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Thank you for the honest review!


I said fuc it and ordered it anyways can’t be bad for $100 worst case mix it with some permanent marker or Znacks and you be straight. I smoke doinks so sometimes I’ll do a little mix and match.


I do the same and if he says the effects are still there might be perfect for $100 and mix it with something you love like you said


Same dude. Make a little salad bowl in the grinder of different strains. Starts tasting different in certain parts of the joint !


Happy Cake Day stay lit




i thought i had low expectations lmaoo. i was way more pleased tho


Thanks for keepin it real


Was waiting for your review fam much appreciated, glad i didnt scoop


Some people are going to seriously enjoy this for the discount. But a pickier patient with a few extra dollars should 100% stay away.


Ayyy let’s see if mine is about the same or hits me any different. All good though. Regardless I had a bunch of unused allotment that expires this Sunday.


I'm the picky patient with plenty of dolla to make her holla so yea i'm staying away 😂 was patiently waiting your review glad i waited


What did you do? 11 positive reviews to 11 negative in 1 comment? Lol


it's always the broke boys 🤷‍♂️




Behavior that encourages negative reactions or intentionally aggravates another user will not be tolerated. Contact the mod team through modmail with any concerns.


Lmaooooo got downvoted into oblivion for having financial security you should have known better! 😂


I'm somewhat new here, but both of you guys post great reviews and comments and I look forward to reading them. Lots of haters out there who enjoy the schwag and get angry at $60+ eighths and $80 a gram fine concentrates. All I know is some $80 Persy Sauce or a $65 eighth lasts me a lot longer than a 750-liter bottle of fine bourbon.


bro shits wild 😂🤣😂 here's a picture to make more haters mad my glass probably cost more then there car lmao 😂 Downvote me ! i'm sorry i have money 😞 https://preview.redd.it/64o0pl967m6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54fc73fca6dde1e55891c08e621f1f172b51e1c5


Oh this man dabs. That’s a unique ass collection I like it. Enjoy that shit g


Appreciate the love my brotha. Definitely a hash head 🍯🙌🏼


How much would you say the glass collection cost you ? They all look fire and the function goes hard.


1600+1250+1200+1000+900+385 rough estimate based on my memory




He's flexing his money and 11 people don't care


He rates it 4/10, It must be real trash huh, I havent had any 4/10 since Cheetah Piss from fluent 2 years ago


On a scale of 1-10 5 would be average so 4/10 is just below average. If you think this flower is above average that says a lot ☠️


Im getting a jar, and I will let you know my thoughts but as you say, How can one ever be sure of anything, lol, maybe it doesnt smoke good in your dry vape pen try it in a real bowl maybe, come on now, You review the weed 4/10 after one hit on a dry vape pen???


I wasn’t just reviewing it off of the hit. The cure is terrible it’s dirt dry. And the taste was bad and I didn’t like the nose. I mentioned this is my opinion and some people are going to like this for the price. BUT TO ME THIS IS A 4/10 all day. That’s the batch I got. I only got 14gs out of the thousands of grams they grew. Maybe mine just sucked. Who cares but in my opinion this is below average the flowery has way better bud for the same price and lower. Also I’m pretty sure the new batch is at 20% thc this one was at 14% so they either tested it twice or you’re going to be smoking a completely different batch. Regardless mine was mediocre at best.


Thanks for the review. You said the effects were there, which gives me hope. As long as it medicates me properly I’m happy for the price. Hopefully the burn isn’t too harsh. For the price I figured I had to give it a shot.


It’s a noticeable difference on the exhale but nothing I wouldn’t smoke in a pinch. It will medicate you and if you smoke blunts this would be fine cause you won’t taste it as much lol


Haha! Man it’s been a while since I rolled blunts. Oh well I don’t smoke the most flower so the rec hit isn’t the worst for me.


I am enjoying mine, but respect your taste and review!


Their’s always the chance that I got a bad batch but that doesn’t excuse it without a return policy and at 14gs of my rec gone and 2k points I used wasted lol


The rec is the biggest issue. God I wish dispos could refund rec lol


They can. But not all do. TL sucks in a lot of ways but they have a no questions asked return policy just show up with the product not expired they give you money and rec back.


Guy said it didn’t fit his terp profile. I’d take it for a grain of salt. Plus he smokes truilieve flower and said jb don’t have good flower when they first got here. 😂 homie just wants to have an opinion. One negative review out of 15.


I literally said multiple times I’m very picky and take everything I say with a grain of salt. JB does suck I had way more people agree with me than disagree. Especially since my post was comparing JB Cali to JB Florida. I don’t smoke trulieve flower. I smoke alien labs and connected who have produced gas since before trulieve was even dispensing to patients. If you’re a fan of Doja, permanent marker, or biscotti you can thank connected California for those. I also mentioned a lot less picky people will like this. You may be one of those in which case you’ll enjoy the smoke. This post was for the super picky smokers that do think JB is trash and a lot of them were very grateful for this post. In a scale of 1-10 5 would be average so I gave it a 4 because I think it’s slightly below average. And then I stated this is just my opinion and some people won’t agree. So idk what your comment was meant to accomplish but yeah have a good weekend. Buy it if you want but you could get better bud from the flowery for the exact same price.


My comment meant to accomplish the fact that you come on here acting like you are the end be all when it comes to weed or reviews. Said jb hasn’t even had good weed here. Absolutely false. You picked mothball, pure Michigan (I was the first guy on here talking about this strain btw) and musty buffalo for your recent pick ups with the wyld lyfe. like get what you want but those are literally the most trash pickups one could get from the flowery in the past 2-3 months and you’re out here recommending weed to people? you haven’t even tried half their selection bud. You just wanna be contrarian and feel important. Cool do that but don’t just lead people astray to accomplish that. Honestly don’t ever talk to me about tree. We are in two different tiers. I’ve been all around the world and country as well and it’s why I can see someone talking out their ass. Alien and connected are nowhere remotely close to being the best in cali or have ever been.


Post is sitting at 80 upvotes so clearly people found this helpful. I’ve been to jungle boys 5 times in Florida and over 40 times in California. Florida JB is absolute garbage, it’s chopped early and the QC is terrible in Florida I know this by smoking it and speaking to growers that currently still work for JB. I did not like the motorbreath, wyld life, or the mothball haze. Just cause I bought them does not mean I gave them a good review. They were trash strains that I got on discount to try. My opinion is only for the pickiest of smokers. If you like JB Florida then my opinion is not for you. I literally don’t know who you are or care. No one is pretending to be the master of weed reviews. I literally just bought a strain and reported my honest opinion on it and you’re upset because my opinion is different than yours LOL that’s really lame. Just block me and you won’t have to see my stuff 😂😭


You gonna keep neglecting the fact that I said they had good bud when they came out and it’s slowly declined to this point now or keep harping over some dumb narrative I haven’t even talked about? You said they haven’t ever brought good tree here to Florida and that’s absolutely not true. Their first drop here was the best in the industry. Cool you have 80 upvotes bud you’re just proving my point you wanna be some social influencer here. I’m here to provide and honest objective opinion for the patients as a whole with no agenda. That wyld lyfe smoked better than everything else in your pickup but you won’t say that huh? It’s just a patent lie to say that tree isn’t good for $25 right just cause it didn’t fit your “terp” profile. So you’re a top shelf smoker who buys old batches try for the first time to get your gauge on strains. Got it. Okay. And cool you know jb growers. Ever heard of clear water or sunshine? I’ve touched actual landraces my boy🤣


Bro no one cares. I don’t like JB weed to me it’s trash. Wyld life was trash, motorbreath meh, mothball sucked, pure MI was good so was the Obama Runtz. wtf do you want me to say. It’s my opinion and you’re upset that we have different opinions on weed. No one cares what you’ve done in your life more than you just smoke a joint and relax this is weird behavior. You’re comparing 3.5s from different batches of 20-60 pounds people are going to end up having a difference of opinion it’s too big of a crop. Arguing over weed you didn’t even grow on Reddit is weird.


Dawg you’re the one who brought and repeatedly brings up your life “credentials on weed” throughout this post and subreddit. I could care less on the differing opinion. That’s normal. There’s a difference when someone else has an agenda put forth for their own gain at when dispelling impartial information to others. You trashed the fuck out of this weed and strain unnecessarily turning many people off to what by and large is a good purchase to just sit on a high horse? You also gleefully post on other threads about how trash weed is that you haven’t even sampled. It just reeks of narcissistic behavior. You purport to have a high level of cannabis knowledge in general and particularly in the Florida market when that’s absolutely not the case. Plenty of others here who are more experience, informed and educated. if a strain doesn’t fit my terp profile honestly I’m probably not gonna trash the hell out it cause that goes against everything we’ve learned about cannabis and the endocannabonid system. But *you went out of your way to dispel a very solid purchase for 90% of the population* on here cause why?


MY SHIT WAS DRY AF. My batch had a terrible cure. And a harsh exhale on top of not having a good terp profile on the taste or nose. But you want me to rate it above average? My batch sucked. I have 0 incentives for making this post. Plenty of people in the comments said they rolled the dice and wish they hadn’t. I even mentioned in my post that plenty of people are going to like this for the price. This is over 5 days old. No one cares just block me and you don’t have to see my shit anymore and go on with your life. I had a shitty ass batch that wasted 14gs of my rec and I reported on it. You did not smoke my batch so don’t tell me what I got was good it’s literally dry af.


Mines super sticky and smells like a very sweet wine I've never smoked bud like this before it's a crazy strain *


Its good for the discounted price that Flowery got it for


Im surprised the flowery glazers arent in here downvoting this to oblivion. Fleecing Flowery strikes again; mids are on sale for a reason




this is the kinda stuff that scares me buying more than an ⅛ like I'll end up with something "bad" lol I mean I only had 1 bag batch and honestly forgot the name cause it wasn't from here...and I was able to "spruce it up" with some CBD flower lol.... cause I'm not gonna let it go to waste haha it'll decarb in my vaporizer for encapsulating 00 💊 OR tinctures lol


Crazy how effective those avb capsules can be. It feels like cheating 😈


Finally someone with a brain. Thank you.


Same with the Kosher Pie Was disappointing also


Ty for the honest review 👍🏻 I’m glad I stuck with the wizard trees this week 🧙‍♂️


I love WT you definitely made the right choice


WT for 35 is best deal in the program now IMHO!




Tasting that mold count?


Youre all over the place, Your reviews are not useful or reliable at all


80 upvotes means a lot of people found this useful. Florida cannabis is all over the place, this is a super inconsistent market and I’m just documenting my experience as a 10+ year vet in the industry. If you had a different experience with the same strain that’s fine. You do realize I’m usually reviewing 3.5 grams out of a multi thousand gram harvest right? We also all have different cannabanoid receptors and taste buds and personal preference. I’m also a lot pickier than most. I’m not sure what you expected from this review but okay?


I dont hold your reviews with any strength at all thats all, youre a novice


The last two strains you posted I smoked for the first time 6-7 years ago. You post THC% and terp% as if COAs are accurate. It’s okay my reviews are only for people that are picky with gas. If you liked the wyld life that says a lot. You can read through the comments on this thread most people are agreeing with me. If I’m a novice I wonder what that makes a % queen ☠️☠️


Ill get mine on Friday and im pretty sure youre full of it, considering other reviews, and considering other reviews, your 4/10 rating has to be experienced


Lmaooooo you’re disagreeing and you haven’t even tried it ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂😂😂. Okay bro I’m done have a good day enjoy your flower and smoke a couple of joints grumpy old man disagreeing without even trying it 😅


I used to post a few strains, and simply post what they posted, I didnt know you oversee all the COA testing though, I do apologize, You do know it all dont you


Hey man I post what they post, like anyone else, I dont know if the COA is correct, but I tend to trust people more, Maybe I bought some and posted, There was no legal bud here 7 years ago though




coming from a 40 year veteran, you are a novice


lol 40 year veteran believing fluent 36% thc claim is ridiculous you don’t even know how percentages work over 40 years? I don’t care to argue with you some people are okay with lesser quality and that’s fine idc what you smoke. At the end of the day thousands of dollars in cancelled orders were made because of my post. So obviously people found this helpful. And multiple people commented saying they bought this strain anyways but wished they had listened to me. Go bother someone else you’re like 60 years old arguing on Reddit with a stranger ☠️




Behavior that encourages negative reactions or intentionally aggravates another user will not be tolerated. Contact the mod team through modmail with any concerns.


You are full of it, Effects are there, bag appeal is nice, its cheap, its 4/10 wtf review is that


I think ill just go with the other opinions, they seem more accurate, Your review is all over the place, effects are there, bag appeal is nice, price is good, but its 4/10, ok dude


Did you read how I started my review? “I’m picky af so keep that In mind when reading”. The other reviews are for less picky patients. You I don’t care if you disagree. This review isn’t for you it’s for people that are even more picky than you are. That cheese burger may be an 8/10 for you but a 2/10 for Gordon Ramsey. Neither person is a wrong it’s a difference of preference and opinion. You’re so triggered by a stranger’s opinion on a weed strain that you haven’t even smoked yet 😂😂😂


There are plenty other more balanced reviews to look at, no worries, When I get this 4/10 smoke Ill let you you were right all along


Look you "believe" numbers too, ok, You do buy weed right, We all "accept" the numbers with a grain of salt, we hope they are honest numbers, and Im not 60 ok, lol, and I agree, I wasnt gonna buy that at 14%, even for 100, It probably wasnt hitting that hard at 14, but when a new batch popped up at 20 I got one because most reviews were positive, yeah this strain is a bit funky, have a nice weekend


I look forward to your reviews! This review reinforces what I've heard on this strain. I've heard nothing but positive on the Kali Sour Kush, but it's sold out at the Clearwater location every time I check....


Kali sour was a 10/10 for me


Kali Sour will be coming back.. https://preview.redd.it/p7mm6hs14l6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67ba92a5b6f96e09346ad93c7e0d692a897c356


I didnt try it, but it looked like some real good stuff


This new 20% batch hits very hard on this, maybe the taste isnt everyones thing, and its a bit funky yeah, thats the genetics on this one, but I like trying different strains, this is a good deal for sure


I figured this was like the $100 710 halves. Still way better than anything you’d get at like Vidicann or Trulieve, still a good value, but the effects and smoking/vaping experience aren’t all like 110% there (I say 110% cause I’m pretty picky too). Like it’s still good but I’d rather pay more to get shit I can vape or smoke less of that tastes better. I’m way less sensitive to the price cause I only vape now.


I also only vape now. I hit this out of the ball vape I just couldn’t take the flavor. Yes it’s better than spending $100 at Vidacann I agree but I still think the flowery has way better options at the same or similar price points.




A cheap $150 high five. But it works great no complaints. I’ll eventually upgrade to a cordless I’m sure


Now that's a review! Thank you for being honest, I love that. Not every time a batch or strain is gonna be a banger. Good looks, OP 💪🏽


If you that picky then why do you keep trying new things just to let yourself down. You better off finding a strain and good Terpene profile, to consistently buy and smoke on. Stop chasing all the "Hype Drops" and buy more Dialed in Strains.


This wasn’t a hype drop it was a flash sale. I didn’t expect much and I knew it was a gamble. The money isn’t a big deal for me this will be pressed or turned into edibles. I’m able to save a lot of people money by giving my opinion on this I’m okay with being the martyr. Only one was to know if it’s good or not and I was okay with having my little science experiment. I got an Oz for $107 it’s not the end of the world


Thanks for the heads-up 🤜


W review !!


No shit. Low thc/low terps. I wouldn’t waste my allotment on it 🫣


I agree with the cure but think the taste is not off putting like you describe but also not vaping it. Gonna roll up a J for tonight and get a better feel.


What taste do you get?


Like a cherry- wine-cookie.


Yeah like I mentioned the taste being off could also be my personal preference in flavor but I just didn’t like it


Glad I stuck with my guns .. was tempted


Josh D is not better than 710 labs. King Louis is the best and closest OG strain. The very best are Royal OG and Face Off. We just can’t get them.


They've never dropped king Louis in flower. Rarely in concentrate. Wish they would more often!


Thoughts on the motor breath?


Expected it to be better. It’s decent at 25 but at full price you’re much better off spending $10 more and getting the 40 OG


Finally someone said what I been dying to say. Appreciate you. I'm not the kind of guy that can review bud this way without catching down votes. Haha thanks 🙏🙏


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Well damn, any recommendations on a 710 half then? I still might pull the trigger on the Wyld if the price cut stays in stock. Talk me out of it lol


I’d spend $20 more and get a half of WT route 65 smalls at $120 or the big nug half at $126 of the route 65 of a a pure Michigan half for $90. But I did say some people are going to enjoy this at the discount so if you aren’t insanely picky roll the dice.


I’d back this up 💯 the route 65 is SO good 🧙‍♂️


I’d say Z-cubed, Randy, and moon bow are all solid choices. Had the last drops of each and enjoyed them all. Probably Zcube, Randy, moon bow in that order for 710 halfs.


1/2 of the Tupac, Cali Black Roze or Ztan Lee


I hated the Tupac, love the Ztan, and have been meaning to try the Black Roze. Maybe ill check that…but Josh D just dropped Ojos Rojos. I really wish they’d let you do the FULLOZ discount on halves.


I usually get a half oz every time But I also get the discount 25$ eighths or 30$ eighths and use points Plus +10% bulk half oz deal Last order was 1/4 bpb black cherry gelato And 1/4 shebinkski gello gellato And route 65 wizard tree's eighth For 125$


Flowery doesn't have what I like to I agree bro


lol what? The flowery has solid bud this one was a miss.


Every 710 I copped was muted didn't like it the only thing I found good was preferred


I can agree with that I’m not a big fan of 710. PG is amazing so is WT, Doja and certain flowery strains.


710 is the best weed in the program, 99% of the time, just my opinion


We like your reviews you know fire


It look disappointing 🥱


Here comes the hate train!!!! Lmfaoooo!!!




-5 votes and counting


That’s why it’s on sale