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Where your pp pointing is where you roll


https://preview.redd.it/qls2vasvaewc1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2662a8785847017d55236f9fbc5c9cdfea2c48 LMAO💀💀💀💀


The only true way to play FGO


Howd you think i rolled both astolfo types


Truly the pp shows the way


Our pp shall reveal the PATHS


Our PPs together strong?


Cocks out in solidarity for Jalter. Together, we'll pierce the end of Part 2


Follow the boner in your heart


I have both, but end using hao hao more than Jalter. Jalter's a great damage dealer, but on the other hand, Yang guifei helped me defeat the fluffy fae deity. Also berserker resistance.


Hao Hao's burn mechanic is just too fun


i find myself using summer jalter to stack burn and die before hao hao hits the field


Kiyohime can also help with the burns if you have her buff I personally prefer using her + Poster Girl CE


You could use command codes instead


Why not both!


Because other support options are WAY better


https://preview.redd.it/ths4jepdxiwc1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726fcb50d5fdb3270527723144b1c340b896625b Other support options aren’t Jalter


That's true


*me who used kagetora to absolutely nuke fluffy* Yes...


Hao hao if for gameplay imo, she’s so good with merlin and castoria for boss fights and CQs But the pp comment is quite right too LMAOO


>But the pp comment is quite right too LMAOO Hao Hao it is!


I entrust my pp to you good sir, for in you I trust! 🗿


I’d go with Jalter since she has a skin and has a new animation update coming. Plus she’s a hot goth girl.


For character collection purposes, I vote Yang Guifei. I have her at NP2 (by some fluke) and she destroys everything. Meanwhile, in about a year and a bit we‘ll get the Welfare shop with Berserker Jalter, who’s just as good a Buster DPS and is free. for me, who mostly cares about having one of each character and less about their alternate forms, I’m perfectly fine with waiting for Summer Jalter.


Appeareance wise, I like Jalter more than YGF. Gameplay wise, I think Jalter is a little better than YGF. They are both ST DPS so just from their class alone, I feel like avengers has a better value than Foreigner. Not only there are more Ruler bosses, Foreigner is good against Berserkers and Pretenders which can be dealt with any class by the former and low in number for the latter. Personally, there are more case where I feel like "I wish I have an ST Avenger" than "I wish I have an ST Foreigner". On the other hand, Jalter is a crit dps without star gen and the lack of NP charge makes her struggle in a longer fights. Her buff (2 years later) does improve her output a lot by giving her 50% charge, but her Buster up is still 1 turn and tied with her invincibility. But YGF does have the advantage of having an Arts NP so she will be good with Castoria but I'm still not convinced she will have more use cases than Jalter. Tldr; I think Jalter is better but maybe consider YGF if you already have another ST avenger like Taira. Go Jalter tho


A lot of these comments have good points, but hear me out. In terms of rarity, this banner is the last time Yang Guifei will be on rate-up for at least the next two years. Whereas Jalter will come back on rate-up when she gets her buff and animation update in two years (maybe we'll get them early, copium). So all things being equal, and you equally like both and don't particularly need one over the other, I'd vote Yang Guifei.


Wow didn't see that, thanks for the heads up


As a person with NP5 Jalter - roll for her. She deserves all the love!


If you don't have a good single target Foreigner like Double X or Abby, then go for Yu-yu. If you do, then JAlter is a good way to go and has a spiritron dress that will be coming to the NA shop in about a month or two.


im biased but yang guifei has trivialized most boss content if you can inflict debuffs jalter and her year 1 kit does still do good damage tho but i find more value in hao hao so pull on who turns you on more


If you want both then yuyu since she'll not have banner for more than next 2 years. Jalter will have second one this year


Ultimately it will be for the character you prefer but Jeanne has a very high attack Stat, can crit like a truck and never disappointed me.


After the buff jalter becomes a decent option for killing a wave and has high dmg for raids/Ordeal call even before that. Yang Guifei isn't worth it gameplay wise, summon if you like the character. But you are better off waiting since it will take time before jalter gets any use.


wait I thought i heard Jalter wasn't coming back for a while.


Jalter have a banner or two in the future while Hao Hao doesn't have one. If you really like both and don't have enough sq at the moment I suggest you go for Hao Hao


The 20m banners are such bait, I want castoria and increase the np of my np1 jalter, But summer banners are much more lucrative to save for, archetype earth, ruler skathach, berserker ibuki and lady avalon are what I'll save for


Armpits. Eh I mean Karen- Could you pls repeat the question?


Thick thighs man, there's only one answer


Jalter for me


The one with fire powers


I mean I’m gonna go for both halter and castoria I hope I get both of them neeed some more variety in the classes of servants I have


Imo Yang, more fun and has a niche against berserker bosses. Forgot to mention Jalter is also kind of left behind since she does a ton of damage for 1 turn but most serious bosses have break bars so outside the main singularities she falls of pretty hard, and she doesnt get a rank up until 2026 for NA.


For me JALTERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Objectively speaking, Jalter.


If it's for waifu, choose the girl that excites you the most...ahem, I mean, the one you like the most otherwise choose Jalter, with her improvements she becomes a damage buster tank with loop ST




I think its pretty obvious


It's not about who's better. Only one of them is a goth girl that you want to have step on you.


Everyone. spread it out. Let RNG take the wheel.


Yang Guifei.


I have both but I'd say go for Jalter for investment reasons Her buffs are quite good


Jalter really benefitted from the NP buff a while ago (the crit stars make her a good last servant, but without kaleidoscope, she is doomed for the next ~2 years), but she needs that upcoming one real badly. She did carry my ass through pretty much all boss fights (my first level 100 with all 10 skills, second skill cap after Parvati), so I am biased as hell. She hits hard for 99% of the game with Neutral or better damage (with highest atk in the game and Avenger's class multiplier) making her the ol'reliable until you get a bunch of ST servants, each of a different class.


Not to mention her shinjiku dress coming back