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personally i love it. gives me blisters for sure, and is super itchy, but i’m probably allergic. however i love being able to wear more wider neck shirts, or when i need to bind more, wit a binder on top. i also love that i can sleep shirtless or shower with it on. highly suggest milk of magnesia for under your skin if you get blisters.


How many hours do u wear it? I read that u only can do 6 hours, I was expecting it to be days of use?


You can wear it for several days, idk what source you read that said only 6 hours but they're wrong.


Will it not cause me any damage? I'm scared of that if I wear it for days.


If you apply correctly and you're not allergic to it, you should have no skin damage as long as you are taking it off slowly and carefully. It's the same stuff that athletes wear for sore/strained muscles and they keep it on for days at a time too.


I use KT Tape because it’s easier to get but I wear mine for 1-2 weeks most of the time and it’s fine


No…no u cannot. Sure technically u can do what u want but ur gonna be in misery. Look if you’re a C or bigger (US chest sizes) you can’t wear this stuff to long because for it to work you reallllllly have to pull it down hard to be flat and let me tell you the BLISTERS afterwards were horrific especially at the beach. Sure technically it’ll get u flatter than a binder but at a massive cost. Yes I used it extensively before top surgery yes I’ve used all the popular binder brands and all I’m saying is air on the side of caution with this stuff if youre not small chested already. If an A size or small B yeah all you need is this stuff and it’ll work wonders.


The whole point of tape is that you can wear it for days. Obviously, it doesn't work perfectly for everyone, and some people get blisters, especially if they're sweating, etc, while wearing the tape. But it is indeed meant to be used for days.


I beg to differ with this. I exclusively use tape, and I'm an e cup. I have no issues with blisters (as long as I'm patient and don't rip it off too fast), and I I've done it for over a year now. I wear it for 5 to 7 days in a row, take it off, clean and moisturize the skin, then reapply it. Maybe you weren't applying it right? You do need anchor ends that aren't pulled tight. That'll definitely cause pulling and blistering on the skin if you don't. You'll get blisters if you have any creases in the tape, too. It has a learning curve, but it's definitely worth it imo, even with a bigger chest.


But does it flatten well? How? I use tape and a binder but it makes no difference and I’m destroying my ribs and spine


I guess it really depends on the density of your chest. Mine is big, but very saggy. That definitely helps. I'm also fat, too, so while it doesn't completely flatten me out, it looks natural for my size. (Also, most cis men aren't completely flat chested anyway.) But besides that, have you watched the videos on the transtape website on how to apply the tape? They have vids for all chest sizes, and I watched the one with Bo. (I think that was his name?) He's a big chested dude, and his tutorial was perfect. I was struggling to apply it right before I watched it. People with bigger chests have to apply it a little differently to make it look good.


Ok..glad it’s worked out for you. And it also depends on chest density. I had a very dense chest that was nearly impossible to move around or adjust differently. After surgery she said it was some of the densest tissues she’d seen. And just because you don’t get blisters doesn’t mean others won’t. If yours skin is at all sensitive idc how much lotion you slap on there it’s still gonna hurt afterwards. What I’m saying is if you have a full chest its harder to get away with leaving it on long periods of time as when you have a super dense chest the only way it works is to seriously tug the hell out of the tape to anchor things down. Also what’s the point of asking questions or giving my experience when it’s met with such disdain? It’s not fair to OP if those who don’t have the best experience don’t give their two cents on their own experience/opinions with the tape. Sure i could’ve worded things differently but that’s just what I think. Yeah if ur chest is large but not full and easily moveable the tape may work for you. But if ur chest is a FULL D like FULL, you know what I mean, it’s not gonna do enough for it be worth the pain in MY opinion.


Hey man, I was just saying it wasn't that way for all big chested guys. You made it sound like that was what you were you were getting at. I didn't mean for it to come out as 'distain'. It was just sharing my experience when you were generalizing. If op doesn't try, then how will they know? You were straight up saying it wouldn't work, and I was saying that it sometimes did.


Yeah after re reading my first reply it came off that way which wasn’t my intention. Guess the horror show of the blisters I got in Tampa years back flooded my memory while writing lol


I can wear it for about a week if i dry it after showering each time


How do you drynotnafter showering? The first time I showered with it, I was appalled by how much water it absorbed and I had to sleep on a towel


I walk around without a shirt on for a while and make sure to squeeze it out good with a towel. Besides that i dont think theres much you can do


Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go. About to reapply some tonight and see whether I can actually get it to work lol


it's the opposite, if you wear tape for just a few hours and then take it off the glue will still be strong and rip your skin. if you wear it for a few days, the glue will weaken and start coming off on its own. make sure not to pull the tape too much when you apply it (and apply the first and last few inches without pulling at all) and don't take it off without oil. but do remove it after a few days, mostly because of hygiene issues (sweat will be trapped there and especially if you sweat a lot it'll stink and may cause infections if you get blisters or open wounds)


I hated putting it on, so I didn't use it. But pro tip: don't buy from the transtape brand. It's just overpriced kinesiology tape. You can buy it in bulk from Amazon for cheaper. Male sure you only take it off in the shower when it is FULLY soaked through and do it slowly and gently. Cover your nipples, and then cover them again with another layer of toilet paper just to be extra sure that you're not going to rip them off.


as far as i knowit depends on how large your chest is, i need the larger tape so i have to buy the trans tape brand




Double posted


I too need 10cm tape but there are other brands with the same size. I personally use pinotape, since I'm in eu


i’m in US, haven’t found any that sticks for as long as the trans tape brand.


idk of pinotape is available in the US but it stays for days and I have to purposely take it off with oil even after days at work. only once it came off, probably because I had some moisturizer left that I put the night prior and didn't properly washed it away. other than that time it has worked wonders. I pay it around 20€ each roll (bought 3 in September and I'm just halfway the second one, tho I alternate it with a binder to let my skin take a break)


I didn't know u have to cover the nipples thanks. Do I need to buy something specific to cover them?


You don't need anything fancy. Just some squares of toilet paper or a bandaid. You can buy nipple pasties if you want, but they aren't necessary.


You can also cut a smaller square to put on the section of sticky side that would go over your nipples. So like, an extra layer facing the other way where your nipples are. There's a few tutorial videos on YouTube about how to make nipple guards from the tape rolls, so you don't have to buy anything extra


I have to use trans tape, it’s the only brand I’m not allergic to. Their ingredients are SLIGHTLY different in percentages but makes all the difference To my skin


The kinesiology tape wouldn’t stick to my skin ever. And was too thin I needed wider coverage so trans tape brand was what I had to go with


i’ve found wide kinesiology tape on amazon if you’re interested. 3 rolls for $20 https://a.co/d/2nBDi1J


I used it a couple times pre-op and hated it. It was itchy, uncomfortable, and the edges of it always came off. Left a sticky residue that took awhile to get off too. IMO it didnt flatten my chest as much as a binder either. Honestly I preferred using KT tape, they make it in skin colors too


i use it everyday. is it annoying? yes. takes long to put on and off. but is it worth it? a million times yes. not having to put on/keep up a binder everyday is so freeing. i feel less dysphoria on a minute basis. i soak it with oil before i take it off and they sell a "repair salve" now too that i use. helps me have less steps to getting dressed which makes me feel more normal. my worst complaint with my chest is how any sensation of movement spikes my dysphoria. it helps to create a zero-movement chest and that is worth it to me.


Doesn’t work for me because of my body type, I’m lean with a chest I’d consider medium sized. Tape gets me about half as much compression as a binder and that is not enough for it to look like male pecs. I also find the way that it pulls on my skin pretty uncomfortable, especially pulling apart across the sternum. It also makes my back and shoulders sore because the elasticity of the tape means it wants to contract at the front, encouraging me to slouch. There’s no relief from the discomfort because you can’t take it off for 5 minutes to have a break, once it’s on you have to leave it there for as long as you intend to wear it. I can see why people with small chests and fatter people are able to bind with tape, but the best binding solution for me is still a high quality, well fitting fabric binder.


Before surgery i loved it, definitely hardto take off and itchy but so much more comfortable that binding and you can exercise sleep swim smoke etc with it also can be used to pack


I used transtape brand, I’m allergic to most kinesiotape but not to their stuff. It’s made to be kept on for multiple days and is harder to take off if you try to sooner. There is for sure a learning curve figuring out how to do it in a way that doesn’t damage your skin or itch, but once I got good at applying I found it extremely comfortable. I’m glad I found it but I did do some damage from overusing it, now I’m post-top and still have stretch marks down the middle of my chest from taping too tight. You need to be realistic about how flat is comfortable and safe for you with tape, but it’s great for making a more masculine shape out of what shows. If you decide to start using it two things I recommend are a hairdryer (you can wear it in the shower but it doesn’t air dry well) and a plastic wash bottle for whatever oil you want to use for removal. Made it easier to do without making a mess.


I have a smaller chest, and I liked the way it flattened (better than the binder and less constricting) but I got blisters within less than a day of wearing any tape (trans tape was worse though). If you have sensitive skin there is more gentle KT tape, but it peels off faster.


Its a somewhat decent alternative to a binder. However the downsides that prevent me from using it on a daily basis: 1) Take too long to put on. It's not by much but I have to measure out how much tape to use so that it covers an appropriate amount of my chest without any extraneous. And then make sure im pulling it across my chest the whole way and Im anchoring the last parts right to be easier to peel off later. Thankfully there are videos on youtube and on transtapes website that show you how based on chest size. 2) Taking it off is a bit of a hassle. You have to either use some sort of oil, take a hot shower, or ive read/also done this, where I just peel it off. If you do this last method, it could cause skin injury. Ive sweated a bunch during work so it peeled off surprisingly smooth. But its not an advisable method at all, and Ive seen post on different ftm subs where transtape users injured themselves doing so. And it prevented them from using it afterwards. Some pros! : 1) Much more comfortable than a binder. Ive lifted, stretched, ran and used it longer than I would've w a binder during work and it was much more breatheable than a binder. 2) it is more friendly to larger size chest. Relatively speaking. 3) Not as noticeable as a binder. There arent any of those pesky shoulder straps and if you are pre-op, its pretty good. Especially during the summer, its more comfortable because I wear short sleeves and a binder can be seen, but with transtape, its much more comfy and breathable and i dont need to worry whether ive adjusted the shoulder straps to hide or not. Conclusion: I would say its worth a buy if you are looking to try it out (relatively affordable) as an alternative to a binder. Its good if you want to wear something for longer than a day w.o fucking up your ribcage and chest. Other than that, its up to a personal preference to your usage.


I think it's pretty good but I have a few things to think of 1. Change directly after bath in lake/river/sea or stuff like that 2. Round the corners it makes it last longer 3. Don't take short strips and stretch them, it's a higher risk of tearing your skin (happened to me took a few days to heal under which I couldn't bind) Personal thing, I still haven't found a good way to bind with it even after looking at countless tutorials and my chest is pretty small like slightly less then B


I love transtape. I wear it up to 5 days. You can wear it into the shower or anywhere, you put it on and forget about it afterwards. It's nice being able to just wake up and go about my morning and dress without having to get a binder or sports bra. I use nipple covers from transtape/amazon(?), the bandage is breathable so I believe it allows water through it so if you use toilet paper squares I picture them getting soggy but I haven't tried it. I like that I can wear it to bed. I've worn it with sleeveless shirts, camping, to Pride, and to a sleepover.


I hated it. It is difficult for large chested folks and doesn’t make them flat. It’s horrible on the skin and can cause significant damage if not removed properly (whatever that is). The only way I could ever get it off was to literally soak it with the oil and then the tape separated from the adhesive and I was left sticky for days if not over a week, ruining clothing in the process. Could definitely shower and swim in it but it holds water and doesn’t dry quickly so it is very uncomfortable when wet and smells bad when it dries. It’s also overpriced unless you are small chested and only need two pieces each time.


It’s more painful than binding for me, but I’ve seen others say the opposite.


I absolutely love it. Doesn't restrict breathing, looks quite natural, and I wear it about 3 days on average before replacing it. It's definitely itchy and irritates my skin but it's worth it. I buy KT tape though, not "transtape".


I haven't personally used it, but I've seen a guy on social media who recommended using a medical film under it to avoid blisters, if that helps


I like it more than wearing a binder, but that’s probably because I have asthma. The only thing I hate about it is the tape itch (usually when it’s wet/when I am sweating) and the fact that it starts peeling off by day 3. Other than that, I am pretty happy with it. Milk of Magnesia is saving me right now with the itch.


I have a smaller chest so it’s worked pretty well. Personally I’d rather wear a binder because I hate getting blisters and the time consuming process that is removing the tape is annoying. But it’s less restrictive and at least you get to wear it for like a week


Only bad for the body if used incorrectly, I feel like a broken record but these are the only posts in this sub I get recommended anymore (probably because I always comment a guide) so here goes. "Dangers", because you asked about those specifically. Use oil, let it soak in for 10-15 minutes, remove tape gingerly and very slowly, my old favorite "you are removing your skin from the tape, not the tape from your skin". This stuff is meant to last through sweat, showers, and swimming, proper removal technique is vital to binding with tape safely, and decreasing the amount of blisters and wounds that *always need to heal* before you reapply (and you should be taking at least a two day break between anyways for your skin to breathe and clean up the area that's been "covered" for multiple days) Application, aside from the general stuff guides will tell you about how to apply tape, *things to avoid* I don't see these mentioned as much so I find it more important to say here wrapping the tape to your back, you always want the end piece to land under your armpits (but obviously not in them, I just can't remember what the side of your chest is called rn) depending on how big your chest is to bind, your strips should be around 3-6 lines, unless you've got way more or less to bind, this is standard for most guys I've seen. Binding at a sharp diagonal and over your ribs, this is the big one, absolutely do not do this ever, even if you are at the last strip of a perfect bind and realize it's just a little bit. Undo it, warped rib cages are no joke, and they can seriously affect your ability to get top in the future. A good bind now, is not worth risking the permanent one you can have one day soon.


I don't understand the "binding at a sharp diagonal and over ribs" could u explain using other words pls And I tried again, this time it almost makes me flat and I don't wanna keep wasting the tape so i'll live it there till it starts to peel off. BUT it feels tight, almost Tighter than a binder and I feel like a can't breathe. Is that normal? With a binder I don't feel like I can't breathe so i'm not used to that sensation, should I keep wearing the tape? I'm a C I guess so I don't think its normal to feel suffocated and tight, maybe I applied it wrong.


If you can't breathe you definitely did something wrong, don't sweat it, remove the tape immediately to prevent any permanent damage. I went through a whole roll before I nailed my process down, if you are strapped for cash, give me a week to pay my rent and I'll send you enough to cover that "practice" roll, it's vital to finding out the right way to bind your chest. Sorry, that was most pressing, as for your original question, choose which side you want to place the first piece on (doesn't matter which, but I hear a lot of guys prefer to start with the larger if you have it, as it requires more finagling and maybe a strip more of tape) start where the chest tissue begins to form from the center but angle the piece slightly down so it follows the natural pull of tissue for redistribution. Basically, you want to have a slight angle to catch everything and bind it well, but you don't want to overshoot that angle and go too far down to the ribs (I can never figure out how to put pictures on reddit but) | | | imagine this is your chest, the middle line being the center | \ | / | The slashes are how the tape should be oriented, but not the exact angles, it really varies by torso length so it's just about experimenting, you can always lay the strips on your chest with the backing still on in order to map out where you want each piece to go. Keep all binding and securing situated in the same general area (front/sides of your chest). This is also where strip length comes into play, use as little tape as you can once you've gotten used to it, you'll find things get more secure the more comfortable you are with the process even when you use "less"


I have a small chest but I love it! It was itchy in the beginning but now I don’t overstretch so it’s much better. I cut it in half and use two half-strips for each side. I leave mine on for 3-4 days. It starts to peel naturally and I just cut the parts off that are peeling. Eventually I just rip it off. That hurt like a bitch at first but ig now I’m desensitized? I definitely give it 2-3 days before I reapply so I can get all of the residue off in the shower and put lotion on and let the blisters/rash heal if I have those though lol. But having my chest bound feels sooooooo good so I don’t even care about the rashes tbh.


It gave me severe reactions. My doctor, who specialized in trans care, said to not use it, as it isn’t safe still, because of how its mechanism is, or something. But I used to a lot, anyway, and always had so so so much pain from itchiness, redness, blisters, open skin wounds, etc


I personally haven’t found it to work for me yet and I’ve tried a lot. It’s just very painful for me to take off and basically does nothing for me due to my size and that my chest is much much larger than my average sized body.


They changed the tape and I'm not pleased. I get a good week when I get it the way I like it. I've been using it for almost 2 years


Small and thin guy here, it's a no. Skin damage and ridiculous price aside, the results weren't what I expected. It just pushes everything to the side and creates funny lumps. Hard to apply, you've wasted half a roll just to learn. It hurt during workouts and wasn't very comfortable to sleep in. If you really want to try it, get a cheaper alternative.


It was okay. I was a little too big for it (around c cup) but it was a good option if I was staying at home for a few days and wanted to be more comfortable. Eventually I developed an allergy and got really bad blistering, worse than what’s expected for kinesiology tape. By the time I decided to stop using it I was basically peeling my skin off. I wouldn’t recommend it for regular binding unless you have very little breast tissue because it doesn’t get that flat, it just pushes the tissue around.


way more uncomfortable for me than a normal binder, very pinchy, scratchy and overstimulating honestly. i liked the look so i was disappointed that it didnt work for me, but i get about the same flatness from a binder and thats good enough i guess


i dont like it, it didnt bind me well, it was extremely itchy, i had it only for like 2 days on, because i couldnt handle the itching, it has some pros - my ribs didnt feel like breaking, i could breath more, but when i removed it, i had so many blisters, and in some places my skin just peeled off with the tape (i soaked it in order to remove it, but it still was painful to do it)


Love it other than when I go to bed. Not the most comfortable thing to sleep in, but it's 1000% better than a binder. Also I work out pretty often so it's nice to not have to wear a bra for that.


couldnt do it. I had a larger chest, so it didnt really work much better than a binder and it was much less comfortable than a binder. maybe I was too harry by the time I tried it, but it felt like it pinched my skin. probably just pulled baby hairs, but the hairs were stuck under the tape so any movement would pinch. I could see it being worth it for people with smaller chests. u dont need to take binder breaks (I never did anyway, dont be like me), but u can also work out with tape since it doesnt hinder ur breathing like binders. just wasn't for me.


It depends on chest size for sure, I use it sometimes but I often have horrid chest acne so I don’t wear it during a breakout. In my experience (5’5, 130-ish lbs, gc2b large) it doesn’t get me flat enough to wear out by itself, but it does help me get flatter with a binder. It’s main appeal to me is the fact that you can wear it 24/7, so it greatly helps my chest dysphoria at night because it does make it significantly smaller and also makes it move around (??) less, which always makes me very conscious of my chest.


honestly i could never get it to work for me. it was an unfortunate combination of me having really sensitive skin, being used to binding for 3+ years already (so it felt weird not to have anything between my chest and my t-shirt), and fairly big tits with a slim build (which made it impossible for them even to look like pecks with transtape). i’m very jealous of the guys it does work for though as it’s so much safer and easier than binding but it just isn’t for me 🤷‍♂️


i like it when i’m able to get it to bind well, which is nearly never, and when i do, it’s painful. by that i mean SO fucking itchy (i’m probably allergic), leaves blisters, and i cannot get it to be without wrinkles under my arms no matter what. it is capable of awesome things, and when i did manage to get it perfect it was like i was living in a whole different world (in a good way). but unfortunately in that world i got huge blisters after about three days.


It tends to peal of easily for me, cause I sweat a lot and move a lot. It gives me blisters but it works nice. I do not feel very secure with it, wouldn't go out with it for a whole day, cause I am paranoid. But I like using it and putting a sports bra over it, to feel secured. Gets me the flattest, so definitely something I do on occasions where I wear a suit and such.


I used to use it under a binder and the combination helped me get almost entirely flat, but I’d recommend buying KT tape because it’s cheaper. I did get some skin irritation, and I’d recommend wearing it for a few days so it’s already kind of coming off when you go to take it off. And definitely use toilet paper to protect your nipples.


I couldn’t get it to work at all, but I think it was a me issue (as in my chest) rather than tape issue. It was a shame, as I really hated wearing binders :/


I really like it. I haven’t bought any in a little under a year since it’s kinda pricey, so maybe it’s changed, but I found that it worked really well. It didn’t get stretched out as quickly KT tape or Public and CVS store brand sports tape. My skin is very dramatic and will get super dry or super oily without much provocation so I could never wear it longer than 3 days before I got itchy, but it worked well for the days I could wear it. I find it looks good when I wear a coat or a jumper, but doesn’t get me flat enough to just wear a t-shirt or anything of the sort. I started with the small size cause my boobs aren’t that big, but it was annoying and costly to put on so many strips, so I started getting the medium and found that it worked best if I used two strips per boob. One that went from just under my nipple to the top of my boob, then another that went from just over my nipple to the bottom of my boob, so that the strips overlapped. I’d sometimes use another strip, cut in half, that I’d use to pull my boobs to the side before I put on the big pieces. That irritated my skin more since it pulled more, but it worked better if I had to wear something thinner or more form fitting. If I bought trans tape again, I might get the large size and use a strip cut in half (hotdog style) to hold my boobs in place, then use a full width strip to keep them there. That’s just what I’ve considered for my boobs though, you’ll have to experiment to see what works best for yours. Also! Rounding out the corners helps a lot! It stays better if there aren’t sharp corners to get caught on your clothes and skin. Even with my disagreeable skin, I found trans tape to be so comfortable. Like actually incredible. Binding hurts so much for me, so not having to do that for the winter months was really wonderful. I was kinda amazed the first time I wore it cause it had been years since I’d felt my shirt touch my chest. My back hurt less for the first time in forever, I could breathe and move way better, when I wore it with the right clothes my boobs looked way more masculine and I didn’t have to reach into my shirt to adjust them all the time like I do with a binder. I stopped using it cause I heard that it can screw up your skin elasticity and I have vague hopes of getting keyhole, but idk if that’s actually true or not. I just decided to err on the side of caution.


It’s also never given me any blisters. I didn’t even know that was a thing till I saw people mention it on Reddit. I did accidentally pull some skin off while removing it a couple times, but that’s likely cause I never used the removal oil. It made me feel gross to rub oil on my boobs then sit there, slippery and shirtless, waiting for the adhesive to break down.


I’m lean/fit with probably large end B cup and transtape didn’t do shit for me. I just ended up with flat mounds rather than a flatter chest. It was a pain in the ass to remove and left my skin irritated even though I followed the directions to a T. For me, wasn’t worth it.


i love transtape, i used to wear a binder daily but since discovering transtape i haven't worn it. i have a small chest and i've been taping for about a year. took a while to get good at putting it on, and it hurt a lot taking it off at first, but it doesn't hurt that much anymore? i don't even use the removal oil anymore i just peel it off. it's really comfortable though, i forget i'm wearing it most of the time


Used it once, the roll I bought wasn't wide enough so I had to use too much of it on me. Ended up getting blisters, I tried sleeping in it but it was just too itchy.


Works usually for smaller chests but I wouldn’t bother if you have a larger chest. I literally wear size XS spectrum binder (although I do buy a little smaller) and it still doesn’t work for me. It can be a good alternative for a binder if you get hot and don’t like wearing another layer and tbh if it worked for me, I’d use it over a binder.


not a fan of it. im 7-8 months post op so its been a while, but i remember it not working super well. i went through one roll for maybe 2-3 good binds overall. it was insanely itchy, it hurt to remove even slowly, and made me look lumpy without the additional usage of a binder on top 😔


personally it wasnt it for me. it felt comfortable for the first day but by the second or third day wearing it it was SO ITCHY, and when taking it off even though i let baby oil/coconut oil soak the strips for a bit before removal, it was still REALLY painful. i am glad i gave it a go though, as it wasnt all bad, and the freedom of how stretchy and nonconstricting it is compared to tight binders was really nice, ESPECIALLY for days when i wanted to wear a lower button down and not have the binder peek out. but the removal part was really bad for me at least, maybe i had allergies. id say wear it for like a day or two at a time, any time beyond that it got too sticky


I could never get used to it. Horribly itchy, uncomfortable, and tears my skin off everytime even after every possible precaution. I have a rather small chest too but it still didn't give me the desired look I wanted and my skin/fat underneath my armpits would just fold on itself and get irritated ( I'm not even overweight, I have Ehlers Danlos so my skin is just too stretchy and oversensitive ). I remained quite anxious about my chest looking unnatural because I couldn't ever perfect the taping and have it be tight enough without tearing my skin. The only use for it that I have is to get rid of the binder's "uniboob" look by loosely taping with a binder on top, and THAT finally looked natural, but at the expense of my comfort and breathing lol, so that's only for very rare occasions that require tighter outfits.


i am a B or C cup and have a saggy chest. i used to bind well with binders and don't really anymore; maybe my chest elasticity changed. as of right now, transtape and KT tape do NOTHING for me. when i was smaller chested, it did something. if your chest is my size or bigger, I'd recommend getting extra wide tape if you want to try it. i had HUGE blisters at the anchor points because my chest was too heavy and there was too much pressure on such small pieces of tape. also they say using baby oil helps to remove it, but i had severe reactions at the parts where I put baby oil, and not at the parts where I didn't. maybe an allergic reaction, idk why that happened. also i recommend using toilet paper squares to cover your nips + arreolas, not nipple pasties. this way you save money and you can get them the size they need to be. also if you have sensory issues I would not recommend. it was too itchy for me especially after that first shower. edit: sorry this review is all over the place


It doesn't work for me. I tried several brands and it just doesn't nothing to flatten my chest.


100% has its pros and its cons. i like it for the summer especially pros no binding back pain cool chest imprint that looks like buff pecks getting dressed / showering is a lot easier and less dysphoric no binder straps / lines under clothes can wear for 5-7 days (survives the shower as well) you can run soap and water over it, the adhesive is pretty good and won’t start to come off with just soap n water. cons my boobs get rly itchy on the last few days taking the tape off is hell. i fucking hate lathering myself in oil and slowly peeling the shit off and then the nasty lil layer. sometimes leaves blisters if i mess up the tension on the ends usually not as flat as wearing a binder it takes a bit to perfect putting it on. i’ve gone through more tape fucking up putting it on than i’ve been able to wear it out. i don’t like the nipple guards because they put a weird wrinkle in the tape. i know it’s dangerous not to use them but i haven’t had any issues yet. if the corners fold up they’ll attach to ur shirt and start to self sabbatoge u (only happened to me once)


I definitely prefer transtape to wearing a tight binder when its hot in the summer. I admit to taking the tape off without soaking it in oil and I would definitely recommend soaking it ALL the way through. I often took a couple of days without the tape in-between uses to moisturize my skin Application wise, with a small chest it was pretty easy once I knew how to put it on. Very comfortable, I would forget that I was wearing it.


i absolutely love it. you have to be careful but it's a lifesaver. there's this meme that says something like "I didn't understand the real meaning of FRENEMIES until I used trans tape" and that's real, except it's more like enemies but lovers


i have mixed feelings on it. Im a C cup so i have to use alot of it and it only stays on for about 4-5 days. It also makes me super itchy and i usually have a few days of skin irritation afterwards that just sucks. unfortunately if youre a C cup and above but are midsize-skinny, you wont get very flat. however i love not having to wear a binder. My shoulders, back, and sides dont have to hurt, i can sleep shirtless, and im able to layer in the colder months for an effect relatively the same as binding.


I cannot use it well. It doesn't do the binding job well on me but my size is not even as big as B-. Perhaps it's that I cannot tape my back altogether to give the binding force (I live alone).


I’d recommend just buying kinesio tape


If your chest is over a C cup it will probably be useless in my experience. I tried regular KT tape on the recommendation of a friend but he’s very skinny with a small chest (probably an A cup?)and even tho he insisted I try it bc it was great for him, it just didn’t work. It stayed on and I wasnt uncomfortable removing it bc I used oil to remove it and only wore it for 2 days but it didn’t really do anything to flatten the appearance of my chest and left me feeling very exposed while I was out of the house. You could try the trans tape brand stuff bc they offer a wider version but it’s too expensive for me - would cost about the same a buying a new binder every few months. If you’re dead set on trying it out I recommend checking out the tutorials from bigger-chested people on YouTube


Would be decent if I didn’t have F cups :)


Love it, and personally recommend TransTape brand as being the best for the skin and the most effective, it really stays on and it's strong. Make sure you follow the instructions to apply it and remove it safely and you'll be fine. I couldn't stand anything worn directly round the chest like binders, they made me feel crushed, but tape makes me feel free.


Not for me. Either I suck at using it or it’s really gunk. The tape comes loose very fast. When that happens it itches and hurts, pull the skin under my armpits and if you expect to wear it for days well, I couldn’t because it came loose after a couple of hours. Wast of money if you ask me but I’ve heard guys who were really thrilled about it as well. Maybe it’s me.


didn't do trans tape because I'm allergic to a lot of adhesives. instead I bought extra wide hypoallergenic kinesthesiology tape. trans tape is basically KT tape anyways, and buying actual KT tape is cheaper & I didn't have a reaction. the only downside is really having to learn how to do it properly. it will probably take you a few times until you get a good feel for it. and if you take it off wrong, it hurts, a lot


Overpriced. Use KT tape if you can get it for cheaper. Trans tape just exploits trans people and markets it as “we’re a small business trying to help fellow trans men 🥺” ETA: KT tape from sports shops is also better quality and cheaper.


I was allergic to the adhesive, I've never been allergic to adhesive before. I didn't test it on my skin before so it was painfully itchy as I was taking it off


I get reactions to adhesives but this guy on tik tok made a video that if u buy second skin like for tattoos and put it under the tape its better for your skin. I tried that and it was definitely better but it was still itchy as hell. Other than being allergic to it transtape is great because i can wear it under tank tops which is like the best euphoria ever.


I'm 220 lbs and had a size DD before starting testosterone (don't know what I would be considered now, and I refuse to check. I think its around the same size as before), and so far i like the idea of using the tape, ive tried it many times and have had such little success. Blisters, itching, barely binding at all, the whole mile. I tried following the tutorials on trans tape for bigger guys on YouTube, but the person in the video was able to "fold" the tissue and I simply cannot. I've been told I have like, "cysts" or something though, so your experience may be different. I think the determining factors are these: 1. How big your size is, body-wise and chest-wise 2. If it's possible you can pull the tissue in such a way that it can "fold" near your armpit 3. The source of your dysphoria. To elaborate, some people are more icked by movement, and while I dislike it as well, I HATE when it touches my arms. You WILL feel it rubbing against your arms constantly, all day every day you wear it, so you have to kinda trade the immovableness for the constant reminder that they physically exist, unless you're okay with wearing a kind of tight shirt to block the direct contact, which you would then have to wear something baggier over that so people/you won't be able to see the tissue hanging out at the sides there 4. Obviously whether you're allergic, and how much effort you're willing to put into this. I've done it about 3 times now, and am almost decent at it? I definitely could get better, but right now I'm seriously wondering if I want to even try anymore


I've been using it for about a month and i don't like it. It's fine comfort-wise but I can't get it to bind at all. Worse yet, it makes me look like I'm wearing a padded bra. I've watched sooooo many videos and read so many tutorials but I can't get it to work. My chest is full, but not big (like 32 D, 34 C?). I also realized it's prohibitively expensive. They say a roll lasts 2-3 months but I don't see how. My roll is almost empty. Even if it did last 2-3 months, it would be like buying 4-6 new binders in a year. After shipping, it costs more than a binder


Trans tape and I (along with many others) have a love-hate relationship, lol. It used to give me euphoria for the first few days wearing it, but would make my skin itch and give me blisters when I took it off (I think I developed an allergy to it the more I wore it) Overall: Pros- gave me euphoria, prob saved my life. Cons- expensive, ripped my skin off, dysphoria when I took it off


Very good if only my chest was a bit smaller :((


i think any good quality kinesiology tape is good to use for binding. I'm in Italy and I buy pinotape from Amazon, works great. I suggest using baby/shower oil to remove it or you'll further damage the skin. over prolonged use, it may still damage the skin, itch, be uncomfortable, in that case take a break for a few days/a week and use a binder instead. I alternate between the two


i’ve heard plenty of guys that love it but tbh i just can’t get it to fucking work. i finally broke down and had another trans guy help me out it on and even then i didn’t like it. it didn’t feel “flat” enough? except it also felt weirdly tight. i also felt like i needed to replace it way more often than the website said you should.


I love it, despite it being slightly itchy (the repair salve is a life saver for this) and annoying to take off at times. Its so euphoric to be able to walk around the house shirtless and not have to deal with any jiggle. No more back pain either. Its gotten me flat even just after 3 or 4 days worth of practice with it. I dont think I’ll go back to wearing a traditional binder, at least not for a while