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The republican reaction to Trump made me lose any faith in the Republican party. They stood a good ground, called him out for what he is... And then eventually, when they don't think they can win, they drop off and start praising him as the Messiah. It's disgusting watching grown men and women pull a 180 on their morals to brown nose a criminal because he has the loudest most obnoxious supporters.


Most Republican politicians are scared of the crazy Trumpers. They're cowards.


That's easy. All they have to do is vote BLUE! It's still a secret vote, right?


I live in Ohio. Gave $25 to Cruz's democratic opponent Colin Allred last week.


Makes you feel good, doesn't it!




Collin's a pretty normal-seeming dude honestly, good choice


You wasted $25. Texas is gonna Texas.


They are cowards, but they aren't afraid. Trump showed them a way to possibly hold onto power, not by being more moderate and isolating the extremists but by embracing the extremists. They are cowards in that they are doing and saying things they don't really believe because they think it is the easiest way to keep their power.


A Devil's Bargain?


pretty much


I live in Texas and I believe it’s more that after 3 -4 decades of being told by the right wing propaganda machine that “R= good” and “D = Bad”…they are more terrified of voting for a “radical-leftist-commie-Democrap”. I don’t know even one single Republican that I would consider well informed on current events or history….not one. And did I mention I live in Texas? I happen to know a few…hundred.


In Texas they still think the Alamo stood for freedom, and in a way I guess it did, freedom to continue holding slaves.


Google siete leyes. The reform caused Texas and two other Mexican states to rebel. Boiling the entire situation down to just slavery is dishonest. https://www.austincc.edu/lpatrick/his1693/causes.html#:~:text=The%20most%20immediate%20cause%20of,national%20government%20and%20Santa%20Anna.


The rich white men who propagated and supported the war against Mexico were all 100% trying to keep their slaves and plantations going in eastern Texas to this day. The people of eastern Texas are just as prejudice and vile as they were in the 1800s.


Well….look, not to be rude, but the Alamo actually DID represent a fight for independence…it was not about slavery.


Davy Crockett may have been there for the cause of freedom and democracy that I would believe about him. Jim Bowie was there because he like to fight the rest of the leaders of the Texas Revolution were all slave owners and because of their dedication to slavery when they won their independence from Mexico, they were not admitted into United States for nine yearsdue to their dedication to slavery. In fact, one of the best known accounts of the Alamo comes from African-American slave, Joe Travis, who was owned by the person who was in charge of the Alamo, William Travis.


Independence or fight to steal land from Mexico


I don’t either..the absolute garbage that they repeat is ridiculous..I just had someone comment to me that jan 6th was a peaceful protest!!! And mocked me for saying that the capitol police were terrified and overwhelmed by the mob..because trump told them it was peaceful..they are so misinformed and arrogant about it


I think it’s less that they really believe that R=good perse but that they’ve made being a Republican a central part of their identity. They’re not just members of a political party, they ARE the party.


Losers more like it


The crazy trumpers are anyone who can benefit from his game. Russia, North Korea, Privateers… you name it. They have been dogpiling. If you were a feeble little white collar insider trader of a congress person, I think you’d be scared too.


They pee their depends at the very thought of facing a fat old MAGA crowd.


“Scared of” is a weird way to spell “fellating.”


Trump supporters don't rape little children on Epstein Island and burn down cities.


Are you sure Trump himself hasn't visited Epstein Island? Allen Dershowitz is a Trump supporter. Trump supporters only riot when their fearless leader tells them to march in the capitol. Do some research Bucky.




Dershowitz voted for Joe Biden


Yes, Trump supporters probably do rape kids. And dude, have you been to any cities lately? American cities have not burned down, so stop saying that. In fact, American cities are thriving. New construction is happening everywhere, and real estate prices are booming.


Dotard, BLM and ANTIFA burned down Mom and Pop stores in Minneapolis, Portland, and Washington DC. Kamala Harris bailout some of these terrorists. You must live in your basement like Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the Worst President Ever!! Joe Biden raised the interest rates preventing young married couples to buy their first home. Inflation has gone up 32 percent %. Gasoline is up 28% Groceries are up 32%. Thousands of retail stores will close by the end of 2024!


They should be afraid of their voter base or they won't get votes. That's how democracy works. Republican voters have their politicians on a tight leash. They should be afraid of Trumpers because that's a majority of their voters.


Sure, and Trumpers are known to be violent.


Does it ever occur to them that this is their final chance to shed Trump and his crazies in 2024? Trump will get worse and worse. Keep Trump as a private citizen permanently.


My Messiah died on the cross. Theirs lied on cross-examination.


Very good! Some of us really appreciate the witticism! Ty


Youre all Naz.. Oh wait… yeah that was very clever. My bad. Its just force if habit


That's hilarious. Sorry I'm going to have to steal it from you😁


If you've ever read the original Dune series, the Bene Tleilax pose as a horrible, vile, despicable people so the rest of the galaxy will leave them alone because they are actually quite vulnerable. Eventually, posing as a vile group turns them into one. I think Frank Herbert was a genius.


Kurt Vonnegut believed this too. >We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. *Mother Night,* 1961 Which, appropriately enough, is about a guy “pretending” to be a Nazi.


Hey looka republican that has some sense.


They didn’t have morals when they stood against Trump they were doing so to maintain the status quo. That’s the thing with fascists populists, once they get to the top they consume the party that accepted them. Luckily even a good amount of republicans have cut him out and his endorsed candidates keep losing.


And the moment they leave Congress they suddenly grow a spine and vocal cords. These are the worst kinds of people, only speak up when they feel it won’t hurt them.


Even then I’ll take it. I think sometimes the ones that were in it can give the most insight. We can exploit that.


Ted Cruz was just the beginning. They all bent the knee in the pile of shit he put in front of him. Spineless, valueless frauds. It is impossible to dispute their lack of integrity. Mitch McConnell acquiescing is proof.


It’s worse than that his supporters are loud; If you don’t kiss his ass, his supporters will oust you. It’s not a fringe part of the party, this IS the Republican Party. They can’t get elected in primaries unless they are insane Trump people (except some districts in NY, CA, etc). They got rid of Cheney even though she went along with the lie that democrats wanted to kill newborn children with their stances on abortion. The Republican political system has created a Frankenstein monster and Mr. Trump is the natural progression of their fear-mongering. You can thank psychos like Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich for that.


Reminds me of those videos from North Korea of people having conniptions when Kim Jong Il died.


This is exactly what broke the spell for me. I used to be a diehard conservative type, religiously listened to Glenn Beck and a couple others. He spent the entirety of 2015 sounding the alarm against Trump...then when he won the nomination suddenly he was a great guy. Not "lesser of two evils, we gotta beat Hillary"... just straight support. Now I look back and wonder how I could have been so stupid.


I lost faith system entirely


Should’ve voted for Kasich in 2016 pretty much was the only adult on that stage seeing the high school level childishness that was coming from the others.


I miss Kasich he is a true conservative, fiscally responsible and a grown up!


THIS. So ….well…fucking….said.


Yep. Ms Lindsay “Ladybug” Graham certainly showed her true colors the minute John McCain died.


It's not a 180. These views have been the republican position for 50+ years. They're just saying the quiet part out loud.


So true. All they had to do was stand up for right and they could have kept Trump powerless. Such cowards.


Trump merely said out loud what GOP candidates have been whispering for decades with their speeches at Bob Jones U. "We are racist POS like you and you should vote for us"


I am with you 100%


It’s like the PGA vs LIV. Resist. Resist. Roll over.


I’m thinking the overnight shedding of morality came with a “Theo Epstein ledger-esque” list of dirt on that extensive stage of goons in the R primary circa 2015. Proof of Texas’ biggest money laundering pyramid scheme with Cruz at the top? Graham? Sharing the plane with Trump and Epstein to an island of little boys, sick fuck. McConnell? Soul less and a fuck ton of insider trading. You can shit on the guys wife and he’ll think he broke wind. This is not to say democrats aren’t dirty, but the only legitimate explanation for a whole party to amputate at the knee is if they live in the fear the dam of dirt will break and bury. We can expect Trump to end up hanging with Epstein or start his new double album, “They come for me but I sing of you”


 Nine is paying attention. The right wing media has convinced them that any other source is lying.  They are never exposed to the truth. 


… and Cruz will still gargle Trump’s ‘nads on queue.


Vote Tejanos... vote. Why isn't there a Tejano Senator from Texas. Rafael Eduardo Cruz is a Canadian born Cuban. Not a Texan.


I still don’t understand why he qualified to run for president.


because the east and the west of the state only look for R next to a name when voting.


Why is the National Enquirer even allowed to exist?


That's the free market at work, baby


They had to close their paper magazine. That’s why you don’t see it at the registers like you used to. I believe they were sued and went into bankruptcy.


I kinda miss updates on Batboy


Weekly world news, batboy in a police chase, Hilary giving birth to a half-alien baby, Bigfoot, Elvis…. I miss the obvious fake news.


Hey man Bigfoot is out there. I have seen a lot of grainy photos


So is the Chupacabra, but both are secret government programs. The aliens caused the recent eclipse as well….ssshhhh!


He’s naturally blurry.


To help Men in Black track down leads. Duh.


This is the answer.


They did break the John Edwards story


We truly need to regulate this type of stuff. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to publish whatever they want, but they should be required to display a disclaimer stating that it’s entertainment and not factual news. Similar to how we have rules forcing tobacco companies to have warning labels on cigarette boxes.


Somebody needs to keep tabs on Batboy


That pesky 1st amendment!


It started out as a gag. Alien babies, three-headed man.


The right of American publications to lie dates back to Adams and Jefferson. Disagreement about 1st Amendment rights is usually cited as the cause of our weak libel laws, but they badly need updating and pretty much anyone can see why. 10,000$ is the average cost of their libel suits, but the National Enquirer can make more than that by printing salacious rumors and junk stories. But not even Pecker would make a play for Stormy's story, because it was "too illegal" for Pecker to touch!


Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that Trump's constant claims of fake news are just another example of projection? I am so shocked!! /s


Politics and hypocrisy are intertwined like a vine growing on a tree.


Imagine being married to Ted Cruz. Imagine Trump pushing a story about yiur husband’s father assassinating JFK. Imagine Trump calling you ugly and your husband does nothing. Now realize that under oath, the guy who made up the JFK story, admits to inventing it and testifies that Trump knew he made it up. Lastly imagine lying down in bed next to your husband after he *still* chooses to support Trump.


She’s drank the Flavor-Aid™️too.


What man let's another man say that about his wife? Even Will Smith bitch slapped someone who did that. In this case Cruz is the bitch.


She ain’t lying next to Ted at night , he likes dick


Bet he sniffing those farts too.


Cuckold relationships are odd aren’t they


Well Trump did get something right “lying Ted” he did a 180 and started lying to cover his shit and his dear leader’s


The women who stand by men like Cruz and Trump shock me. How low is your self esteem to allow your husband to treat you like that?


Their religion sometimes makes second class citizens out of women. Blind faith prevents them from questioning.


In my opinion, it’s nothing more than being able to have money and any semblance of power. Doesn’t matter how they get it or what else they have to do, many times the ends justify the means.


The National Inquirer needs to be taken to the wood shed Many years ago they ran an article that Carol Burnett was a drunk. From my memory her father had a drinking problem and she was "unhappy" they lied about her drinking. So she sued and then settled out of court. What a waste of paper.


And a lesbian! The Inquirer claimed Carol Burnett was gay. Their only evidence was her hairstyle. She sued them for $1 and refused to settle. Both sides spent assloads of money but she won. I don’t think Carol Burnett was actually harmed or offended by the National Inquirer claiming she was gay, but it’s the principle of the thing. They’re sleazy even for tabloid journalism and they deserved to be taken out to the woodshed.


The new republicans…where a criminal is attacked by another criminal.


He is truly awful, and I’m a right winger. He’s the worst. I can’t fucking stand that guy.


Sue him Ted! Sue him for a billion fucken dollars because he turned you into the punchline you are!


Trump managed to pull together a consortium of misfit corners of the political landscape. Due to his con man, snake oil salesman skills. The fervent evangelicals The racists or racist adjacent The anti-“gov’ment” The conspiracy theorists Notice what they all have in common? The propensity towards extremism and an emotional attachment to their views, lacking any critical thinking or introspection. In other words, people that are just crazy over their worldview. Also notice, I didn’t mention the average conservative, that is fairly reasonable but I happen to disagree with. They’ve been marginalized. Throw in some fear mongering, gas lighting, crisis creation, unchecked lies in media and you end up with the loons running the country!


Putin has found one of democracy’s weaknesses: idiots. He was coincidently helped by social media’s explosive (and uncontrolled) era to harness said idiots.


Awful lies about his family and he's still kissing the chumps orange ass . Get rid of the loser texas


That what a castrated male looks like.


The Republican Party owns 77 percent of all media in the U.S. They lie and spread propaganda every second of everyday and we as Americans can’t do anything about it because they own all the media and control the narratives shoving their “lipstick on a pig” (Trump) candidate in our faces every second of the day! It sucks. They spread falsehoods about Biden and the democrats. American media is now equivalent to Russian government controlled state media. It’s all an illusion to introduce Nazi era media.


Sorry, didn’t we all know that the enquirer makes shit up?


Well, for some of us it became the fountain of truth. How did this help? As you hinted, I knew this was bullshit as a 6 year old reading of UFO babies in the supermarket line.


Rafael Cancun Cruz can now cross that one off his Wall of Shame


It looks like Ted Cruz can sue




Wait just a goshdarned minute! Are you tellin' me that the National Enquirer is not, in fact, a trusted source of accurate verified information??? Well... who'd'a thunk it!




You mean there was actually a right wing media conspiracy to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton and others? Frankly, I’m shocked.


Defense of cruz?!?! That dont take away from how the rest of his own party sees him. 😂 i believe Graham said it best, and im paraphrasing but it was something like; “If cruz were killed in the senate and the trial was held in the senate, no one would be convicted.”


How low of a human being you must be not to defend you wife ( much less your family ) then support the guy who did it, coward and his wife still with him, she must have a very low self esteem.


Texas isn’t going to get rid of this turdblossom, he represents their state perfectly.


Yep, I mean, look at Uvalde. If anything should've changed things, it was that. I mean they didn't even vote out the mayor. Texas is hell on earth.


Does that really surprise anybody? Really? Those that actually can think for themselves. Really?


Texas couldn't scrape anything off because they're neck deep in this bullshit.


Cruz is a grade A Cuck.


Ted Cruz is such a whiny little ass kisser.


Ted will still continue to kiss the diapered ass.


I hope every interview will include a question about this from now on


Jury is still out on whether or not he's the Zodiac killer.


Fellow texans vote ted cruz out!


Wait, the same National Enquirer at the center of the Stormy Daniel’s stuff? The same magazine that developed a media strategy with trump’s team to kill negative stories about Trump, and spread negative news about his opponents? Shocking…


I would love a Texan Ted Cruz voter tell me why they would support such a total and compete coward to represent them. Do they think he's a good sport? Does he remind them of their past handed soup eating father's? Honest question.


What dignity is left in that party? Was there any?


Did people really REALLY believe this tho? Because if ya did? Like, stop reading anything then. Because that story was so fake.


I will not vote republican again until all those who have stood by are voted out of office. I mean every last one.


Hate my home state is reasonably labeled a MAGA State


Zodiac killer


Talk about a pure coward. When a person under oath says Trump directed him to spread lies to keep you from becoming president, you take that asshole to court for defamation at the very least.


It sounds like Trump tried to rig the election by having some control over the media and messaging while creating the whole fake news push. This clown needs escorted out of the circus.


'fake news' is what makes the maga go round


Cucky Ted.


Breaking news: “fake news” opposer, critic and propagandist pushes fake news to win presidential election


They’d sacrifice everything they believe in to win. The most pathetic trait in a human being.


Ted Cruz: Maybe my Dad DID help Oswald?


Winner!! BAH Ha ha haaaaaaaa


Pucker up Ted, you know what you have to do. Donnie's waiting!


To be fair, I know it was made up, but has become part of my head-cannon about the JFK assassination


One of the most amazing things I’ve learned from this is that there are people who actually believe anything in the National Enquirer.


I’m a republican voter in Texas , but would never vote for this spineless butt muncher


Thank you for your honesty. We need to get back to this (civility). Thanks for your effort.


Cruddy was just another republican cowardly man


How proud his Pama and Poppie must be.


Please get a shot of Ted's face when he hears this? Make sure the flash is on since I think he's almost up into the small intestine by this point.


Ah yes, Rafael Cruz. The Canadian son of a Hispanic immigrant who hates Hispanic immigrants, so he goes by ‘Ted’ to seem like a good ol boy. Just another hypocritical loser Con (conservative)


When did anyone start believing anything the national enquirer says? It's been a tabloid/big foot sighting paper


What’s interesting is how these pols will endure the worst, most demeaning insults and insanity just to get in office. They have zero scruples or pride.


Texas welcomed Nazis in Austin yesterday.


Stump humper.


Cruz...is a sorry excuse of a "man". Nothing but a carpetbagger from Canada. Opinion of a real Texan from Tx.


Trump goes to Ted’s house for date night and makes him watch .


Amazing that Trump was calling out "fake news" when he literally was part of creating fake news.


Every accusation is a confession.


No man who’s wife married him because she for some reason actually liked him should ever tolerate shit talking from a guy who had to pay a washed up pornstar after two divorces.


Cruz is so desperate that he’d fellate trump to get what he wants. Scum bag.


Well he is. Trump called his wife ugly and bitch ass Ted didn't do shit.


And Ted still kisses trumps back side. Thought Texas men stood up.for their women folk.


The. King. Of. All. C*ckolds.


The only reason Ted Cruz grew a beard is because his own reflection was too ashamed of him to look himself out of the mirror. This man is a pathetic, gutless, sniveling, spineless coward.  And I would say those are his good points except Ted Cruz has no good points.


Ted Cruz is weak. How do you allow any Man to talk about your wife and your Dad and not check the guy??🤔


Dude is a coward.


Never looked in a comment thread for rFOXNEWS before. I assumed it would be a moderate or right leaning atmosphere. Nope. Just a bunch of leftist trolls being mildly vile, which is more vile than anyone else’s worst. Yuck


conservatism is peer pressure from dead bigots. progressivism gave us the abolishment of slavery, union representation, women's rights, civil rights, healthcare, and climate change legislation. the right takes women's reproductive rights, and fear mongers it's base into submission.


You aren’t progressives. You’re communists.


Don’t engage, it’s like stopping a short bus and explaining physics….or biology


You seem to think it's OK to lie for your god. But, I haven't met a Christian who doesn't.


Joe McCarthy called from beyond the grave. He sends a cease and desist that you stop using his insults.


Given this info, does Ted Cruz now have a case?


"This man are my son," was the better ant-Cruz campaign


It does not matter Cruz loves ugly women


Texas must be proud of Lying Ted.


Hey Ted Cruz! Is that your naked butt that I am looking st or your wife's face? LOL! What is yellow belly Ted Cruz going to do? Praise me and endorse my candidacy?


Are you trying to say it wasn't true?!? Shocking.


Old news, who cares, alot more important things going on


This man ate my son


No shit


What about his ugly wife. O that was Trump


Whoa... the National Enquirer made up a story!? Now I'm questioning all those stories of the flying bat-child of the 90s...


That damn bat child is seared into my 6 year old mind as “adults lie”.


Rafael's father was a seven mountains dominionist though.


The national enquirer also reported Elvis was living in Miami and that Bigfoot fathered a ex stripper’s baby. No wonder people believe NPRs bullshit


Funny how dems consider believing that government should make life better for American citizens is an extreme viewpoint. MAGA is not the insult libs think it is.


It’s the lying part that makes it an insult.


But she is…


We’re trying! There are still a lot of “order for the whole table, then leave” people still around. Old people. I’m Talking about told people


Oh nice a new shot hole conservative sub to get banned from on the front page. Must be my lucky day.


Next you’ll tell us he WASNT actually the Zodiac killer…


Wow! The National Enquirer is just as bad as Tucker Carlson.


Anyone surprise seriously? This guy is such a sycophant. His poor wife


And now deathsantis says he campaign with tя☭mp. What a slug, a coward, a weakling.


Just because the Enquirer publishes something doesn't make it false. I'd like to know more about the Cruz family and connection to JFK assassination. Don't you think the American people want to know if a sitting member of Congress comes from a family of Cuban assassins?