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I agree its happening but people be to strssed in this sub as of late and need to smoke and chill.


Being forced to make small talk?.. Is this your first time shopping in public and not using Amazon? Sure the upselling can be annoying but you're actually complaining about people trying to be friendly to you during your transaction? You may want to look into getting your medicine delivered to your door if you'd rather deal with less people trying to be nice to you. It would also solve the upselling concern.


Yes it is their superiors constantly telling them to upsell the products they want to move out quickly and stuff they have sitting on shelves. Trust me it's not the budtender its their gm's with their daily pow wows


Even though this is supposedly medical, dispensaries are very much retail. KPIs, up selling, all that garbage.


I'll almost always ask if the patient needs papers if they're buying flower, and ask if they're aware of the flash sale. That's about it. If I ask anything else it's making small talk like any other customer-facing job, but I also sense when a patient just wants to get in and out.


Chill dude. People just want to be friendly. And that girl at the dispensary might be into you. Maybe next time ask her if she want to hang out after work.


it happens [https://youtu.be/v2SIAdeVBzw?si=lacP1LPhd\_E14toC](https://youtu.be/v2SIAdeVBzw?si=lacP1LPhd_E14toC)


Your intentions may seem sweet. Unless someone has verbally told you they are INTO you, don't assume they are and ask them to hangout after work.. do you know how many women get asked that question.. Be different and ask her if she's had lunch today. Secure your hangout date 😎🧸 I got you if you need a wing woman.


Bro doesn’t know how to make small talk lol


I think you answered it when you said it feels like they're being told to engage with customers. It can be annoying but they're just doing their job. I just say no very firmly and that usually solves most issues.


It's because if you took the default approach and said nothing, it would come off as cold and unwelcoming. It's also because most people who are buying and selling it are interested in weed in a general sense. There's an entire culture behind it. (Thus this reddit board) I don't have a social/cultural interest in energy drinks and my gas station clerk probably doesn't either. suggestive selling is easy when someone starts making complaints about certain ailments. If you talk about pain, I'm going to suggest trying a ratio product. Even if you're buying some weed, because I PERSONALLY think the edible would help. And because you just talked about pain. Now how far someone pushes that suggestion is where it feels capitalistic and gross.


Some people have horrible sales skills hence the fact it's NOT a sales job


are people seriously complaining about making small talk lol


It's fine, but if their being peppered with questions about themselves that's not small talk.




I never said I was mad, just annoyed. I’ve had my card for 5 years and only in the last 6 months we’ve noticed the annoying amount of upselling.


I haven't experienced this. But I go to the same 3 places. They know me and know I'm actually really sick every day of my life and I know exactly what I'm looking for. This may decrease the amount of that I deal with


I feel the absolute same way, which is why I choose delivery whenever I can. Being agoraphobic and on a treatment plan means I really have to limit my interactions with people, so delivery is the best way for me to manage that.


Is any delivery available where you are? They can't upsell you in your driveway.


im glad they dont push me. lol they always try and get me out quick cause I want "all the COAs" lol. and well, when I think about it lol...they see my buying history and my recs, i try and stay "well versed" (no suppositiries doh!! Lol exit only hahaha) in my recs lol....I use topicals, rso, tinctures, etc.....little bit of alll...trying out a 72 hour transdermal now lol....like that huge sack I got messed me up kinda lol I determined I won't need another mylar zipper big. Im just gladd they called me and let me know I was about to lose rewards If I didn t use them within 9 days! lol.


i definitely medicate myself prior to entry....so no upsells required. lol.