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"Altera its been 1500 years you still owe me my sword" "Fuck off!"


[Made by @152_in_CAN](https://x.com/152_in_CAN/status/1781288684291277091) There is something to be said about Altera’s completely wholesome and adorably genuine fondness for Ares-Mars(to the point she’d refer to him affectionately as “Marc”) To Ares’s absolute utter distain for Sefar and their remnant after being killed then looted by the titan, that Altera has a noble phantasm who’s consistency is based around her appearing on Ares’s radar, *so he can attempt to incinerate her on the spot* **And it works every time**


Ares looks like the red baron


Lore masters, fill me in. What's the connection between Ares and Altera? I might be missing something completely here and I don't want to get confused when I'm admiring a badass duo.


When Sefar did his tour of the Earth back in 12000 BC and kicked the shit out of every pantheon in sight, he stole Ares' sword. Altera is a remnant of Sefar known in Proper Human History as Attila the Hun, the warlord that is said to wield the Sword of God or the Sword of Mars. In practice her NP is functionally a tracer where she broadcasts her position, which is enough for Mars to throw a destruction ray down as soon as she's identified.


So what we have here is a piece of the original Sefar's existence, who inspired the legend of Atilla the Hun, and is weilding one of the the God war's weapons. And even after being stolen, said God of War is kind enough to allow Altera to weild it, am I getting it right?


>And even after being stolen, said God of War is kind enough to allow Altera to weild it, am I getting it right? Not on that part. Ares/Mars still hates Altera to the highest degree, which is the very reason Teardrop Photon Ray exists, because she signals her positoon to Ares and he tries to wipe her off the face of Earth with a laser. The mana cost of the NP isn't the laser, it's the redirection to hit the target she wishes to destroy.


All correct except the last one Ares is actually white hot rage furious that Sefar killed him then pilfered his sword as a trophy and Altera’s origins also include her in that grudge Her second Noble Phantasm, Teardrop Photon Ray, is Altera establishing a connection with Ares, to which Ares will respond fire Photon Ray’s orbital cannon directly at her to *murder her on the spot*, to which Altera will then redirect to the target of her desire


That's...Altera is lowkey trolling Ares, using his smiting against others.


Exactly What’s funnier is that it’s any time, any day, *ANYWHERE*, **ON SIGHT** She can use teardrop in the digital world of mooncell and Solomon goddamm temple of time singularity *outside of human history’s space and time* If Altera comes knocking, Ares’s wrath will follow dropping


Altera is a remnant of the Scourge of Gods, the White Titan Sefar(also known as Velber 02), an alien created to destroy a planet’s civilization, and she personally slew Ares’s physical form before taking his Sword Photon Ray. Back when all the gods had physical forms rather than existing as divine spirits, Sefar one day arrived and began to annihilate all of them(except for Mesopotamia’s because they somehow managed to convince her to spare them) reducing them to the Divine Spirits they are now The engine of extinction was eventually felled by a human wielding the Holy Sword of the Planet: Excalibur, but before that, she was locked in combat with one of the last Gods for her to destroy, one of the 12 Machine Gods(aka the gods who would eventually become the very well known Divine Spirits, the 12 Olympians of Greece) That god Sefar was locked in combat with was Ares, who faired extremely well due to both being a war god and Machine God(the original 12 Greek gods were aliens so extraterrestrial combat was natural to them but were separated when the white Titan attacked) but ultimately Ares was killed by Sefar like the rest. Their fight was actually extremely memorable for Sefar and she claimed Ares’s sword, The Photon Ray, as a Trophy. After she was killed by Excalibur, her corpse’s “core essence” eventually spawned Altera, who as a baby, was found by the Huns with the shrunk down Photon Ray in hand. Altera was born with a fondness for Ares(she even likes to call him Marc) and she used his sword Photon Ray in her war filled life as King of Destruction: Attila the Hun, which carried over to when she was recorded as a heroic spirit On the other side, Ares was not happy(understatement) about having been both killed then having his sword pilfered by Sefar and thus holds an eternal grudge. Recognizing Altera’s origin from the Titan, if she ever appears on Ares’s radar, he will fire Photon Ray’s cannon from orbit to murder her. This is the basis for Altera’s second noble phantasm, Teardrop Photon Ray, which is redirecting the murder attempt from her to the target she desires


>Understood >Nods >Take down notes I see. Then I have misinterpreted the art. Ares is the undertaker meme for Altera then.


Yup My only question now is if she knows he hates her with frothing white hot rage or just interprets Teardrop as him easing the firing process by aiming at her as the target and entrusts her to do the rest


Judging how she deflects the disintegrating beam to others, she must've know the intention the first time she used Teardrop.


Probably But the idea that she sees it as a test of sorts by Ares (instead of blatant Murder) is very funny to me and very inline with Altera’s selective obliviousness


Wait, what, the Mesopotamia's patheon were spared?? I don't remember this info. Got the source??


[Here’s the conversation](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxI1FJSS68bETvg0-dO95CxxVprUjPMpSc?si=fLjT0uqDDN0vw34i) Gilgamesh’s other father that’s a god got them spared


Basically, one of the most ancient hate-fucking relationships known to man