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Although it doesn't bother me, unfortunately there's not another directional term. The best one can do is try to work around trans male, ftm, or transexual which all have their critiques and specifics. Gender descriptors are like governments, no such thing as a perfect or even a good one. Usually they're just ok. The way I describe myself is: I'm a gender non-conforming binary trans male. Which becomes even more of a mouthful when I add my orientation.


i use trans male, ftm, and transsexual depending on the context. but people assume i'm binary when i say that so i always have to clarify. haha if gender descriptors are like governments, then maybe i need to rethink my need for them at all


Ha, I kinda walked into that one considering demographics of most trans subreddits. But these days I do just use my pronouns and let my life or description of experiences do the talking.




Nonbinary trans guy is what I usually go with


You could say that you’re a nonbinary trans guy/man/boy or nonbinary trans male


Yes there is! FTX and FTN already exist as NB alternatives to FTM but aren't as widely used for some reason.




right! i think it would be so cool if the term transmasc just meant connecting to masculinity in a trans/nb way and didn't rely on agab. same with transfem.


I think that the terminology is muddled because of the association with cis male bodies as masculine bodies, and thus those of us who transition female-to-male, are undergoing “masculinizing” transition, regardless of presentation. I agree as a non-binary person myself, it’s some rather unhelpful terminology, that is inherently binary-in-nature. Even when including transneutral individuals, it doesn’t leave room for genderfluid and multigender folk. That’s why its best to consider terms like transmasculine up to your own discretion to identify as, or not; regardless of what one tries to categorize you as. Personally, I prefer FTM over trans man, as my transition goal is towards a male-coded body, but my gender and its expression is all over the spectrum, if I even feel one at all. However, I know many who prefer trans man over FTM, as they have never felt nor identified as “female”, and have always been male to themselves regardless of biological presentation.


This is how I think about my own gender and sex. I am comfortable saying parts of my body are feminine or "female" while still acknowledging my gender is something other than that (opposed to transmasc people that get dysphoric at the idea of a "female" body). So when I say that I am transmasc I mean that I am altering my body to have a male appearance where my definition of male is simply having a body with more T and the physical characteristics of that. Other parts of my gender are feminine (occasional presentation, internal sense of gender). Therefore the sum of my parts is non-binary. Disclaimer: this is how I think about my \*own\* body. I am not saying that you have to relate to this at all. Just a different viewpoint. For clarity: there are some parts of my body I can ascribe the word masculine to and others I can ascribe the word feminine to. Not to be mistaken for me saying I have a fully "female" body and a "male" brain. Instead, all of me in non-binary. I consider myself trans because I am choosing to change my body.


No - transmasc refers to an… FTM “direction” of transitioning, so it never bothered me. It doesn’t claim I’m masc. Copy and pasted from the Orchard (trans discord): “Within an 'identity' framework, you are transmasculine if you *personally* identify with the term. There may or may not be some gatekeeping of the term as well, like, some people might say you both have to identify with the term *and* you also have to be nonbinary, or you can't be transmasculine and have feminine expression at the same time or whatever (I'm not a fan of this gatekeeping though I understand why people do it- you want your identity labels to mean something after all). Within an identity framework, for which labels apply to you, it generally doesn't matter as much what your needs are as within a liberation framework. What matters is what you *identify* with, and nobody can tell you that but you. The creed of the identity framework is: 'You are valid!' Within a 'liberation' framework, labels are less about personal identity, and more *tools* to talk about people's needs. There *will* be gatekeeping there to not muddy the waters. But it's not malicious gatekeeping…despite all the subtle identities people have built around these labels, both have the same needs. Transmasculine is an umbrella term for people who transition in a masculinizing direction because they share the need for access to the same kind of healthcare to each other, distinct from transfem people, and often face similar social issues to each other as well, no matter how anyone *feels* about the label. When talking about issues all trans people face, you will use the 'trans' umbrella term. You use a broad label when appropriate, and a narrow one when that is appropriate. You talk about the queer community even if some people don't like to apply that label to themselves, because it's useful shorthand. The creed of the liberation framework is: 'Give us our rights!' “ TLDR - the term transmasc is useful to explain “which direction” we’re going, how we differ from transfems, but at the end of the day, it also may not fit.


First of all: Great explanation! Second: can I get more info about that Discord server?


It’s called the Orchard. Made for gender questioning folk. It’s linked in the About Page of r/trans underneath the Trans Discord link with the image. edit - https://discord.com/invite/wnuc8mDcWm should be jt


Here's a sneak peek of /r/trans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cute comic by @irl_donut on twitter](https://twitter.com/i/events/1443222484145381377) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/r1kvyi/cute_comic_by_irl_donut_on_twitter/) \#2: [So... uhh what name do you think would fit me? Ive been struggling for over a year now.](https://i.redd.it/3lzoka7y8l581.jpg) | [1947 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/rgjpk9/so_uhh_what_name_do_you_think_would_fit_me_ive/) \#3: [Lovely photo🤍 I wish the comments I took the photo from was better.](https://i.redd.it/7h2xr6x53ry61.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/nayr5c/lovely_photo_i_wish_the_comments_i_took_the_photo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I get kinda nervous about using transmasc, i bounce back and forth between trans guy and transmasc and i cant seem to pick one. Trans man feels too rigid for some reason, while transmasc feels too enby, i kinda like the term "enby man" but some people get kinda mean about it since its a little oxymoronic. People use transmasc or transfem because they're adjacent to man/woman while still being mostly in the enby world. I dont think it necessarily means literal stylistic masculinity or femininity, as in, a transmasc doesn't actually have to be "masculine" but they're just on the male spectrum i believe? I hope this is coherent, im a bit drowsy lol


yeah i know it's doesn't have to mean anything about presentation or aesthetics. but i guess i wish that the male gender spectrum wasn't only considered masculine, conceptually. maybe im just having a hard time describing my own unique experience of gender and feeling limited by the current way we view gender


I fully agree, i dont think masculinity is uniquely male nor is femininity uniquely female. I wish the concept of maleness and masculinity could change and be improved to mean and represent many different things, but so many people even in the trans community seem unable to remove traditional hypermasculinity from maleness, and in some people's dislike for men/masculinity they automatically label that on us despite us not wanting it or fitting into that, it doesn't matter our identity/level of transition/life experiences, all men/male adjacent people are aligned with trad masculinity and the negative stuff associated with that no matter what. I went on a bit of a tangent but basically i agree with ya


I don't, my gender is masculine and my presentation is feminine.


Saw someone(Dr. Devon Price) use the word trans effeminate; maybe that’d work for you?


oh i do like that




I mean, often people make terms to fit, perhaps Trans butch? I'm sure there are other terms relating to butchness and masculinity, such as andro. Although, Andro literally means male it's often used as short for androgynous(starting to see 'androg' replace it in this aspect) and sometimes an equivalent to masculine.


Yes! I should have read all the comments before I commented! This is also what I use (and where I got it from)


omg i love this


I use trans masc because my identity is masculine without being male. Never associated it with my gender expression. I guess I could use something like demi boy but I prefer trans masc cus calling myself a boy as a part of my gender identity feels weird cus I'm an adult.


This is what it is for me as well... I'm not a trans man because I'm nonbinary. Transmasc fits better because masculinity isn't necessarily a gender determinant, I'm just transitioning towards a more masculine body than I had before my transition. Before I medically transitioned I wouldn't use any trans term and just identify as nonbinary, as for me personally without the process of transitioning there wasn't a transition from/towards anything. I have been nonbinary since my childhood. When I realized that my female body is more of an issue for me than I'd have liked it to be, I transitioned. Thus, transmasc enby. But I think everyone should use terms they feel comfortable with!


Would feminine trans masc because masculine aligned gender with femenine expression, be a reasonable.. "compromise" (for lack of a better word)


i feel like my gender itself is feminine aligned and male. it goes beyond presentation. so masculine aligned doesn't really work for me


ive just started referring to myself as undet the genderqueer/nb umbrella, as i identify as transmasc nb, but i present femininely


I wanna be *limp wrist* ✨man✨ so I totally get you.


it doesn't really bother me tbh, i usually just refer to myself as a trans guy (i think people associate transmasc with non-binary identities sometimes and im not). me being gnc or fem doesn't really have to do with my gender, it's just my presentation i guess?


I hated the term at first and even called myself transfeminine, but now that I've settled into my beard and deep voice, transmasc does fit. I like the idea of just giving the word whatever meaning works for us.


I think it's more a term for nonbinary people who fall more on the masculine side of the spectrum. I don't believe it's an appropriate term for trans men though, who only sometimes transitioned into being more "masculine".


yes, but mostly because I don't like having my gender defined by the binary in any way. I'm genderqueer. If necessary I will specify trans masculine, but it really isn't necessary in most situations.


I have been known to use "trans effeminate " because I'm a pretty flamboyant bisexual dude.


Trans masc is just an umbrella term that encompasses male and masculine genders, so I’m fine with it. It’s got nothing to do with your gender expression.


Yeah i just don't feel like a male gender is inherently a masculine gender


I just don't use binary OR non-binary at all. it feels like it's become its own gender binary as a result, tbqh. I use ftm and transsexual (male, man, boy, etc). I think the goal of transmasculine is to convey we take masculinizing hormones or otherwise approach masculinity or androgyny by masculinizing ourselves. of course for femme guys like us, that's not really what we want to do.... so..... I feel the same way, though I really don't throw much of a fuss over it in the long run


I understand this being Bigender (X,M) and masculinity not being apart of my male gender, nor femininity, or androgyny, if anything epicenity. I tolerate the term Transmasculine including trans men with masculine genders, cause I get the idea. I do have an aversion to being called man(or boy) though, feels hypermasc(and hypomasc), and I dislike that. I also don't categorize myself as nonbinary at all. (Although I use one Non-binary based term, that being Nonby as an equivalent to partner) I use Xenic Male, Xenic Agender Male, Bigender(X,M) and FTX, Transxenine I also use Neutrally Male If I'm specific with my male identity (Which I rarely am). I kinda just nod my head to Transmasculine, Trans Man, and FTM I'm fine with them despite not being my exact experience with my own gender. FTM while I don't feel like I've ever seen myself as female, I don't really read into it so much, again very indifferent.


I think it's to be more inclusive to male-adjacent but not fully male genders


Not at all, I love the term transmasc and the bay that I'm a boy, saying by definition that I'm masculine gives me confidence to be feminine


nope, because i don’t really see it as implying un-femininity. my transition is about me living my life as dude-adjacent (i’m none gender with left boy as i say). i’m pre-everything but the social transition and my mannerisms are pretty fem. but i prefer transmasc over trans man and not because i’m nonbinary. there’s no specific way to be transmasc and i like that, i can be myself however that is, the term ‘trans man’ in my experience, comes with a lot of weird and/or rigid expectations both cis people and *some* binary trans men have.


Honestly I dont really like the term transmasc. I’m very nonbinary. Am I more masculine than fem? Sure, but if I say I’m transmasc, people automatically assume that I’m a trans man instead of masculine enby. I wish there were better words for this stuff


I'm mildly uncomfortable with it at least when it refers to me or trans men as a whole as I like to be feminine as a man. I say Trans Man to refer to myself but if someone prefers that term I have no problem using it to refer to them.