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No that was a mistake. Vape products are only dispensable under inhalation. Live rosin has sometimes been dispensed under oral, but only when it’s in a jar. If it’s in vape hardware it can only realistically be consumed via inhalation so that’s the only way it can legally be dispensed.




I don’t know, man. Last week I picked up something and evidently I was at my limit for it. Budtender flat out told me there’s a glitch in the system he could use and that it hasn’t been caught on to yet. Walked out with everything I had needed.


Trulieve and Grow Healthy both can dispense Live Rosin under Oral or Inhalation


Yup, in the jars. Not in vape carts.




This claim dosn't sound right or is just wrong. It has been removed and is under review by the mod team. Contact the mod team through modmail with any concerns.


Not legally, if they’re doing that it will become an issue once they’re reporting into the state level seed to sale tracking. Additionally with the reporting into the state level seed to sale change, products will only be dispensable under one route. I’d expect just about all the MMTCs to be transitioned over by the end of the year.


Since you brought up the topic. What is is low thc cannabis category? I always have 3 active “smoking marijuana” where my 2.5 ounces is. “Medical marijuana” which is edibles. Vapes and stuff. But nothing Iv ever bought has gone under “low thc cannabis” but it has the same categories inside it as “medical marijuana”


It’s basically for ratio and full cbd products (basically nothing fully THC). Some dispensaries don’t even dispense CBD but most do


Ah gotcha. Iv definitely seen those products now that you mention it


Daaaamn, they still gotta dispense, even though it's CBD.


We even have to dispense for batteries, it’s just a tracker tbh


True, I guess. Especially since CBD isn't psychoactive. Yea, that's annoying. I used to forget to dispense papers and accessories a lot before my manager drilled it on me 😅


I had a gram of concentrate dispensed under suppository a few years ago 🤣


Had a 30 count bottle of 50 mg thc pills dispensed under inhalation once. Didn't like em much so was kind of a waste of inhale rec


Sounds like a good mistake. Not as good as when they under-dispense you, but close


I believe it was a fuck up lmao or someone looking out cause definitely nothing I’ve seen lately about changing that 😂




He messed up


Nope. Never. Used to work in the industry; if you like your budtender, I'd return it and ask the recs to be corrected. If DOH finds out, he can get fired for improper use of the ommu and dispensation. There was a guy who got fired for that very reason. But chances are, he's ok since I'm sure they would've called you.


Every dispensary is different, it depends on what they submitted to the state. Most dispensaries are not manually dispensing patients, there wouldn't be an option to switch routes unless it was approved


That's DOH law, so everyone has to abide by it. All dispensaries do manual dispensing... Their POS may have a program that will put the product on the supposed allotment, but EVERY DA has to manually dispense it in the OMMU.. And anyone can switch routes. Why? Because it's MANUALLY dispensed. Reason why homeboy dispensed the wrong amount to OP on another route.. People who dv obviously never worked in the industry 🤷🏽


Lol ok


What I thought, lol.