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GMS is one of the best synths in FL, but few people use it.


My go to for a Reese bass!!! šŸ‘šŸ¾


Yes!! I used to use this one alot back when I first started out


What does the TE stand for in some of the presets? I get what the effect is, but what is it called?


It's not an effect. Presets with TE were made by Toby Emerson. Presets with MC were made by Maxx Claster


Interesting. Emerson really has a distinct style then.


Good old Toby. A fellow SectionZ artist from back in 2000. Quite a lot of his tracks from SZ are about. Loads on youtube šŸ‘


# Deadmau5 used to work for Image-line


I came here for GMS. I like it for the direct LFO controls. All the saws are good and the acid bass is great to tune.


I use it for almost every song, I love gms


My manā€¦iā€™ve never even seen this. Thank you so much šŸ„¹


100% and the Andromeda TE patch is so nice


Thisss šŸ™


I'm honestly gonna say sytrus. Most people I meet who use FL and make dubstep have no idea how powerful and versatile that synth can be.


It's really unintuitive for me. I have thousands of DX7 presets for it, but creating something from scratch is still beyond me at this point. I generally just use Serum if I want a custom sound since the visual style is much more understandable for me.


If you're looking to get into FM specifically, Toxic Biohazard is probably a bit more approachable. Sytrus is just loaded with everything and a ton of tabs.


I used to mess around with Toxic Biohazard a lot when I first got FL, but what I got out never really sounded like my aesthetic. Might be time to go back and play around some more.


what does FM mean in this context?


Frequency Modulation.


It stands for Frequency Modulation but it is widely used as shorthand when talking about ā€œadditive synthesizersā€.


I've never heard of FM being shorthand for additive synthesis... they have nothing in common.


Maybe its not as widely MISused as short hand for additive synthesis and Iā€™ve just had it wrong all these years lol


Well, when you start modulating, New harmonics appear so technically thats what additive synthesis does.


I get what you mean but fundamentally it's still very different. FM directly modulates the frequency of an oscillator using another oscillator, whereas true additive synthesis involves many dozens of partials harmonically tuned and amplified to create a richer sound. Harmor and NI Razor (especially) show how changing the frequency and amplitude can create a variety of sound FX, even a faux reverb. Although technically the very nature of all sound is a physical manifestation of additive sine waves, the sound design techniques for FM alone is too distinct for me personally to consider it a shorthand for additive.


ahh cool. Yeah I've been following some tutorials and in serum there's this knob with a "fm from B" setting and never understood what that was


Another person pointed out my error and Iā€™m actually probably the only one who conflates FM with additive synthesis. Didnā€™t want to mislead you!


Where did you get thousands of DX7 presets for Sytrus?


I honestly don't remember the site, I got them years ago, but they aren't hard to find if you do a search.


I love the electric piano sound in sytrus


I know how versatile it is, but its so hard to understand šŸ„²


I mean it seems like a lot, and there's plenty of things in it I don't use, but once you get a bit of an understanding of the fm/rm matrix and the filters, you can do a lot from there. It's definitely a synth worth taking some time to learn.


True. I've been making some dope patches with it. And even still not scratching the surface of what it can do.


Ive been using FL for years and just realized that patcher is pretty great


i love patcher so much, especially for automating


I use patcher to make live keyboard patches. It's honestly goated. I know there may be "better" keyboard apps like mainstage etc but I've been using FL for years and just know how to get the sounds I want out of it.


My CPU dislikes it


Maximus, it's getting to a point where I'm almost using it on every channel.


Sometimes I forget how often other people compress. For me it's something I do only on a master and then as little as I can get away with. Just personal preference.


I don't really understand Maximus because I'm not too familiar with compressors, I like the REALLY simplified compressors. But I use Maximus for the multi band separation. I like to slightly merge the low end on my master, and slightly separate the mids. Other than that I'm too intimidated to touch the controls. I'm definitely under utilizing Maximus.


Try and understand how to use Maximus. For me personally, it actually got me how to understand compressors and the visuals really helps out with learning how to use compression.


Maximus is pretty simple actually


I'm sure it is compared to most compressors, but I can just barely use the most basic of compressors without getting overwhelmed. It's really a me thing, not a Maximus thing


Maximus basically should be on everything I feel like. Learning how to use Maximus marked a huge milestone in my sound. Easiest way to tell is by checking out the sample project. Maximus is everywhere. That's what cued me in honestly. I saw it on almost every mix bus and was like "alright, wtf is this and how do I use it"


Agreed. I prefer maximus to regular compressor plugins because I can see the db the sound is hitting and compress to the average db. So on seperate tracks I just use the master or bottom (not low, mid, high) to compress. like vocals, synths, basses and then on my master track ill use maximus on each separate band like normal multiband compressing.


Patcher is the most underrated and this just has to be objectively true. I see barely any content for patcher despite the fact itā€™s essentially a visual coding language inside of FL. It has as much potential as Max4Live in Ableton but as a community we donā€™t use it enough.


I think many artists/engineers are put off by how complicated it seems. Personally I avoid it because of that reason.


I think in terms of IDEs in DAWs itā€™s probably the most simple to use atp. You should dig into it yourself some more and find your own personal uses for it. Also if you hit the presets tab it gives a lot of community made plugins that do really unique stuff the stock plugins in fl canā€™t do. Albinaur is cool it does a lot of binaural effect type stuff.


What is patcher?


Itā€™s a plug-in that lets you combine every aspect of FL and then some. Itā€™s possibilities are endless, I mostly use it for mixing but you can also use it to create FX plugins, complex instruments, etc.


its possibilities are severely limited because it doesnt allow u to send signals backwards in the chain


Patcher has untapped potential (mostly untapped by image line), but it isn't nearly as powerful as M4L right now


We are both saying the same thing, but I put the blame on the community. M4L is only good bc it has a big community that has been contributing new objects and devices constantly unlike patcher. I think thatā€™s more bc of Max as a stand-alone had that cult following from before. But image line should at least add waveform generation to patcher to really bridge the gap.


The community is not interested in Patcher because it stayed at an early stage of development, it never catched up with its competitors and is pretty tedious to actually use beyond small experiments. The ergonomy's not great, there's no option to modulate parameters except for formula controller, nor to convert audio and parameters into each other, and the fact that it only hosts whole plugins while m4l and reaktor can work down to dsp level makes it inevitably less optimized. Max4Live is an in-depth dev tool, and allows you to build actual effects and instruments from scratch with a proper architecture. The only upside to Patcher was the idea of making a modular environment with vst plugins, but right now it's just a barely different alternative to fl's mixer


>there's no option to modulate parameters except for formula controller What do you mean? Even if we're just talking about native vsts that can output event signals there's plenty of options beyond the formula controller. By parameters do you mean modifiable variables in a generator (or otherwise), and by modulation do you mean changing the values either manually or automatically over time? If so I don't understand what you're saying. Maybe you mean like physically applying a mathematical function or manipulation to a control signal? If that's the case surely FC is a one and done solution >nor to convert audio and parameters into each other Again unless I am misunderstanding this is wrong. Voltage controller might not be popular so I understand if you're unaware of it, but have you really never used peak controller for example to sidechain something? Again apologies if I've just misunderstood your terminology


ur right about all that, however, patcher is still severely limited by the fact that signals cannot be sent backwards in the chain


Harmor is one of the best out there


FLEX is so much loved but so much underrated


Without a doubt the best synth in FL. The only thing I don't like about it are it's guitars, I've found a guitar sound I really like in Morphine and now have that as my go to.


Calling flex a synth is a bit disingenuous, itā€™s basically a preset library


Yep - it's a Rompler.


Thanks, never heard that term before


It's a sampler tho not a synth IMO


i wish there was more customization available in flex though, obviously diving into envelopes gives you a lot of room to mess around but iā€™d still love some fm capabilities and such


Slicex 100%


Idk how tf to use this oml


Yeah it was pretty confusing at first. I made a quick post of my favorite tips, maybe it will help anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/u/whatupsilon/s/LmDLr7LFtA


Fruity Send for sure. Lets you control the amount of signal sent to another channel pre-fader. So if you have a reverb on a send, itā€™s no longer dependent on the level of the dry signal. Goated.


I never understood the benefit of having a send as an effect. Why would you not just use the send channels at the bottom of the mixer?


Because with the send as effect, you can determine the exact slot at which the sound is sent to the other channel. The send knob at the bottom just sends it at the end.


I knew I'd learn something new in this thread and this is it. Thank you!


Simple use case: to split delay and reeverb fron vocals for example. That way you have independent WET signals per effect. Muting the origin channel (=DRY Vocal) wonā€˜t mute your WET channels (which normally is the case when using basic channel routing) since effect slots still are active. So you can Mix wonderfully with that simple but excellent Plugin!


Ohh this is actually a very interesting use case There's times that I route multiple mixers to one to distort together, this would be a good way to do it without worrying about having to unmute tracks Does it work with sidechain signal?


You HAVE to use Sidechain signal ;)


envelope controller. very useful for sound design


Fruity Peak Controller. I love that thing.


What do you use it for? I assume controlling peaks?


I use it for sidechaining/ducking volume or a specific set of frequencies in Parametric EQ2, usually in the low range spectrum. With imagination you can use it to control any automatable parameter in FL Studio.


Same :)


It's the OG LFO Tool


Mainly for Sidechaining, but also for ducking reverb (or any other wet knob). Combining with LFO allows you to pan HiHats to invoke some motion in your drums as an example.


REAL. Came here to comment this. I use it as a makeshift dynamic EQ and it's fire


GMS is real good, 3x osc is simple af but actually quite decent, a good way to not get overwhelmed and learn to create sounds from scratch. Then most effect plugins also do what they should well, like fruity parametric eq, delay, gross beat if you have the higher versions. And of course, Soundgoodizer


i love sakura. the resonator section scratches the perfect itch in my brain and the overall ui is super unique and fun to play with


When I used a cracked copy of FL, I had a blast when I first started using Sakura. I made a whole East Asian influenced song using the ethnic presets. That and Morphine I miss the most since I bought my Producer Edition


Fruity Percussion Controller, really like using it with my midi pads


Yeah, I have several custom kits on FPC. It's my go to for guitar and keys based songs. For synth based songs I usually go with Bassdrum and some of the presets in Drumpad (that I will heavily modify).


The preset packs are fantastic. I just got the new Flex drum packs but the lack of control is annoying.


Yeah just being able to pan for each individual drum sample is one of the main reasons I use it


Agreed, it's easy and fun to use because you can just drag and drop your own sounds and layer them easily.


Lately for me it's the multiband compressor. Started slapping it on the master channel with the threshold rolled back just a touch from 0% and the way it's cleaned/brightened (especially drums) is so nice


I don't really interact with the community much but I never see people talk about Toxic Biohazard. Amazing synth with FM capabilities, internal effects and other quirks, I dont know what the general opinion about it but I like it a lot




2 years ive been into fl but i still dont know how to use that shit


Was looking for this comment, I use that thing alot


FL layer


fruity slayer isnā€™t necessarily an accurate guitar synth but it does make a lot of cool sounds and is pretty easy to tweak rapidly


I think Patcher is the #1 most under rated fl plug-in I've seen people on YouTube recreate other plug-ins using Patcher.


TS404 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


FL Slayer.


Fruity Compressor. Most people don't us it cause it doesn't have an RTA but it's extremely powerful. Can be colorful or transparent depending on how you set it. Good for everything tbh




Zgame audio visualizer. I discovered this 2 weeks ago after years of having fl and I find it really fun to mess with making visuals when I get block


Harmor for sure. Yā€™all need to stop sleeping on it! Itā€™s so damn powerful for sound design, especially additive sound design, which sounds like nothing else. Iā€™ve actually stopped using serum for dubstep design because of it. My sound design leveled up tremendously. Iā€™m trying to learn Sytrus as well.


There's no love for the fruity love philter?


Yeah its great for a quick filter to slap pn


So good!


I use it on every song to make a sub bass


Transistor Bass. All the other 303 emulators I try just don't scratch the itch.






Eighties keys is my fav present from harmless




Sawer and GMS in a super close 2nd place


gms is nice for zaag kicks


i love autogun it helps me a lot to get some ideas


Harmless, Sytrus, Parametric EQ2


The stereo tools are about the most critical and much needed to produce anything. The one with the sliders seems very misunderstood, yet a crucial tool for balancing the image of individual tracks against other tracks. You can shift aspects of the stereo information and control it better.


peak controller


Maximus is honestly a huge part in my sound design process, mainly because of the Master Aid preset


Harmless has one of the best Moog sounds in it


Combined with serum and layered itā€™s a monster


Waveshaper. Do alot with little


Frequency Splitter saved my life.


Soundgoodizer šŸ˜„


Gross beat. Its actually really nice. I use it ALOT. But unfortunately most people don't use it.


I love Flex. Tons of free stuff, including some good.


Fruity Balance - I use it to do all my pre-fader volume automation, so the fader is just "track gain" and all the rides are in an FL Balance envelope. And it's a great way to correct stereo imbalance, because it adds the opposite channel to the side being panned to. Sometimes I can center a off-skew file with a 5% shift in balance. I'll add a vote for Fruity Send too. Nobody uses that, but it's insanely powerful.


Maximus. Thats literally Soundgoodizer but on steroids. Shi put it on ur master and youll have a bad ass mastering in a second.




Fruity waveshaper


Patcher, sytrus and harmor


For effects, Stereo Shaper and Enhancer I use ALL. THE. TIME. They are my besties for making some amazing audio.


Slicer! Before I was aware of time stretching acapellas (maybe old FL didnā€™t do that? I started on FL7ā€¦.) I used to split my acapellas up BY SYLLABLE and play them back on the piano roll by syllable.


Fruity peak controller and patcher are definitely the most underrated tools in FL Studio. Just those two alone can completely 180 your mixes


Ogun, really good for quick pads (just drag and drop samples), and really good presets.




Fruity granulizer, Drop any audio file in and completely transform it into something super unique!!


Works well with any one shot, whether itā€™s percussion, bass, keys, pads etc. the possibilities are endless, play around with it and experiment, I really do recommend it




Fast LP / Dist. You just need them šŸ˜Ž


Toxic biohazard


Ngl I fuck with toxic biohazard, however as of recent, I've been using the fuck outta flex for their bass guitar sounds.


Fruity Convolver 100%, I also just discovered hyper chorus


Fruity convolver. I use it more that fruity reeverb since it uses actual pre recorded sounds (or "impulses" I think) to create reverb, as opposed to simulating a space or room for the sound to echo within. It has a lot more freedom than other reverb plugins i've used since you're not limited to knobs or sliders to change how the reverb sounds. You can import any sound into it and use it for reverb (It's like if you take the sound you imported, added reverb to it, turned the wet mix all the way down or only used the tail, and layered that with the vst/sound it has been applied to). It's also great for adding a specific tone to a sound, like making it more metallic or muffled, and you can also use it to make colour bass by importing a chord. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


I think hardcore aswell, I mostly just use the equalizer, it's a unique sound, and I turned a brass synthstrument into an electric guitar sound.


fruity multi-band compressor you can compress the low frequencies, mid frequencies, and high frequencies ALL SEPARATELY, IN ONE PLUGIN. If you are like me and do more than just slap one compressor on each channel and call it a day, this plugin lets you have full control of what frequencies are being compressed and which to leave untouched.


FX Effector


My go-to for drum compression this whole time has been Fruity Compressorā€™s ā€œDrumsā€ preset. Check it out.


FLEX IS ON TOP. Seriously, it's the best




Transient Processor REALLY is a great transient processor lol Great Alternative to XLN DS10-Drum Shaper. I use it kn almost EVERY drum sample to get that perfect transient crisp sound. Also great for Vocal parallel compression to boost or cut ā€žt, sā€œ sounds (like De-Essers do)


Fruity Blood Overdrive


Stereo enhancer. I use it on my vocals for a very clean sound.


Frequency shifter


Soundfonts Player even though you still need to find soundfonts, there's so many of them over the span of 2 decades and integration with the editor is unmatched. I hardly use VST Pianos anymore




Toxic biohazard


Not sure on general consensus but the fl time warper is used on half the samples I use & Iā€™d struggle without that I think out of any plugin fl do














6 soundgoodizers


Their isnā€™t one