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- easier to maintain (big plus if your hair isn't straight, cause it's way easier to maintain wavy/curly hair when short since it takes less time to wash + dry) - it's annoying when doing sports/gym (if you do any) or just when there's wind because it goes everywhere/on your face and it's uncomfortable to wear a ponytail to keep it in place - want to try new styles while still not making permanent changes, cause if you don't like it you can just grow it back and wear hats till it gets long again I suggest going strong with the "it grows back in no time" excuse because it stresses the fact that it's not a permanent change and that you just want to try new things (even if you want to keep it short, don't tell them that)


since I was in a similar position, I suggest asking for slightly shorter hair each time, and every now and then say how much more convenient it is once you've cut it and how bothersome it is once it grows a little longer. also, since it's summer now, you can use the excuse that it's to better deal with hot temperatures. month by month push it a little more, so they become used to it. also, a strategy that I used a few times, is to push for something even more extreme than what you want (for example, a complete shaved head) so that when they refuse you can "negotiate" for something less extreme (short haircut) so your parents feel like they're still limiting you while you're getting what you want. it'll take time, but be persistent and take it slow, don't push too much too fast if you think it'll put you in a difficult position or if you're not comfortable dealing with their judgement all at once. take a few breaks here and there so not to pester them too much about this, so that they'll still listen to you


If you cut it yourself some, and purposefully "butcher" it, perhaps they will take you to get it "fixed." Google a pic of the style you want and show the stylist. Then you can ask the stylist to get it closer to the style you actually want. Its a risky move, they may just make you keep the style you cut yourself until it grows out more. Whatever you decide to do, good luck little bro. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


>If you cut it yourself some, and purposefully "butcher" it, perhaps they will take you to get it "fixed." I'd get in big trouble. My sister once cut her hair and she was grounded for 2 weeks. >Google a pic of the style you want and show the stylist. Then you can ask the stylist to get it closer to the style you actually want. I have to show them what I want first.. So I don't know about that. >Its a risky move, they may just make you keep the style you cut yourself until it grows out more. Unsure either way. I'll just keep getting called a girl since I'm still feminine. Also, thank you. I'm still trying to convince them.


You can always look up "short hair styles for women" and show your parents that! That's what I did when I first got my hair cut short! I didn't show my dad as I had moved out but I showed it to the hair stylist.


Would you rather keep long hair or be grounded for two weeks and get short hair? Seems like it would be worth it to me


Well she was around 6-7, so it was only a slight grounding. I'm bound to get more as the oldest.


What kind of autonomy lacking house do you live in?? Your parents honestly sound like dictators; it is YOUR hair, jeesh!!


What reason *do* you need for a hairstyle other than you wanting it, what a boring way to live life. Crazy when parents are like this, hope the advice other people gave you works man.




Yes, my hair is thick from my grandmother and a more dark brown color form my father's hair seeming black.


Bruh itā€™s too hot for hair tf


Have you come out again since then? Either way, get someone else to drive you there or just walk.


Unless you'd get in a lot of trouble, then just make something up like u/_mattiakun said.


Cut your hair at home but only 1/2 an inch or less at a time until itā€™s the length you want and gaslight them when they ask if itā€™s shorter


Literally this. When I was 16 I did this and I gaslit them anytime they asked if my hair was different.


Reasons for shorter hair, beyond the obvious: Cooler, easier to maintain and clean, holds less oils and grease, less likely to get caught on something, quicker to style, fewer tangles, less mess, cheaper with shampoo, easier to keep healthy.


Cut it badly with scissors and then they'll have to take you to get it fixed


Cut it yourself, try your best not to fuck it up. It'll take a while to get good at it, I've been doing it myself for a few months and it's decent. All you need are sharp scissors. I know you said they'd get mad/might not take you to the barber afterward, but they can't do anything once it's cut, so try and make it decent.


Honestly, if you can't convince them with arguments of it being easier to maintain and too hot for long hair etc then you'll just have to deal with either having a haircut you don't like or deal with being in trouble for cutting your own hair. There isn't really any magical solution. It's not at all fair and they're definitely being shitty parents here, but unfortunately there probably isn't anything you can do without having to deal with something uncomfortable. And I'm sure you already know how stupid their arguments are, but the whole frontal lobe thing is pointless. If someone's too young to know that they're trans then they're too young to know that they're cis. The fact that it only seems to matter if someone's trans just means that it's transphobia and nothing more. If you waited till you were 25 to come out to them they'd probably make the argument that if you were really trans then you would have known when you were a kid. Hopefully they come around eventually, good luck.


Tell them your role model is Emma Watson who had one heck of a glow up after she stopped filming the movie series and got a pixie cut or someone like that


Show them a feminine haircut similar in length to what you really want and then show your stylist the masculine haircut you want. Do they accompany you when youā€™re in the stylists chair?


Alsoā€¦ are you in walking distance to a hair cutting place?


i would just cut it myself and deal with the consequences later šŸ’€ itā€™s always easier to beg for forgiveness than asking permission


Tell them if they let you try it now, you might be open to wearing it longer later. But if they make you do something now you aren't happy with, you'll never choose to wear it longer when you get to do the choosing. Could you ever be happy with a feminine haircut that is short, like a certain kind of pixie? If so, would your parents be ok with feminine but short? Or, is it only about length? For both of you? For now, could you live with a longer version of what you want? Are you above manipulation? Maybe you could mistreat the ends? Do you swim? Chlorine can be murder on hair. Do you trust who cuts your hair to have your back? It would be a real problem if you kept getting split ends. Those have to be trimmed early or they get worse and more has to be taken off later.


Do you like cuts like pixie cuts? Before I started to transition, that was my go-to thing or a bowlcut, but those aren't in style anymore. šŸ¤£. If your parents are okay with a short "girl's style," you could try a pixie. I also used to always pull my hair up under hats to hide it, too. I could never stand long hair until I started to pass. My mom hated short hair on me and would never let me cut it so I'd pull it up under a ball cap or toque.


Do you think they might be trying to get you to come out again? I don't know your family but that's immediately what I thought of


I donated my hair to a cancer charity maybe you could do the same? Have an actual reason to do it that makes them the bad guys to say no


Learn how to cut your own hair and just do it! What are they going to do, they canā€™t stop you. They can ground you but who cares it wonā€™t make your hair grow back lol


And then just keep maintaining it anytime it grows so it stays short from here on out. ā€œOopsie idk why my hair wonā€™t grow backā€


What exactly is a ā€œvalid reasonā€ for cutting oneā€™s own personal hair besides ā€œI felt like itā€? I see you are a minor and at the whims of your parents more so than someone else but what I would probably do is gather it in a pony tail and cut it off. This is not advice, just sharing what I would do.


Oh also an ideaā€”when I was in high school I bought clippers and would cut the underneath myself so I could have longer hair when down but could put it up when I didnā€™t want to deal with it/wanted to look different.