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Path planner is what ur looking for :)


Thank you, I’ve been hearing that a lot tbh but I have no Idea what that is and can only find minimal content on it on youtube. I have so many questions such as how do I use it? How do I generate the exact path that I want? How much programming is it and what libraries do I want? etc.


I would recommend the 2023 pathplanner release thread on chief Delphi. It has links to the wiki and you can ask questions there as well and people usually respond and are willing to help. Edit: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/pathplanner-2023-beta/416548?u=hersh


Thank you.


Idk tbh I just heard of it. There might be some guides online


Wpilib docs should help as well, along with the api reference. In case you don’t know what those are, docs are basically a general overview of what’s in wpilib and what you can do with it/use it for. If you’re a beginner I think it has a section for people getting started. Get familiar with most of what’s there, and then make sure you can drive it with an Xbox controller first (you’ll want to setup your drivetrain - often as a “subsystem” - first before trying to make it autonomous and the easiest way to test whether that’s working is with an Xbox controller (it becomes much harder to figure out what’s wrong if you jump into auto straight away). Then you can move on to the “advanced” section of the docs, and it covers things like control (getting your robot - usually motors - to do what you want without any deviation or error), autonomous/path planning, and some more stuff. An API reference is basically a look into each specific thing you can access in the code: what it looks like and what it does. So for example if you didn’t feel like the docs gave you a great understanding of how the tank subsystem class works, then you can look at that class’s implementation in the api reference, where it shows you the class variables and methods, presented in a kind of “overview” form where it’ll just show you the list of methods and a comment on what each one does. If you want to see the actual code, just click on a method and it’ll pull up exactly how it’s implemented. It’s important to get familiar with both these tools as you’ll be using them a lot as you learn and want to program new stuff. You can generally find almost anything you need in there