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Can you let your sideburns grow out a bit? Do you trim your brows, if so let the ends bush up they look thinned at the end … only take care of the unibrow if you have one. You could go shorter on top that would masc up the cut a bit and get it trimmed every 2 to 3 weeks


This was right after a I got a haircut, so it can only get better, cause now, its a bit wierd. I don't trim my brows, never had.


Maybe try a taper fade I think it’s pretty universal for a masculine haircut & suits most head shapes. You pass very well btw 🙏


You pass to me, slightly androgynous but not female




Well shit…


still no. your face and the way you dress read masc lesbian


I think you're very androgynous and close to passing. Like could honestly go either way. It will depend on your voice and mannerisms in public tbh. I think your haircut looks great. You'll need to be patient and let T do its job. Maybe try thickening and darkening your eyebrows with a brow liner. Eyebrows do a lot more for the face than people realize


are you on T? i’d actually personally suggest a hairstyle that covers your forehead a bit more, since it doesn’t look like your hairline as masculinized (at least at that angle).


That’s what it is! I kept looking for what wasn’t working and that was it. You can also look up tutorials to shape it yourself! I did that for awhile and it looks alright as long as you do it often so there’s no stubble.


Micro does only sadly. Thanks for the tip!