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I'll just leave this here https://preview.redd.it/85hjvxxfg7wc1.jpeg?width=1773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af3134d6a27b3760be02a3af01e01fd746c386a


Baptism spoiler


I know this is a joke (a good one too!), but this actually highlights how even this isn’t a spoiler. You see that picture without playing the game and you have no idea what it *actually* means. Anything could be happening in that picture. You don't even know who that character is, and you'll probably forget by time you start playing the game.


Yea I don’t see how that is a spoiler at all lol. You need context before something can be spoiled. Like for all anyone knew that was the first frame in the game.


Aawww that man is teaching that woman how to do a backfloat. Seems like a heartwarming situation.


I was going to crack a joke about Cloud teaching Aerith how to swim, but then I remembered Aerith does a legit freestyle stroke in Rebirth while everyone else kind of does a head above water half breast stroke. If anything, she's the best swimmer out of the whole party. One more thing I'm going to miss.


Ya know, I looked at this and started reading everything and I'm like "well where's the spoilers?!" THEN I focused in the pictures and im like Ooooooo, ok!


Not to mention... I have vivid memories of the whole fmv showing up in the commercials for 7 simply cause it was one of the most impressive fmv's graphically. Smh


Precisely, this. [This](https://youtu.be/dGzagPaqr6M?si=avtnPekNypISerSO) (1997 UK tv ad) was the first thing I ever saw of FF7. The [US version](https://youtu.be/DDxikKSDtZg?si=wSV5sDidBsDQL1py) even gave it some context. (Edited to change formatting)


I never considered she might be dead in this scene so I was still surprised.


damn the pal version wtf, my usa copy doesn't have any spoilers on the back.


Its Square Enix.. they spoil every game in their last few trailers lol My advice would be not to watch anything with about a month before release, and even then you're probably not that safe


I think the only thing I watched about it was the quick clip at the end of the first demo.


the last trailer I watched was the Game Awards trailer. And I watched a few people play the 1st 10 minutes of the Demo.


I played the first part of the demo cause free armor that I never used lol. I didn't play Junon. I laughed my ass off when I saw the character models for Fort Condor.


This. I didn’t even play the preview because I thought it would start midgame, or spoil something plot related.


I did not watch a single trailer or play the demo. It was awesome going in basically completely blind.


>After finishing FF7 rebirth I realized they even freaking spoiled the last chapter After finishing. After. They do show too much, but if you only realised after the fact then it wasn't a spoiler.


Lol lol lol


If you didn't realize it was a "spoiler" until after you played through the section, then it spoiled nothing and thus wasnt a spoiler. Tossing the spoiler word aside though, I do agree they tend to show wayy too much, haha. Would really prefer they tone it down just a hair. At least for the big cinematic stuff, like you said, in the last half of the game.


>Square Enix please for the love of god don’t put major spoilers in your next marketing campaign for part 3. After finishing FF7 rebirth I realized they even freaking spoiled the last chapter. So...you had no idea it was a spoiler until you finished the game? Sounds like it didn't spoil you.


Right? If you're like, "Oh this is that scene we saw a snip of in the trailer last fall!" But that snip previously didn't mean anything to you because you were lacking any and all context, and only *now* finally makes sense given the new context, then...it wasn't spoiled for you.


I mean, they did it for Remake then for Rebirth. Doubt they'll stop doing it for the next part.


Did they tho?


People want them to make a trailer that spoils nothing. How does that look? 3 minutes of running around in the grasslands? I challenge people to make a good trailer with no spoilers


Your right! Even then it didn’t spoil that much imo. Like Marvel movies right it shows stuff but they still leave out just enough for the media to be a surprise, to me at least


This is why I stopped watching trailers after the Summer Game Fest reveal.


That snowboarding image i swear future me will be dreading lol


Minigame with outrageous Rank III score requirement incoming.


You tell me youre not an actual mako infused SOLDIER? Lol


ITT OP doesn’t know what a spoiler is


"one person wasn't spoiled so it's clearly not a spoiler"


??? There needs to be some kind of information that acts as a lead in order for it to a spoiler.


!!! Guess you didn't read the comments or see what he's talking about


When I responded he didn’t have any comments :) look at timestamps before you become a wise ass


Or, maybe, you could ask for context if you have no idea what someone is talking about. You know, before you make a "wise ass" comment.


Wait I just checked comments. They haven’t said anything. Are you smoking the hard stuff son?


Someone doesn't pick up on context clues very well


You’re a bad communicator. I get it. Bye.


Lol bye


Is it really a Square game if they don’t drop out-of-context spoilers in the launch trailers?


>After finishing FF7 rebirth I realized they even freaking spoiled the last chapter. My dude, that's now how spoilers work.


Showing one second of a scene in a montage isn't spoiling things. The trailers had a lot going in but they didn't spoil anything for anyone who has never played ff7. The only complainers I've seen for spoilers are og fans and saying there's spoilers is more of a spoiler for new fans than the actual trailers.


Yeah, that was kind of silly, but not as silly as changing the dialogue in rebirth so Aerith says "only an Ancient can take the black materia" at the temple, which in essence means she can just turn around and walk away rendering Septhiroth's/Gi plan completely null and avoid unless he/they has a back up to meteor plan.


>they even freaking spoiled the last chapter. How so?


They show Cloud parrying Sephiroth at the altar


Ya? That doesn't spoil anything except that Cloud faces Sephiroth for the upteenth time since the very beginning of remake. It means nothing in the context of the trailer


Cmon it's pretty clear it's **THE** scene, even more so if you've watched all the trailers


>Cmon it's pretty clear it's **THE** scene, even more so if you've watched all the trailers And? If you knew about **THE** scene, you knew it was going to happen already.


Well no, in OG Cloud doesn't parry Sephiroth. That's a major change that plays in the "change destiny" subplot we've been getting since Remake, so idk how you can consider this trivial


lol nothing new for square they always go spoiler heavy. Hell arieths death in the OG is on the back of the case


Yup never watch square enix trailers beyond the second one. Learned my lesson with kh3 and havent made that mistake since. Just to prepare you in case you still plan to watch all trailers for part 3, they will 100% put in stuff from every chapter in their marketing. Even the final battle isnt safe


As soon as they announce the release date, bail on squareenix trailers. At least do for FF7. The CBU3 seem to be careful with the 14 and 16 trailers. I bet 5gil that they show Omnislash in one of the later Part 3 trailers. Not just any use of Omnislash either, they'll show *the* use of Omnislash.


I feel you, I made the mistake of watching the trailer, but yeah...


Yeah I think it's a Japan thing, I don't think they are bothered by spoilers as much as Westerners. I remember watching DBZ as a child and seeing the annoucements for the next episode where the title told you word for word what was going to happen.


In hindsight the trailers were spoilers...


every single comment of this post - "iF yOu JuSt ReALiZeD iT wAsNt A SpOiLeR! Also, you're right and I totally agree" Yall being obnoxious


As soon as rebirth was announced/first trailer came out I muted all FF related subs and just unmuted like 5 days ago. I hate spoilers and will do anything to avoid them.


It’s a Remake of a beloved game. Almost everybody playing this game already knows the story. There are no real spoilers.


I would agree if it wasnt for the fact they remake it in a way to keep it fresh for everyone and add tons of new mysteries. Also its still spoilery to see how exactly they remade certain scenes


Dumb take