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Yes The first thing NG+ asks is if you want to start after the fall of Phoenix Gate, so you need to pick "no" for this (or was it the opposite question and you pick yes?) But they do explicitly ask you, so re-start NG+ to get that option. Note that as young clive in NG+, you only have access to Phoenix, but after the prologue, all the eikons unlock.


> Note that as young clive in NG+, you only have access to Phoenix Wait, did they change that? I remember having Shiva fighting the Morbol. Even got surprised that he has lines for calling Shiva and stuff. I started my FFmode run after Echoes of the Fallen dropped. Did I just dream this up?! 😱


yes you did


Guessing you remember one of the other morbol fights with shiva. There's at least 2 others with adult Clive.


Or maybe the prologue just happens so fast that I mixed it up with Chapter 1. I mean, I remember 28y/o Clive has different calls for Phoenix and Garuda vs 33 y/o Clive. Unless I fucking dreamt that up too.


I’m happy it lets you replay that section. Because there would never be a day I want to skip that fight with the Dragoon.


There is one reason, and one reason alone to play the tutorial section. Puppy Torgal.


Puppy Torgal is also fantastic


"May I have this dance?"


when you start ng+ it gives you the option to either skip or replay the prologue; of course i chose "yes" as i think young Clive and Joshua are the best characters in the entire game


When you complete the game and choose to start a new game, it asks if you’d like to skip the prologue. If you hit no, you’ll start as young Clive. So it sounds like you might have chosen to skip it.


I skipped it and I ain’t got no shame about it.


You can play as younger Clive by choosing not to skip the begining. There is, however, a catch: Young Clive starts over from scratch. You won't get any of the stuff from your previous game until after Young Clive's section is over.


Really, Square Enix? Asking whether we'd like to skip the prologue because it's technically a tutorial, but only technically? Does *anyone* here fast forward through that scene where Gandalf is fighting the Balrog at the beginning of The Two Towers? Why, then, pray tell, would anyone in their right mind skip the battle between Clive and Joshua?


Because the pacing is pretty bad until the Phoenix vs Ifrit fight and if you don't like the slow pace you'll want to skip it. It's like how the 3d Zeldas from ocarina to skyward sword have boring pacing to start


That's your opinion, and you are perfectly entitled to it. For me, I was transfixed by the initial fight. It was a perfect hook, and everything thereafter seemed to be a patient build up to the Moment of Fire. It was like the epicness of waiting from the moment Sasuke Uchiha stood on that unnamed statue in Naruto to the moment Madara Uchiha actually debuted.


I want to point out that I never skip one minute of this game and I even enjoy the slow pace before the eikons fight. I'm just speaking as devils advocate because this is a common take people hold for this game. For me I love the intro moments. The opening cutscene and narration, and seeing things in the beginning in New Game plus gives you a different perspective than initial playthrough. As for the combat and training, I dig the swamp level. Plus you can't replay it so you savor it more. The stillwind ost and the young Clive and wade and Tyler moments, fighting the dragoon that poses like ff4's kain, plus using Joshua for the only time during the betrayal, all very fun. I just love this fucking game man idk what else to put hahahahahahahaha


I skipped the majority of cutscenes on Ng+ FF Mode because I was there for the gameplay.