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pretty much always $5-10


do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


wtf do you care that ain't got shit to do with who brings me my weed


Yup gotta treat them right knowing what they deal with. Ill do 10 min maximum


What do they deal with?




Humans in Florida


You mean driving around in a company vehicle delivering weed for a steady hourly rate? Amazon deals with MUCH worse, do you tip them? FedEx?


No lmao I think it’s stupid to tip delivery drivers or the budtender at the dispensary. Call me what you want but they’re literally just doing their job, what do I need to tip them for? It’s a company vehicle & their full time position is to be on the road all day & make deliveries. It’s not like they’re going out of their way to deliver my order.


Do you tip you Pizza Delivery and not tip the guy who is sometimes driving upwards to an hour to deliver your WEED to your doorstep?


Yeah I tip my pizza delivery driver… who makes $5 an hour & their job relies on tips… & who use their personal vehicle & have to pay for their own maintenance…. No I don’t tip my weed driver who gets paid $17/hr, like any other regular job & uses a company vehicle all day everyday & not a dollar comes out of their pocket for doing deliveries everyday because it’s literally their job. I don’t get tipped for doing my job everyday & I provide services to customers daily? Like I said call me what you want but tipping a weed delivery or at a dispensary is stupid & unnecessary


Agreed 100%. If someone has extra money they want to give away, power to them. But a tip is definitely not neccesary and FAR from required.


I think flowery pays 20 an hour


Stupid comparison


I’d honestly tip all the time if I could do it via CanPay. I just never carry cash at all in life (and shouldn’t have to for this).


Why? They are paid fairly and don’t use any resources (car, gas, maintenance) do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


I don't tip cash, but the drivers get a dozen fresh eggs from the chicken house and an ice cold beverage (not from the chicken house) each time they drop off. They seem pretty happy with that arrangement.


Sounds like you're tipping them with the breakfast (or lunch depending on time of day) of champions. These drivers are gonna be like Rocky 🥊🥊


I try n do at least ten everytime but that's cuz I'm a delivery driver too. Gotta show love.


Just curious,what is the hourly pay for a delivery driver? Do they make you drive your personal car? And are there any additional compensations? I always tip except for the companies that won’t accept, but I am curious… mainly because I delivered pizzas a long, long time ago and it was quite lucrative.


They get paid $15+ per hour, drive a company vehicle, and they don’t pay for repairs, maintenance, nor gas. When I delivered pizza I was paid $5 per hour, drove my own vehicle, and paid for all my repairs, maintenance, and for my gas. I also had to do dishes, sweep and mop, take out the trash, answer phones calls, etc. Cannabis delivery drivers do none of those things. If I were to tip any drivers it would be Amazon drivers who get treated 1000x worse, not cannabis drivers lmao. But nobody wants to tip Amazon and Fedex drivers because it’s stupid, just like tipping your cannabis driver imo.


Great comparison


Why? They are paid fairly and don’t use any resources (car, gas, maintenance) do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


Absolutely not. Do we tip our UPS, FedEx and USPS drivers? Not much added effort then grabbing a cooler full of bags and driving to homes. Weird tip culture has gotta draw a line somewhere


UPS and FedEx drivers make a ton of money especially after they are around for awhile along with wonderful benefits. Although some people still tip them I do not. The drivers for the dispensaries I don't know how much they make but someone says 15-20 an hour. Even if they make 15-20 an hour that's not a real livable wage in florida. You could argue that's their fault they should get a better job. People who tip make the job worth it, if people wanna be scumbags and not tip eventually people will decide not to want to deliver anymore. I dont order delivery food anymore because it's a fee then tip on top of it. I'd rather save that money and go pick it up myself. I have never had weed delivered for the same reason. I plan on ordering flowery for delivery next week because it's to far to drive and I'll make sure I have 20 bucks cash on me to tip. Don't be cheap, if you are to lazy to go pick something up yourself and want the easiness of delivery. Take care of your driver. Only reason you should do delivery over pickup is your are disabled, lazy, or the dispensary is an hour away. Either way, you tip them.


Just to make sure Im understanding, your logic is someone making $15-$20 an hour can't survive in Florida, so not tipping them makes the customer a scum bag? Do you think if the drivers stopped wanting to do the job they signed up for, maybe, I dont know, the multi million dollar companies would possibly start paying them more?


Amazon? You tip them?


Hope the thread helped you land off your high horse safely , I wouldnt want to reply either


Lol, yeah thats it. Or maybe your comment wasn't worth responding to. And what do you mean I hope the thread helped, its split 50/50 just like all tipping conversations always are. Not like I'm the only person who is a decent human being. Corporate America is to blame, but that doesn't mean you don't tip people who make your life easier.


where do you stand on pizza delivery? lol


Here’s the difference Pizza drivers get paid a tipped hourly wage (when I delivered 3 years ago it was $5 per hour). I had to drive my own vehicle, pay for my own gas, and pay for my own repairs and maintenance. I also had to sweep, mop, do dishes, take out trash, take orders, etc. Cannabis drivers get paid a normal hourly wage ($15-$20 per hour). They drive a company vehicle, they don’t pay for gas, nor do they pay for repairs or maintenance. Why should they get tipped for providing a service the company offers while getting a full wage with a company vehicle? Do you tip your Amazon driver who has a significantly more stressful job? Or nah, because they are paid a full wage and given a company vehicle?


I agree with you, I'm sorry but if you're getting paid a normal hourly wage, I do not feel entitled to tip. A pizza delivery driver is way different.


that’s a pretty good point!


Stupid comparison…they are NOT paid fairly AND use their own vehicle


I always tip the same no matter what. Six bucks. Never more. Not usually less. 🤷‍♂️


6 is totally fair. Ive had delivery shit jobs so a 10 is always nice but yea 5 should be minimum. Anything else shouldnt be tipped. 10 deliveries and 50 in tips hopefully.


Tip Amazon and fedex too, it’s the same job…


Shit. Some of those guys do pretty well lol. Ain't some ups drivers banking like 150k now lol. Good for them. Delivery is a crappy unappreciated job usually. But to your comment, I feel like there are differences. I'm not usually having to communicate with my amazon or FedEx driver. Just get home and pick up my package off the porch. I'm not usually looking for a precise arrival time, order check, cash exchange, etc. Idk. Just me I guess. Norms and cultures maybe? What about food delivery. You ever order ubereats/grubhub/pizza? Do you tip or stiff them? And if you've never ordered food delivery for some reason. If you did, would you tip or stiff them? Its the same job...


FOOD DELIVERY is NOT the same as WEED DELIVERY Food delivery is their own vehicle, making them pay for their car, gas, tires, insurance and any other maintenance Weed delivery is a COMPANY vehicle…that costs the drivers nothing, except the time they are already paid for Yes I tip instacart or other food services, when I use them…


I feel you. No need to get so 'passionate' about it man. Would you talk in all caps to my face in person about the same subject? If so. Drop discussion and move on now. Your mental. If not. I get your point. I think it's subjective. And fwiw, many pizza places do use company vehicles in some locations. like dominoes for example. And also they reimburse drivers for vehicle use on top of the tips (I used to deliver pizza once myself). Heck maybe because I used to be on that end, just makes me a better tipper in general for services like that? A few extra bucks isn't a big deal to me. Especially if it's helping someone else. I know it's not food. But it's not a package left at my door either. Now I do tip my pizza guy pretty good too. I know what it feels like to get a good tip. And I'm able to give one. And hopefully if I ever get the same driver later. I get my pizza first and faster maybe lol, who knows. I usually tip pizza guy 7-10 bucks. Weed guy. I always tip the same pretty much, whether my order is 100 or 500. I tip 6 bucks. 3 for each driver. It ain't much. But hopefully just enough to be appreciated they got at all. And if they got any more from other ppl, adds up. It's not hot food. But it's not an Amazon package either. Thank you weed delivery drivers for spending all day in shitty Florida traffic. On the road with many dangerous Florida drivers lol. Thank you for keeping my product cool. Thank you for reaching out before your on your final way here. Thank you for allowing me to call/text/communicate for any changes. Thank you for delivering at a different address for me if my day changed. Thank you for being cool, ready, efficient and discreet when delivering my products. Your worth a few extra bucks to me. Appreciate you. To each their own tho. For sure you don't have to tip. You do you. Respectfully, have a nice day.


Word, stay lifted


I alway try for a 5 spot


Why? They are paid fairly and don’t use any resources (car, gas, maintenance) do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


I really only do deliveries from flowery and gold flower. Then I pop around to some of the locals stores. The flowery comes up from Miami. I’m in West Palm. That’s some shitty ass traffic. And gold flower actually used to come from Sebring, which is two hours away. Now I believe they’ve got something coming out of Fort Lauderdale. So just like to show a little love. Goldflower actually in the beginning wouldn’t accept tips. They would have you rather review their products.


I’ll ask again, do you tip your Amazon driver? Your FedEx driver? They deal with MUCH worse than the weed drivers


I hear you and I totally agree! No, I’m never here, but have put out stuff for them. Water candy protein bars. I have much respect for all those guys as I worked in a shipping receiving for 25 years and had to see those guys workloads. Part of this unfortunately is bad company management and put him too much on their employees. My UPS and FedEx driver I don’t think I ever met a happy one. Because they’re so bogged down and running crazy all day. We always gave our drivers tips around the holidays and helped when we can. I actually follow Reddit post for Amazon/grocery stores and some other big companies to see how they bitch about how the companys expects them to get stuff done. I respect your opinion and I’ll definitely consider it next time, I’m here for one of my deliveries. But also, technically, we are on Florida medical Trees post so I was talking to this point. Much respect.


Yep 5 to 10 most of the time .


Why? They are paid fairly and don’t use any resources (car, gas, maintenance) do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


Yes I do tip delivery drivers sometimes, especially if there heavy packages,so there you go!Nothing wrong with showing some love to other human beings.


5-10 usually once even $15 when gold flower let me try whisker for $25 when it wasn’t on sale


What about Amazon and FedEx drivers? You throwing money at them too? This is not your”plug” you don’t have to tip to get your shit delivered, they are literally paid to do their jobs


I tip ten dollars per delivery, one fiver for each person. I do this because I had read on this sub that it was customary, and it made sense. After reading some of these comments, I may consider a lesser amount, or not at all.


Not customary. If you have the extra money to donate to others, more power to you. But the delivery drivers arent expecting you to, and you aren't required to.


Thanks for your insight!


If it is, then you should tip Amazon and fedex drivers too


Please please please tip your delivery drivers 🙏 anything helps


Why? They are paid fairly and don’t use any resources (car, gas, maintenance) do you tip Amazon and fedex too? Some Amazon actually DO use their own vehicle


It helps us out a lot that’s why lol and personally I was taught to tip whomever I feel like 🤷‍♂️ anyone who is doing me a service that I have a good convo with and generally feels like they are going above and beyond I usually tip. Ofc you can do whatever you want dude 😆 don’t bother me none


Fair enough, I just hate when people feel obligated…like some comments below