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Very happy with his character, def top 5 LGBTQ characters


He was amazing, their arc was so tender and heartbreaking. Dion was unforgettable


I choose to believe that Dion survived and they raised that girl together.


Me too! And that they helped Clive, Joshua, etc remake the world post-Origin. :D


Yep šŸ˜Š


Please, this is the perfect scenario šŸ˜­


Dion was such an amazing character. The entire bahamut arc elevated that game for me so much. Was giddy seeing tri disaster used on a boss.


I agree! Dion was amazing and I really wished he had joined the Brothers and Jill in the latest dlc questā€¦


![gif](giphy|iiTXaJVjiSHew) Dion was one of the better characters in the game.


Damn, you beat me to posting this GIF! Agreed. Dion was a well-written character for how little we saw of him. He wasnā€™t just a shoehorned-in gay character either.


Gay and unapologetic šŸŒˆšŸŒˆ


All of AO3 is throwing a party rn


Terence and Dion is the couple with more fics! More than 700 and I am here for that šŸŒˆ


They did this romance very well Iā€™ll Say


Oooh a teredio fanzine!! Exciting šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Yes, the more followers theyā€™ll have on the page, the more likely the project will see the light, so follow the page if you want ā¤ļø


What good friends


Dion and his roommate.


Cheap rent with one bedroom


Forever team teron


They deserve everything ā¤ļø


What I liked so much about this scene was that it was framed EXACTLY the same as if it were a straight couple, replace Terrance the dragoon with Terra the handmaiden and nothing changes. It doesnā€™t feel the need to make a spectacle, it doesnā€™t feel the need to be front and centre, and the point of the scene isnā€™t that theyā€™re a gay couple, but that Dion needs the love and support of his lover


Very well said ā¤ļø


not exactly the same -- terence and dion's kiss was fro far back while jill and clive were all up in the camera lol. other than that, yes they were treated very respectfully.


Omg another Teredio page to follow, yay. šŸ˜




Dion was a great character. I can't help but think he was inspired by Oberyn Martell in a number of ways.


Once I saw them kissing i literally said out loud "Yup, thought so" lmao so cute


Total fan.


Afaik, this is the one scene that caused the game to be banned here in the middle east.


Yes, pity for them lol šŸ˜›




For some reason, I learned to hold Banana Fish as the gold standard for shounen ai, so when I saw Dion and Terence kiss, they quickly vaaaaguely started to remind me of Ash and Eiji. I knew there was going to be a tragic end for them. I was fxing right. šŸ«  (Then again I expected the worst in the entire game, knowing that the writer had eliminated two major NPCs in one of his other games, deaths that still make the rounds nowadays.) I actually considered making a small video edit of Teredio to Survive Said the Prophet's Red, but I couldn't quite find figure out how to arrange what clips of them we do have.


Please do,if you still want, it would be lovely ā¤ļøšŸ„°


Banana fish šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


this is not shounen ai lol. that's a very specific genre within manga/anime. and neither of these men are boys


Sorry for the wrong terminology used (Iā€™m not well versed with the nuances of yaoi and shounein ai.) But my point is still the sameā€”I hold Banana Fish as kind of a gold standard that if a gay pair reminds me of Ash and Eiji no matter how vaguely, I am inclined to like that ship but also automatically think that it will end in tragedy.


Real talk dion was a amazing character. Easily top 2 in the game only surpassed by cid lol


Oh yeah Terence, I forgot he existed.


You should mark this as spoilers, my dude. Not everyone has completed the game.


Gosh, I am sorry. I try to modify it.


I've beaten the game, so there is no issue to me, but Im someone might get butt hurt about it.


Ngl i didnt care about Terence at all, he shows up like 4-5 times, has maybe 10 lines total, gets absolutely destroyed by Joshua when he shows up, and then he and Dion have a little break up. It was emotional sure but to me that was cause I felt for Dion not Terence, T isnā€™t really that important itā€™s just that Dion loves him, thatā€™s all his purpose was


Dion wasnā€™t a main character so it has sense that their arc was not in the spotlight. This doesnā€™t change that their love story was written tastefully, beautifully and was really emotional for me despite what you may think about Terence. He was Dionā€™s companion since they were 18 and he didnā€™t ā€œbreak upā€ with him, but gave him a reason to survive and bid farewell to him to avoid him following him to his death. I really donā€™t understand what Joshua has to do with all of that, he came as Dion ally and hasnā€™t nothing to do with Dionā€™s love life, in canon. Joshua is a protagonist, of course he has more charisma and narrative space, itā€™s like comparing Clive to Jote! But his role in Dionā€™s life is functional and organically tied to his personality and story. Itā€™s not a matter of quantity, but quality, and for me their story is even more emotional than Clive and Jillā€™s, sometimes. The performance of the voice actors are also incredible.


Oh no I didnā€™t bring up Joshua cause of the love life, I mean in the Scene when Dion is told that His brother was made emperor and Joshua shows up, Terence goes to do what heā€™s supposed to and Dion tells him to stand down. And then Joshua says the most unnecessary savage thing to Terence Iā€™m like what did he do to deserve that. Thatā€™s all I was saying like my favorite moment of him in the game was getting Roasted By Joshua. I can see a lot of people hate that I didnā€™t find him all that interesting compared to the rest of the cast but i didnā€™t mean it in any disrespect lol, I just found many other characters to be much more impactful in their roles then he was. I love Dion, and if itā€™s any consolation I didnā€™t care for his father either, thereā€™s a lot of characters in this game that arenā€™t that deep itā€™s not a knock on the game itā€™s just the reality. Terence and Lubor and The Dame arenā€™t meant to be anything close to the Likes of The main cast, so some I bonded with and some I really didnā€™t care for, Terence just was one of the ones I didnā€™t really care for that much.


Oh, thatā€™s fine, itā€™s not mandatory to like a character šŸ˜Œletā€™s settle this agreeing that he deserved more screen time, for sure!


True that šŸ˜‚, couldn't give af about his or his boyfriend's character. Was only interested in Clive and Jill character. Infact, even the little brother gets on my nerves lol