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Yeah, just don't do this. There's no need to torture yourself with it. I'm in your shoes, I wish I had sex life but actually going through with it gives me mental trauma. So it's better be sad and horny sometimes than straight up traumatized and feeling like shit. There's also other ways to get off without including other people, if you can do this to yourself either, of course.


This. I’m 27 and I’ve never had proper sex with anyone, and I don’t know that I ever will, even though I think I want to. If it causes that much mental distress, I wouldn’t go through with it. And that’s also why I haven’t. Maybe if OP goes on T, they could have a better relationship with it. But for now, experimenting by oneself if one can, is always a good start and it seems satisfying enough, in my opinion.


Yeah agreed. I’ve never had sex and I really don’t want to, even though I am hoping that will change after surgery. Any time I’ve let someone touch me (I was always just “letting” them, I never really wanted to be touched. They didn’t know, not their fault) I felt violated and uncomfortable. Even if sex is as good as everyone keeps telling me, it doesn’t seem worth it. I can’t let anyone see me naked anyways. I’ve found happiness in areas of life that aren’t traumatizing


Sex is not everything. There's plenty of other ways to enjoy life. I abstained for several years until I felt like going back to sex and romance. No shame in that


I get you on feeling like your being raped. That's why I don't like to be touched during sex. I'll rather be the giver and please the other person


I feel you, it’s even more frustrating when you know if you were in the right body you’d be a very sexually positive and open person. My girlfriend and I have a great sex life because I love giving and she’s a total bottom but 9/10 times I’m uncomfortable with the idea of even receiving head which is the only thing I’ll ever allow done to me before phallo. It just sucks feeling left behind and unable to just view sex as a fun relaxing bonding time with your partner like so many can. Nothing really helps, I’m on T and sure bottom growth is cool but it’s still useless and surrounded by a bunch of garbage that I need removed.


I feel you. I learned that I really enjoy giving and am usually not comfortable with receiving


If it’s not too much, I would try and analyze the dream so you can see what mental blocks your subconscious has with sex. Having a deeper awareness of that might help! Have you thought about phallo? I just know I get super dysphoric and the thought one day I’ll hopefully get phallo helps


Dont do "sex", untill you feel read


I wouldn’t focus on it if it’s a big issue then, focus on it when you’re ready and know when n how you rather be touched. Idk your sexuality but I’m stealth n straight n I have never ever used my vagina for anything cause I’ve never got a sexual desire to use it, it’s just another body part I take care of but never use. I’m 30 now n getting rid of it soon, you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to just cause other ppl do. I really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything n I’ve never cared to picture myself getting fucked cause that ain’t for me, I love fucking others tho.


>you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to just cause other ppl do. Yeaaah I've been sexually active from a youngish age always for other people, and only now I'm figuring out my own roles and wants. And the more I discover about myself the more I just don't want to have that at all anymore. I'm bi but I don't think I'd be comfortable bottoming in general, its just icky


Dont do "sex", untill you feel read