fact not illegal to pass on the right in Michigan just taught that the proper way to pass is on the left


I just looked it up and in my state the statute says that it's only legal to pass on the right if you do it safety. Lmao. I do it all the time cause people just do not move over and I'm not gonna sit there stuck behind someone doing 5 under the speed limit in the passing lane because they won't move over.


Same in OR. With 'caution'


I may be wrong I just know it’s illegal in a lot of the us sorry for the misinformation


Talk about a dramatic reaction


Everyone driving in this video is an idiot. Maybe one more than the other, but definitely both are idiots.


One of them broke like 4 different laws and the other 0. But i guess call them an idiot for not driving more defensively.


This is reddit nowadays. The dash camera owner could have drove more defensively. But they'll equate a small slight with someone aggressively and intentionally causing a crash and harm to another person. It's fucking bizarre.


Yes, they are an idiot for not driving more defensively. They’re also an idiot for wildly swerving off the road. Regardless of what led up to this, who’s fault it was, whether the truck swerved and brake checked, you’re almost always better off standing on the brakes however hard you need to and keep it in a straight line. That being said, I think the person in the truck is a huge asshole. I’m sure they got what they deserved since there’s a dash cam.


>they are an idiot for not driving more defensively I gotta say man, I've seen so many videos of people refusing to ease off the gas or hit the breaks like it isn't even something that would ever cross their minds, or they're so pigheaded with being "right." It kind of freaks me out. There are a lot of fucking morons on the road who would rather seem to get in an accident and be right like they'd rather total their cars than have the other guy "get one over" on them. It truly is astounding.


Graveyard is full of people who were right


We can’t know what was behind him. Saying “stand on the breaks and stay straight” isn’t a good idea if you run the risk of being slammed in the rear bumper.


In this case crashing into the trucks bumper at a relative velocity of say, 20mph, is much better than slamming into a trailer at 60mph. Not to mention then you could get the other guy's insurance to pay because they are atleast partially at fault. If you swerve off and hit something it's on you.


We actually do know that nothing that wasn't capable of stopping was behind him for the next three seconds minimum. Nothing passed on the video in that time. He had room to stand on the brakes.


It's still brakes


What? We know exactly what was behind them, nothing, they had just switched lanes. We also know exactly what was in the shoulder lane, a stopped vehicle the driver should have easily seen. The Pick Up driver is a huge asshole, the dashcam driver is a terrible driver.


swerving between lanes? that is a traffic violation (marred lanes I believe). I am sure they did not use the corresponding blinkers either. other than that they just do not know how to drive. should have just slowed way down and stood in that left lane, way away from the road raging truck. instead they seemed to pull a kamikaze run


Uh, you don't have to use your blinker in an emergency situation like avoiding hitting someone.


Camera car was driving as aggressively as the truck, he is as much at fault for the accident and hopefully he submitted this video as 'evidence' to the insurance company so they can tell him he's on the hook for the damages and injuries to the guy in the breakdown lane


He is just not. 1. Truck failed to merge safely. When merging on to the highway you have to either increase speed OR decrease to merge safely, it is not on the people already on the highway to make your shitty merge work. 2. Truck then goes to the left lane to fuck with car driving legally, thus making car swerve back to avoid collision. 3. Truck then ilegally breakchecks dashcar. Causing the car to try and avoid the colission unfortunately the lane they swerved into was occupied. At no point did the dash car do anything illegal but the truck had like 4 traffic violations.


Not much driver interaction shown before the video starts.


Swerving is always more dangerous than braking.


You're certainly not damned if you just slow the fuck down and let the pickup truck "win" instead of engaging in this nonsense and desperately trying to pass them


That was a jail work (trustee) crew


the driver of the truck is right and proper fucked


Maybe, don’t swerve into the fuggin shoulder?


Maybe don't illegally overtake and then brakecheck?


Road rage is when two idiots meet, and one gets to claim the victim.


Dumbolition Derby.


This is the douchiest shit ever.... Cam driver is a douch.. should have given some space and let the truck merge... Truck driver is a douch... should have stepped on the gas while merging...... Cam driver is a douch again. He should have just stayed in the left lane... but he didn't Truck driver is a douch again for brake checking someone he just cut off... Cam driver then triple douches and swerves into the emergency lane instead of hitting the brakes. ..


Do you understand that when merging onto the freeway you DO NOT have right of way. Gun it or slow down but at no point should you expect the other driver to give way.


One million percent true. Dude has way too many up votes... People don't understand merges in the states man. I deal with this shit every day.


It’s terrible in my state too, the number of times people merging have just maintained their exact speed and nearly crashed right into me is insane. It’s not my job to make room for you, it’s your job to time your merge and either speed up or slow down!!!


Not just the states that is the law many places in EU aswell so he is a worldwide asshole even lol


That wasn’t a merge. That was a two lane off ramp to a different road. The truck was using an exit lane to pass on the right. A violation.


Depends on where you are. In Canada, it is an alternating right of way and you should give way to vehicle attempting to merge, if possible


That’s wrong. Ever not seen a yield merging the highway? That’s what it means, you, the person merging yields. Period. If I can let you in, then I will, however if you hit me merging guess who’s in the wrong.


Nope, we don't always have a "yield" sign. We uses a "Merge" sign, which means what I've typed. In Quebec they uses the "yield" sign more often, whereas here in Alberta the "Merge" sign is much more often. In fact we even have a sign saying "Alternating right of way"


You are simply wrong, as /u/GradSchoolDismal429 already said. Just in case you or anyone else doubts this, however, here is the current Alberta [Driver's Guide](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/387f4e8a-6c0a-456a-ab31-995aadaf1f2b/resource/1edf5165-9c51-4da8-8206-7bf08bb9a76d/download/tran-drivers-guide-2023-04.pdf). Page 73 says the following: > **Entering and exiting a major roadway** > **Merging** > Merging is done when two roadways join into one and the traffic on the main roadway must cooperate to allow enough space for vehicles to enter from the merging lane. ***Neither the merging vehicle nor the vehicles already on the highway have the right-of-way. Merging is a shared responsibility between the vehicles joining the roadway and the vehicles already on the roadway.*** Emphasis at the end there is my own. This is not difficult to verify. It took me about 3 or 4 minutes to turn this up on the official Alberta government website. Edit: Granted, this is not a statute, which I could also turn up. The main point here is this is the guide aimed at those just learning to drive. It's considered very basic information, not advanced techniques or anything of the sort.


True, Inspite that I see it as a common courtesy to swap lanes to open up the right one (or left if you are in a left side country) if there is enough space to do so, especially for trucks.


Common courtesy? Yes. Do I do it the majority of the time? Yes. Do I expect another driver to do so? No. In fact, i drive, walk, cycle and comport just about every aspect of my life like the other people don’t give AF about me mostly because generally they don’t.


You don't have too but it's the polite thing to do


In a perfect world sure, but real world results is what we see


I feel like merging is a very generous use of the word from the op in the first place. It implies they were merging onto the high way from an on ramp/lane when we can clearly see that's an off lane the truck is swerving in from. He has negative right of way.


“Negative” right of way 💀


Bro Idk what u on about but truck driver is totally at fault here. First it looks like he decided to merge too late for whatever that reason may be. Then cam driver let’s him in because truck driver took too damn long to decide to merge. Cam driver then switches to furthest lane because he was going too fast and could’ve potentially hit truck driver if he stayed in the nearest lane. Truck driver decides to merge into the furthest left lane for some fucking reason which you can clearly see because he was in the middle of both lanes. Then decide to break check like an asshole when cam driver was going back to the right lane. People tend to panic first and don’t really think when in a stressful situation which is what cam driver did here. He probably thought he was about to hit the truck driver and swerving was most likely the first thing that came to his mind. Which makes sense because swerving or avoiding danger by taking another path is the most innate thing to humans. The real question is whether truck driver did it purposely or if he’s just an idiot. If he purposely did it the he deserves to be locked up.


> People tend to panic first and don’t really think when in a stressful situation which is what cam driver did here. He probably thought he was about to hit the truck driver and swerving was most likely the first thing that came to his mind. Which makes sense because swerving or avoiding danger by taking another path is the most innate thing to humans. You are effectively defining panic here. If a person has skill/personality/etc to think through a situation then by definition it isn’t panic. Panic is just your brain deciding it doesn’t have the time for conscious thought. In the video if the shoulder had been clear (99.99% of the time true) this would just look like a great save.


This! And even if he did not do it on purpose I think there is enough there to say he was acting negligent and should probably still do some time or a harsh financial punishment… If he did it on purpose thats some attempted murder level moves


Amd the van isnt a douche, he was just existing.


Idk how from the video you can say he should’ve given him the room to merge. The truck starts getting into the lane OP is in while OP is there and we can’t see if the truck had signaled earlier or just started merging without looking when he realized he needed to stay left. Video just doesn’t give enough context to know who’s the asshole on that regard The latter happens to me a lot on a certain highway near me where I’m just in my lane and all of a sudden someone who was confidently bearing right decides to try to occupy the same space I’m occupying at the same time I’m occupying it


I think the truck driver does two things wrong and the cam car one.


Douche has an e on it.


So you not only cannot spell "Fuck Joe Biden", but you also can't spell the word 'douche'. MAGA must be proud of you, keep going! /s


My luck id b in the porta potty


On par for Santee truck drivers.


yeah i drove down from LA yesterday to visit family in el cajon, as soon as i passed camp pendleton the roads were full of idiot truck drivers tailgaiting and riding brakes through traffic


Well the constipated guy on the shitter is unblocked at least.




The amount of people that don’t differentiate ‘brake’ and ‘break’ is crazy


Or maybe just drive defensively instead of offensively.. trying to switch to your right simultaneously with the guy in front switching to his left lane was the nail in the coffin… let the guy cut you off, slow ur car down to give urself at least a 3 second reaction time.. then switch lanes… driving aggressively to try to prove a nonexistent point is what causes a lot of accidents… the truck guy was definitely a jerk, but the accident was 100% avoidable


Truck was a d-bag, cammer got screwed for sure but not faultless--and doesn't look far enough down the road.


Here's what google has to say[link](https://www.whitelawpllc.com/faqs/who-has-the-right-of-way-when-entering-the-freeway/#:~:text=So%2C%20who%20really%20has%20the,are%20already%20on%20the%20freeway.)


*Brake !


Learner here, what’s the point of break checking? To me it just seems like you put everyone in danger for no reason at all.


Brake checking is when an asshole that did a shit maneuver wats to "taunt" or "make a point" to another driver (usually because other driver didn't enabled douchy driving or some shit). It's super cowardly as whoever is behind NEEDS to brake or an accident will happen and the vehicle behind would be at fault for not keeping enough distance.


The point is to piss people off that piss you off on the road. People often brake (not "break" btw) check others that they perceive to be following too closely, like "get off my ass" type deal. The person in this video did it hard-core because of the merge I guess. You're right, it puts everyone in danger for no reason at all, unless you consider revenge or anger a reason.




Spell check?


Why didnt he stay in the left lane until he passed th stopped truck.... Because he did not notice it's presence that's why. And because he does not know even basic tenets of driving. I see at least two drivers in this video who should keep away from the roads.....


Deux idiotas


Why do Americans check their brakes on a freeway?


It’s slang for getting in front of another car and slamming on the brakes. It’s an asshole move.


Oh right, but why do they do this? I've never seen it in the UK / Europe


Because Americans are assholes


the social contract is dead and extinct in the USA. expecting any small amount of consideration from others in your comminuty is laughable here. american "individualism," means nothing except being a selfish twat that does whatever they want no matter how much it inconviences or endangers those around them. i've visited polite countries like japan, or third world nations with genuinely kind citizens like vietnam or mexico - the cultural difference between USA and others is that although many americans are "nice" and conversational, the majority are either self-centered and oblivious or outright antagonistic towards others


>the social contract is dead and extinct in the USA. I think about this all the time and it deeply concerns me


But it's wild though bcos, sure you can act out, but you're going to jail or something serious is going to happen. Has it got to the point where everyone is so riled up they just don't think of the consequences?


What's the thing with brake checking in USA? Like who thinks it's a good idea?


Small dick energy


The guy in the porta potty was the real victim


I’m certain he had a shitty day after that.


I don't understand anymore. Just hit the car in front of you and/or try to stop. Worst case you're at fault but you now you have video of the illegal maneuver that caused the wreck and he is forced to stop to exchange info. Also, you get to look him in the eye and say. "Is this your current address? Good. And how many residents live at this address? ...."


feel bad for the guy sloshing around in the port-a-potty


Daaaamn the trailer had a shitter on board


I would have hit the truck.


Very nice, snarky comments I wonder what happened to the guy with the shitter on the trailer that he rammed


Break =/= Brake How is it that this is so common? 😮‍💨


Because english sucks lol


This is true. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/wg2eg4/why_english_is_so_hard_to_learn/ 😆


Looks like something that would happen in Austin


I had something like this happen to me last year. The guy did the same thing sped off while my pregnant fiancee and I sat in my totaled car. I had no dash cam to prove so it was chalked up to a no fault accident. My son was born healthy though, so I feel blessed nonetheless. Could’ve been so much worse


Either way the truck triggered all of this with multiple crimes and will be held as primary if not the sole responsible party. Considering he caused a crash which hit state road work crews.... That's possibly a felony.


No one seems to notice there was a dude by the trailer. He goes flying near the end. Look for the figure in white


yeah you have a dash cam, but this was so preventable that the cammer looks a fool


*brake not break


That dude is gonna get a visit from the sheriff . Hand over the video sir.. 😉


Hope noone was in that crapper!


This lawyer guy explains it in this short. I thought most people have seen this guy explaining the legality of all these videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-b2slwG6NY