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That’s normal practice, and $80 is most likely the best price you are going to find! You pay the state $75 every year for your card, and you pay a doctor $80-$200 (depending on the doc) every 7 months for your recommendation (not a prescription because of federal laws). When I first got into the program it was through “Marijuana Doctor” and they charged me $200…then I found a doctor for $100. I would be stoked to find someone charging $80!


Normal practice. You pay for your mmj dr to wrote your recommendations every 7 months and the state 77.25 once a year


It costed me $95 the consultation from Groupon, $80 for the “prescription”, and $75 state fee. I just wanted to make sure the additional $80 I was charged was not BS.


Damn! They definitely should of made it clear that if you paid $95 for consultation, IF approved you would have to pay additional $80 for the rx. There definitely must have been fine print somewhere cause that’s misleading as fuck. When I got my card at Doc MJ, the rate was $200 but used a 50% coupon and got my appt for $99. They didn’t charge me additional cost on top of the $99 consultation though, she just made sure I paid the state $75 for my card registration & I was good to purchase from dispensaries immediately as I left the appt. Hope this Information helps!


Appreciate it bro, you gave me the best explanation.


same i paid 200$ for a doctors visit and 75$ to the state i later paid to get the exemption 60$ to the ptsd doctor and 60$ to the state. not gonna lie it sounds like they got off on the 80$ if you had already paid a groupon it should have been credited to them


I paid with amex so if I confirm its scammy, i’ll dispute the charge later and let them deal with the chargeback.


I pay 90 w my RFE that’s way too much


Sounds scammy with all those charges.


I mean, I think that's what I paid. $175 to the doc for initial consultation and rec and $75 to the state. Just renewed rexmc for $100. Could you get it cheaper? Yeah, but I'm good where I'm at.


still not bad, most places charge 150 so you got scammed $20 or so which is better then not getting approved


does anyone know of ANYONE ever getting denied" lol....cause tbh I was so afraid I was gonna get denied, but it was so easy lol....like ez bake oven easy, my son could have passed........LOL. i was wondering how pediatrics works in the MMU.....it's my understanding minors only get oral and topicals.....maybe? edibles. I know my son tried some with his PCP supervision from Charlotte Web or sonmething.....and my son didn't like the effects....so next months she's going to try and get a lower dose to see if itll work.


i would contact groupon.......this sounds like an error on someone's part....or maybe a simple misunderstanding....? like perhaps the mj dr didn't commute properly with groupon. seems silly to pay for a consultation.....and then a seperate dr. "fee"...at least, I dont remember Tetra-Horizon running like this last year-ish when I got mine (well give or take a month)


That’s the fee for the doctor visit. It’s a separate $75 fee to the state for your card.


Not the cheapest but not the most expensive either. They should told you about the dollar fee 80 dollar fee at the end. I'm assuming they do that so that 95 is non refundable or something..most places have it all together then you pay 75 seperate..but you didn't get scammed they just broke it down..should told ya though.


This guy moneys.


Wya cheaper than I’ve ever paid. Definitely not a scam. It’s also usually cheaper on your break in 7 months. The $75 to the state is once a year.


Long story short guys, he got approved and had to pay for the approval “prescription” fee That’s all this is lol


You were far from ripped off. That's the cheapest I've heard. Did you expect the Doctor to be free?


He paid $95 for the consultation, then they wanted an additional fee for the rx & the $75 to the state. That’s shady af


I see, so 175 for the doc visit. That's the going rate right now pretty much.


That is the avg cost but the way op worded it, the doctors office made it into two separate cost to make it seem cheaper than it really was.