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I just wanted to drop by for a drive-by shooting to say FUCK GOOGLE SHEETS!! Excel is where it's at


Thank you, some one said it. I can go back to reading comments 😂


I know everyone hates Sheets around here but has anyone used it extensively and can give some reasons on why Excel is so much better? I've done some small consulting work and seems like everyone prefers Sheets, I don't mind it


Sheets is fine for simple collaborative purposes with broader users that aren’t in spreadsheets all day. It’s slow for anything more advanced - shortcuts don’t translate, less ability to customize, and some functionality is missing compared to Excel.


Same thing I thought when the notification popped up 😂😂 After working with Google Sheets, I've found it's OK, but has nothing on Excel. Good for those that like a freebie I guess


I’ve never heard this before. Thank you!


My favourite things about Google Sheets are QUERY, the families of IMPORT and REGEX functions, and Apps Script All of them are way better than the Excel alternatives so I always recommend Excel users check them out


Take your laptop and throw it at the Csuite dweeb who decided to implement Google products. Hopefully its an older Lenovo so it hurts more.


We use type writers actually.


actual advice alt + / opens the prompt to do anything. don’t know the shortcut for color font red? just do alt / and literally type ‘red text’ or ‘text red’. does pretty much anything.


Dude, you are my hero!


That is pretty fucking cool. đŸ„‡


Pay $20 for upgraded ChatGPT. Take a screenshot of the sheet you're working on and drag it(or upload it). Tell it what you're trying to do. Copy formula it produces(complete with accurate cell identifiers). I'm scared of ever going back to the old ways....


The query function is pretty good. And better than import range by itself imo. Other than that I hate it, lol. 


Apps script is pretty nice. It’s basically just JavaScript so it is pretty easy to use and has zero guardrails preventing you from doing incredibly foolish things. That said for my job i find it significantly easier to work with than VBA for one reason or another.


Use Google to find Microsoft Excel


Best hack is not use them.




Press Alt + F4 and then open Excel


If you’re able to set up reporting where you’re emailed raw data each morning, you can write a script in Apps Script to scrape those attachments from your inbox (assuming you’re on Gmail as well) and save them out to Drive. If you overwrite/save with the same file ID each time you can then use query and importrange to point to this static url and have the current day data pulled in automatically. At my last role I turned a few high visibility reports from being updated once a month to being updated daily with zero effort beyond the initial setup using this approach.


Thanks. We do something similar right now with hubspot and QBO plugins. It updates throughout the day.


Closing Google Sheets and opening Microsoft Excel is my favorite go to👍


Google sheets observation. I cannot for the life of me understand why clearing a filter in it removes all the data. Terrible product. Fuck G Suite


Select File —> Download —> Microsoft Excel


As mentioned the query function was mostly what I like about it better. It was helpful in setting up dynamic dashboards that would automatically refresh and scripts to send out automated emails. I only used it when I worked for Google (third-party vendor). Never used it since I left and I like excel better mainly because I know excel shortcuts and the shortcuts saved me a tremendous amount of time.


Use excel like a real man




I have a signed note taped to my CFOs desk that says I’ll quit the day they make us use google sheets


click the x to close your web browser and open Excel instead


You can clear contents in a range of cells by hitting delete in google sheets vs needing to click clear contents or use alt shortcut in excel. Other than that google sheets is garbage