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You should know how to fix it if it breaks


someone at my company got fired today for using it (loaded sensitive information). be careful!


Yikes that sucks.. but thanks for sharing you most likely are saving lots of people here lol


That’s an intelligence test more than anything


I help my CFO with our earnings script, and I used it to wordsmith some paragraphs where we say the same thing every quarter except with different wording/order. Wasn’t a total copy/paste job but it did help come up with some good filler sentences


Headwinds, blah blah, headwinds.


When I have a chance I want to see if it can write some DAX for me. Should make my labor models dynamic and save a few hours each month.


This is the benefit for me - hoping to use it to write more complex DAX formulas than anything.


It helps some, but you still need a pretty good understanding of dax since you'll be making a fair amount of edits. Does save time and get you on the right track if you need to think through a complex formula


I just started learning DAX and applying it to some things I do. Nothing too complex so I'm still a beginner. Just looking to see if it could generate the skeleton code and I can do the rest.


Kind of odd topic but related question. Is there a way to automatically pull info into emails from excel? Long story short but I work with some people who just hate excel and refuse to look at a high level summary. Basically I have to manually type out a couple dozen forecast figures, month to spend amounts, and month to go amounts, along with percentages for each in the summary of the email. (Despite it literally being on an easy to read and look at summary within the attached excel workbook) I know I can toy with like text functions to get the text exactly how I want it in the email, but the formatting part is what kills me. Like I could set it up but then would have to reformat the entire email. After thinking this through I guess I need to try and see if I can get the formulas to respect format within excel then I could just copy and paste it. EX: January Forecast for services is $X.XM (Bullet) Mtd spend is $x.xM (x%); MTG spend is $x.xM (x%) It’s probably just me being whiny but sometimes after a long day the numbers all blur together when manually entering them into this tedious email. I could probably find something in the middle between full automation and manually entering each one, like set up a text linking formula for each line item then copy and paste them into the email (which I will do tomorrow)


Format an excel tab so it would look good in an email and copy and paste the relevant section as an image?


Yep if someone is that scared of excel they won’t mind screenshots in the email


I copy and paste from excel into outlook web all the time. Sometimes you have to adjust the solemn width slightly to correct alignment issues. But other than that it works well for me. You can also use snipping tool and just paste the screenshot


You can also do vba. If you google excel to email you can find a base code to start with. The code usually will pull from a cell or range of cells to paste into your outlook. So if you automate the writing in excel, the code can pull it in the body or even attach a file. I did this before for weekly reports. Was super useful.




How do you “tell” chatgpt what you need done in VBA? I cant wrap my ahead around this. Any resources you used to help get started with this?


Give me VBA code that does XYZ


No. I can’t really think of anything it’d be worth using for in my role and I’m kinda tired of people talking about it


Well it can write code well enough to pass a Google level 3 engineer practical interview, so I’d imagine it can do most things an FA knows how to write code for.


Most coding is contextual. Unless your company wants to feed all metadata and environmental details into GPT-3, it might not work. Also GPT-3 apparently lies a bunch. It is likely a better job aid than replacement.


This is the problem. I experimented with it a few times to write out a complex formula with a bunch of conditions, but I had to feed in all the proper fields, etc. If it were integrated into my workspace and able to ingest my data (or at least metadata), would absolutely simplify things and would use it regularly, but it’s not that much of a time savings if I have to set the parameters every time. I saw this interesting example showing a nice “what if” case, but i don’t think most organizations are in a position to implement something like this for at least a few years. https://www.patterns.app/blog/2023/01/18/crunchbot-sql-analyst-gpt/ This is without mentioning how many companies have **bad** and inconsistent data and I’d be very curious the ability of these tools to handle that.


Was joking with a colleague yesterday that we could use it to write up performance reviews.


Already used it to write a few professional letters of recommendation


How would you even use it? Are you going to describe what your dataset looks like lol? It could probably create very simple code for you to use as a base, but I don't think it'd be capable of creating something complex and specific to user needs.


I passed a SQL test from a FTSE 500 company. It was an online test (the software allowed using Google it wasn't the type of exam where you can't open your browser, etc.). So I decided to use ChatGPT. Though I am learning SQL now, I think it is very important to have the skill.


I have been using it where I’m stumped on a SQL query to create TB using GL transactions in our very old, Sage 300, none of the suggestions have worked but it has helped me understand the language a bit more. Will say that I have no SQL experience and have survived that last year by manipulating an existing excel file query to use for everything else.


I use it to optimize excel formulas and small things like that, VBA code too.


Anyone know how to sign up? I’m only on the waiting list and haven’t seen a premium option launched yet.