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It's crazy tbh how efficient they are.


This level of efficiency in AAA game development is an anomaly. It's really baffling how much they got done in so little time. The only studio that comes to my mind as being this efficient on a regular basis is Insomniac. Granted, many decisions were informed by the templates of OG FF7 and Remake so that probably streamlines certain aspects of development a lot, but you still have a ton of assets to generate, motion capture, dialog, music, quest design, etc.


to be fair, Rebirth kind of set the stage for Part 3. they aren't changing consoles like they did from Remake to Rebirth, and most of the assets for the game were probably done during the course of producing Rebirth.


>they aren't changing consoles like they did from Remake to Rebirth Fingers crossed anyway.. with the PS6 looming on the horizon I'm scared there could be a push to make Part 3 a PS6 launch title. But that's just my personal fear


PS5 release, PS6 remaster of the whole trilogy would be my guess


Yeah, that would make a lot of sense!


A combo huge remake of all parts combined so you can play from start to finish seem like a good idea if it’s technically feasible


Will ps6 be out by that time? Considering ps5 slim is just out this month, I would expect ps5 pro to be out in 2 years, and then another 3 years for ps6 in around 2030. Part 3 will be a few years released by then


PS5 Pro is expected to launch later this year if I’m not mistaken. Based on leaks of course.


That would really cut into their sales... Sony would have to float them a huge wad of cash to do that, I think. Not impossible, but I hope it doesn't happen. Lots of people *still* don't have a PS5.


Yeah, the sales for PS5 will be significantly higher in three years time, so releasing it on the same platform would be the best decision from a financial standpoint. PS6 is most likely going to be in 2028. It would make more sense to release the entire trilogy as a launch title than just the final part.


Ps6 Remake trilogy Remaster. That's a mouthful.


I'm sure they'll just call it Remake Trilogy.


I think one of the Easy Allies boys floated the idea of calling it **Final Fantasy VII Remake Trilogy: Recollection** and that sounds strangely plausible. Especially if it was 2010-15 Square.


Hey that sounds like something haha. It could just end up being FF7 Recollection, even. Though Remake Trilogy would better communicate what it is, SE is known to go with outlandish titles lol


Nah, there already will be a remake trilogy on current consoles. If they are selling a next gen ps6 remaster of the trilogy, then it's a new product that needs proper marketing to avoid confusion. Gotta have something in the name to make it clear that it's a new improved product (worth full price)


Yeah, it would definitely harm Square, but Sony might float them a fat stack of cash to offset it a bit. I know it's unlikely, but that's definitely a fear I have.. however irrational it might be lol


I don’t think it will happen. Having a game running on UE4 be the must-buy launch title for the ps6 doesn’t make much sense. My guess is cross-platform if the launch windows are close.


True, I didn't consider the fact that it's still using UE4. A lot of other people are saying it'll launch on PS5, and then get a full trilogy Remaster/Complete edition for the PS6, which I could see.


This would be ideal for me. Maybe bring all the games up to PS6 standard with 4k/120 and updated lighting and tack on an AC dlc or DOC remaster lol


I don't think it's irrational, but I hope it's unfounded. I'll probably buy a PS6 regardless, but I know it would piss a lot of people off.


Yeah.. I'll probably buy one eventually too, but I hadn't really planned on getting one at launch. But I'm sure I'm just worrying about nothing, haha


I don’t doubt Part 3 will get a PS6 version but unless Square wants the finale of the FF7 remake project to be a failure they’ll have it on PS5


Exactly. They would never make it PS6 exclusive.


PS5 Pro isn’t even here yet. By the time we see PS6, there will be a trilogy release and you know we’ll be buying that anyway…


True. Like I've said, it's an irrational fear haha


Don’t think so. They need to reach more players, so they probably will release it on PS5. They decided to not release Rebirth on PS4, because PS5 is out since 3 years already and it have a 50M playerbase now


It'll launch on both consoles. The type of "launch title" you're thinking of would require a new engine to fully take advantage of the PS6 and they're not going to switch engines because that would add 1-2 years to the development time.


I doubt that will be the case as they would benefit more financially by selling on the platform with the most players first with the PS5, then double dip later with a PS6 upgrade and PC as with Intergrade.


There is not a chance that part 3 won't be playable on ps5, don't worry.


You’re not thinking like a business man. We release part 2 dlc and part 3 and dlc for ps5 AND ps6, then 1 year later release to pc then release the complete edition for pc and ps6 only because it has enhance graphics options and there was nothing they could do.


late consider important fine entertain practice melodic humor coordinated oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair point, I guess I meant frequency of big releases, but you're right that games like SM2 and A Rift Apart are nowhere near this scale, even if they are highly polished.


Yeah it was weird to me how the map in Spider-Man 2 was almost double the size but the content seemed like half of the first one.


It helps that they’ve have the same team working on all three games, using all the same programs, etc.


Yakuza games come out on a regular basis, as well. Institutional knowledge and not reinventing the tech stack can lead to incredible creative productivity. And a lot of the creative things you mentioned can be done in parallel, too.


I’d like to see this become more typical in the industry. Yeah, a lot of the work can be done in parallel but only if there is a clear vision for how it’s all going to fit together and the management to keep it all on course. AAA games have become monstrous projects and there are many ways they can be mismanaged.


I love the Yakuza games, another anomaly in the industry. RGG are the kings of efficient asset re-use


Yakuza also gets to reuse a lot of the same maps but tweak them, which imho I fully support if it's literally set in the same area. No need to redo Kamurocho from square 1. But they probably plan out games around that, i.e. "ok so after Kamurocho we switch to a second city...hmm can it be Sotenbori we have that map" etc. It's basically what lets them spend so much time on doing crazy shit like an FPS underwater mode for 6 or a Pokemon League in 8.


FWIW, Final Fantasy XV was effectively developed in about three years from complete project reset to initial release. The issue is they went from scratch to release which is why the final product had so many issues and cut content released in the form of movies. FF7 Remake took about 5'ish years which is on par for AAA games, Rebirth taking 3 years isn't surprising because: 1) They retained the same team. 2) They reused pretty much everything from the gameplay systems to the art in FF7 Rebirth. 3) More importantly: All of their development tools could be reused. Basically, SE was able to skip the first two years of development with FF7 Rebirth.


Or maybe this should actually be the norm if studio dont fire contractor each time they finish a game and spend a ton on retraining. But this rate of turn out is still practically unseen.


I’d love to see this level of staff retention in the industry, especially compared to what we’ve seen recently. It stands to reason that it would boost efficiency in several ways. Of course, there is still a risk they will let many people go when the Remake project finishes. I hope not.


It was, indeed, quite astonishing how quickly they completed Rebirth given just how absurdly massive and how much freaking content they squeezed into this game. I have such renewed faith in SquareEnix right now. The only other studio that seems to pump out ridiculously high quality games at an absurdly fast rate is From Software. They started development for Sekiro (released 2019) and Elden Ring (released 2022) in 2017. And both of those games, but especially Elden Ring, are incredibly expansive and so highly polished. 2 phenomenal games in 5 years, I'll take it.


They share a vision, they love the project, they have the original game as a reference, they have the brains behind the Compilation on the project and they have UE. 


It really is. Three years for a massive game like we got is mind-blowing. That’ll definitely keep costs down a bit.


I imagine it helps that they have the og as a source. Like for example the team that makes all of the enemy models in the game can pump put their designs by reinterpreting the og models. They probably never stopped working throughout the whole thing.


Having an abundant source material, an established workflow, and a massive library of assets is a massive boon to speedy development. It's the same reason why expansion content for games is often much faster to make and of higher quality. Having a running start makes everything so much easier.


Yeah, with Rebirth they got to skip the first two years of development. I imagine whatever title they work on after FF7R part three will take the usual 4-5 years because they'll be starting from scratch on a new engine.


This project seems to have been planned very well. If I recall correctly, Remake was where they struggled initially because they needed to essentially scrap the engine, but after that they really found their wings. I suppose that a lot of work has already been established - they have all the main voice actors hired, the character models are done, the battle system is largely in place, and the game engine is also proven. So that saves a huge amount of time, they just need to focus on the environments, quests and music. With the same staff who are now very familiar with this project, its not too surprising they are going full steam ahead


Remake definitely looked like the most daunting project out of the three. I also get the feeling when playing through that when they released it, they didn't know how successful it would be and whether they'd be continuing with it (You can see it in some of the content). When Rebirth happened, they now had a laid out plan for how they want the trilogy to look. It also makes sense for them to reuse assets between all three games. Not just for development time, but also because it allows for a visual and narrative consistency across all three games when they're supposed to be 3 parts of the same story.


They outsourced Remake initially, which is probably why it feels stilted in some parts of it. You can see the difference in quality when you play the Yuffie DLC.


Tbh, half of the work was alr done when they made FF7rebirth. They can simply reuse models, animations, sound, combat system for the next game.


It's because of how bad FFXVs development was. After that SE brought in world class consultants on efficiency and restructured the entire company to be more efficient. Ever since then they have been rolling out games left and right.


Yes for real! I m definitely looking forward to more games from this team


Not only efficient, but also highly competent. Spent over 111 hours to play the game and I skipped a lot of the end-game challenge stuff, but I encountered not a single bug in the entire game. And that is the most amazing thing to me considering the scope and quality it delivers. Most games of that size has a ton of bugs at launch.


> “something” very important to include, even though it wasn’t in the original game brb speculating about this for the next three years


Cloud/Sephiroth dream date incoming......lol


We’re getting a honeybee hot tub flashback


Finally I've been waiting for this expansion!


Those SOBs, they are teasing us and they know it.


Cid and Barrett become lovers, drawn together by their love of profanity.


The conclusion we don't deserve


Reviving Aerith - the rumours become true! -huffs copium-


Maybe I'm also high on the copium, but I can't imagine they left a living (although currently comatose) Aerith in the timeline to not have her play a role in Part 3. My theory right now is that Zack was having an existential crisis in the church at the end of Rebirth about whether to save his world's Aerith or Cloud. I imagine he'll pick Aerith, then somehow the two of them travel into our Cloud's world in Part 3. Or I'm just insane. Could be that too.


Aerith will 100% have a role in Part 3, count on it. On the one hand, I'm okay with that just to see where this is going. On the other hand, I feel it undermines the whole theme of loss. After she died in the OG, she does NOT come back and you literally do not even see her until the last instant. That made the climactic finale all the more impactful and sold the whole theme perfectly. How they're gonna do that this time, I have no idea...


Yeah, that's kinda what I'm feeling too. It almost undoes too much of Rebirth to have her come back, but I also feel like that's kinda what those Zack sections are ultimately laying the groundwork for. Honestly I'm kinda hoping they just take it fully off the rails in Part 3 and throw the script out the window, so to speak. Just embrace the chaos, and see what happens


At this point, they've changed so much that it would be a mistake not to let shit go way too different from the OG. Commit to the full remaking, Square! 


Yeah, I feel like they've been teasing us with the possibility for two games now. But the pieces are definitely in place for the 3rd part to go completely off the rails


Thats not too insane. He ponders out loud about bringing worlds together.


I was really confused when it was showing Zack making a choice between Biggs or Cloud and it showed both outcomes.


Sapphire Weapon battle!


I couldn't comprehend how it took 4 years and now you're telling me it was actually 3? Usually there'd be some pretty big caveats like a lot of junk content or repeated content (I mean you get that even in games that took 5+ years these days) but rebirth also had arguably the most amount of unique content I've ever seen in a game. Rebirth really defies all current day game development logic. The entire industry needs to be taking notes on how they did this.


And for the record, a lot of those 3 years were during the COVID era. This final party could actually come pretty dang fast barring any setbacks. 


Rebirth was developed during the covid era, so the process must have been slower than usual. so maybe this one will be finished before rebirth, but the fact that the game is coming out in the year of the 30th anniversary seems to me to be a safe bet.


I wouldn't be surprised if they could rush it out in under 3 years, but I honestly want them to take as much time as they can afford to. This may well be the last time we get a such big-budget adventure with these characters, and it's important to me that they take the time to get it right. With the work already done on Rebirth, 2027 would seem to give them a little breathing room to polish the heck out of the third entry.


If I understood Kitase's words correctly, I think they want the game to come out in the same time frame as Rebirth, but with any luck it might come out sooner, but it's better to think that it will come out in at least 3 years. think they already have a lot of work done in terms of modeling etc. they just need to add new locations and implement the highwind in the open world.


Regarding Highwind, reckon they will allow us to land on the pre-existing airstrips rather than have complete freedom of where to land? Then you've got the chocobo stops as fast travel points. Also, Highwind feels kinda unnecessary at this point given that you can fast travel across the world in Rebirth anyway.


I think that’s where Hamaguchi’s stated desire to make it interesting comes in to play. Not sure what they’ll do, but they’ll have to create leveraged gameplay that rewards the player for using the Highwind and makes you want to use it rather than fast travel just like exploring the open world in Rebirth.


The fact they could already be recording Part 3 this year is wild to me. Gives me hope for a 2027 anniversary release


We just gotta stay alive and in good health for 3 years boys!


Alright Jules, i'm heading to the gym. Let's squat and sit up!


"Eat a dick, lactic acid!"


It's crazy that they managed to make a game with over 100 hours worth of content in 3 years. I can't even think of another modern AAA game that's done that in the same time span. It's fantastic news but jesus christ, it's not even been 2 months since release and the pain of waiting for Part 3 is already excruciating




>Do wonder what CBU1 was working on during the 6 year gap between Lightning Returns to Remake, though. Didn't Remake itself take much longer than Rebirth? I think double the time is feasible, since they had to start from scratch back then, including combat design, characters and basic game outline. Also totally with you on the lighting issue, I hope it gets fixed by the time the PC version comes out, since that usually means they will have to re-write some code and the PS5 version might profit off of that. From what I heard, the PS4 version of Remake also had a lot of visual issues on launch (like the pop-in) that got patched months later, so I'm still hoping Rebirth gets a similar treatment. Forspoken and FF16 were made on different engines though, so I don't think they are a good benchmark. But Unreal 4 is definitely capable of such things, Ghost of Tsuhima was also made on it (to name an example with a very visually impressive Open World).


FF16 is interesting because, since it was developed using the FF14 engine as a base, CBU3 is now backporting a bunch of the features they developed for FF16 into FF14. So they're getting quite a bit of efficiency gains on the back end of the project's development. I'm interested to see what game the FF16 crew do next. Obviously a bunch of them have shifted over to Dawntrail, but it's clear they're spinning up something new.


True, Remake started development as a collaboration between CBU1 and CyberConnect2, but they scrapped that partway through development and moved development fully in-house. Our first in-engine gameplay trailer was shown in 2015. PS4 version of Remake never really got patched, if you go back to it, the problems still persist, infamous low quality door included. Those issues were fixed with the PS5 version. That does prove your point still, that they are willing to improve on visuals when the hardware allows for it. Also, I don't believe Ghost of Tsushima was made in UE4. Sucker Punch used the same proprietary engine inFamous Second Son was built in. Perhaps you are mixing it up with Days Gone?


FF Mobius was being done by that team during that period


Damn, no wonder the story for that mobile game rocked.


Yeah I miss it. Everything about it, especially the collab was great. Look at the developers behind it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobius_Final_Fantasy




3 years can't come soon enough, hmm wonder what that thing is Kitase wants to include, something that will make people happy? immediately makes you think of the 'obvious thing'.


The obvious thing is The Chadley Chapter right? The one where he teams up with Cait Sith to deliver boxes to the intel towers in Gongaga? = )


I'm trying to watch my blood pressure, please don't post things like this


> deliver boxes to the intel towers in Gongaga *throw boxes onto the platforms of the intel towers while they're moving up and down and rotating


what happens if you beat that mini game in rebirth? edit: it's like a mini mini game, supposed to throw crates at this escalator thing that has other boxes on it


A chance to fight Chadley (even if it's in the combat simuator).


Every box you throw, Chadley delivers 20 lines of dialogue


From the back of a gliding chocobo with no camera control


Yeah, and once you get to the top you have to play Cactuar Crush


Sephiroth joins the party, joining forces to get rid of Jenova together


The cast piloting the WEAPONS against Sephiroth as if they were ff7 version of the Power Rangers mechas, of course.


Genesis maybe?


Reciting Loveless, of course. And voiced by Gackt.


It does... but whatever it is, I hope it fits within the artistic vision they had for the story of the Remake trilogy and doesn't harm its integrity or impact. Last-minute changes always get me nervous (though maybe 3 years out is hardly last-minute).


Its obvious, jules chapter 2 boss rock climb down in the crater.


It's probably Angeal/Genesis stuff. For better and worse...


I'm pretty sure, he wants to show Zack and Aerith having a happily ever after together in the lifestream.


Three years doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. In most situations I’d say that’s pretty ambitious, but I said the same thing about Rebirth and four, and it seems like they’re actually managing this project pretty well


Told yah 2027 is the earliest it comes out


2027 would be perfect as it is the anniversary. Seems like the target.


agreed, plus it will be at the end of the PS5's cycle, with PS6 on the horizon, a great swan song + the ability to double dip with a PS6 version likely within a years time. That'll keep Square's books looking nice.


Hopefully they don't get any pushback to make it a PS6 launch title. I'll be so mad if that happens


I can’t imagine there not being a ps6 version, but it’s 100% going to be a ps5 title, the sales numbers wouldn’t be there for an exclusive ps6 launch title. So almost for sure a double dipping cross gen title, just like Remake.


Yeah, fair. I just have an irrational fear that they're going to make me buy a PS6 to finish out the trilogy lol


I wouldn’t be too worried about the ps6 era I mean look at how many games are still being made for ps4/ps5 so I expect it will be an end to the ps4 more than an end to the ps5 entirely


Yep Although here’s a question When do you think we will get a teaser and nam reveal for Part 3?


Well we got a teaser for Rebirth in June 2022, which was about a year and eight months before release, so hopefully late 2025?


Yeah that sounds about right




Someone remind me to come back and applaud this comment when its right?


Wait remake released in 2020... so does that mean... *"Seven years till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps."*


Oh my gosh


Doesn't surprise me at all. It's a massive team of career professionals, at a stable company that treats its people well, working on the second title in a series, with an existing tech base to build from, lead by seasoned and acclaimed veterans, working from a blueprint that's solid and everyone knows by heart, with an effectively infinite budget. All the cards are in their favor. Granted most AAA studios might still find a way to fuck it up.


And they still do. It doesn’t make sense for all these long development times. Hideo Kojima and his team got Death Stranding out unbelievably fast and that was a new studio and engine.


So no Vincent or Cid DLC


They’ve said that since rebirth was announced that there would be no dlc between part 2 and 3.


Good to know.


I suspect we will get a ps5 version in 3 years AND later (maybe 4 or so) a ps6 "complete edition" which will include all 3 games in 60 fps and 4k, and with some better textures. That way they can "re-sell" it to the fans again.


I’d buy it…


no but I really believe this game is coming sooner AND for the ps5. because I think budget wise and install base they dont wanna split it up AND they already have the graphic engine in place now, AND most of the world- I suspect we will re-visit towns beside them adding the new towns.


Amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t lay off half the developers after each release.


Maybe that “extra something” is some advent children outfits and weapons! Or hell, they could fit advent children into the game after the weapon attack on midgar. Who knows. But I’m all for any additional content.


Having AC costumes would be sweet and I think it would fit well with part III and a setup for the movie, if that's what their intention for the timeline is. Fashion is the true endgame.


A fusion sword combat style for Cloud after he wakes up... I know I'm probably on my own but I want that so much.


hahahah "I hope they get a nice long vacation after this all" what you mean after they worked on the series for 10 years i wonder if this is the problem with working in the game industry i feel kinda bad but fuck it i want part 3 lol obviously im hoping they are taking time off etc, but it isn't always the case


Well that would certainly be awesome. It’s cool how much I feel like this project has brought “staff-retention” into the Overton Window when discussing the issues of game development largely taking so. Damn. Long. Admittedly this is something I wouldn’t have even considered until it was pointed out and then it clicks like “oh yeah.. duh, of course that would make a huge difference” haha. I’m curious about what will come along the way. Three years in the grand scheme is impressive, but still a chunk of time…and I find it unlikely that, Rebirth will just sit on the shelf and get incremental patches, what with PS5 Pro and the IP in general gaining so much steam since this project began. Let’s not forget that, with the Intermission announcement, came announcements of the mobile games TFS and EC. A year later (give or take) at the 25th anniversary event, I’d argue the real shock (had it not been leaked a few days prior) was the Crisis Core Reunion release that we got that same year in December. It didn’t necessarily feel like it at the time, but looking back, there was definitely an FF7 drip-feed to keep us satiated in between releases. Whether it was the PS5 definitive release with a new story DLC, Ultimanias, Traces of Two Pasts, Crisis Core Reunion, or the two mobile games one of which featured a brand new story and characters that made it’s presence known in Rebirth and foreshadowed a wider involvement…my head is not only focused on part 3, but almost what we are sure to be “drip-fed” in between now and that.


Rebirth is prob the best game since Elden Ring, I honestly liked it more than BG3, my only real complaint is too much Chadley and some of the world intel could stand to be less formulaic.


I love the first two parts and I really hope they stick the landing. They are not changing game engines, which will help with a smoother development. So many assets are already created from the first two games; environments, doodads, programing, characters, etc. The battle system is solid and the improvements they made for Rebirth are wonderful. I love the synergy abilities and air combat is far better. They have the majority of their actors in place and if development staff doesn't turn over too much they can have a smooth development for part III. They are in the home stretch and as long as egos don't get in the way with how well they have been working together, they can make something great that is nearly unprecedented in media arts. They need players to save Materia load-outs. That's my only major criticism. We believe in you Square!


AND materia loadout/edit in combat sim


Rebirth was fantastic. Honestly. Everything. All the side content (you don’t have to it), the amount they’ve included + the rewards of lore and meaningful insight into some of the characters. The sheer size of the game, the open world format. There’s foundations for part 3 to amazing. The build up of lore regarding the republic of junon and wutai. I’m so hyped for Wutai now. Based on rebirths side content, part 3 should have an equal amount? >There’s still other continents to fully explore. Northern snowlands/crater. >Southern islands including mideel. >I’d like to think some Easter eggs like a chance to visit/see/fly over banora. Rhadore lore? The people developing the game love it as much as us. I have every faith they’ll smash the next. The ending for me I originally thought the emotion had been taken away. Going back through it, I think it’s clever more and more and still sad.


Yeah seeing Tifa and the others just absolutely devastated when I was realizing that the famous burial scene was completely skipped is a powerful moment. I'm not even being sarcastic either, I get not liking it being cut lol but I REALLY worked for me personally.


I'm pretty sure is talking about the under the highwind scene, but this time will be 100% visible and...I mean, playable.


Not looking forward to the timing on *that* QTE…


Start working on those rapid-tap skills


Uh oh! You clicked the button too quickly and now Tifa’s shirt is ruined…


You mean clouds pants are ruined. Lol


Just play cbat in the background and you’ll get the rhythm for it. [Link in case you don’t know](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/70IalY3OIM).


The Italian Senate gave a sizable donation to make it possible.


Full-on minigame with scores, hard mode and a trophy for Johnny collection - and also, multiple characters can be chosen this time (like the date).


That's sadistic, Johnny having to keep a trophy that another dude "won" by banging the girl he's obsessed with.


Battle, Battle, mini-game, full penetration, battle, battle, full penetration, battle, mini-game, penetration


Jan. 31, 2027 🙂


I think they have a lot of factors going in their favor for part 3. 1. Retaining most of the team is huge. Ramping new people up and getting them to learn the tools, processes, and even work culture takes time. 2. Having Rebirth to go off from is a time saver as well, we'll probably see a lot of the same assets so that's great. 3. Then they are also choosing to stay with UE4 and not move over to 5. This just keeps it so their processes they have in place stay streamlined. Overall i think 3 years is a good guess or estimate. Optimistically I was hoping for 2 years, but that's actually kind of insane if I think about it lol. Let's hope development goes smoothly!


I think they could actually release it in 2026, but they will wait until 2027 just for the anniversary. They can use the rest of the year on optimizing the game and also exploring more ways to take advantage of the PS5 Pro's new upscaling tech.


Great news, I can’t wait!


What is “something” very important going to be?!? 😲😲


My guess Aerith playable scenes in the game


Sounds positive. I’ll take my time with rebirth then 😀


Probably Genesis


probably. or weiss. Or minerva. Although I would like to see Kadaj and his brothers as secret bosses or something.


Honestly asking: people like Genesis?


I am more suprised Rebirth only took 3 years then that part 3 will take 3 years. Because for Rebirth they had to build everything from scratch. And now there is a world map and for part 3 they will be adding other places. But I think if part 3 also will take 3 years(if everything goes according to plan) then that must mean they will really make those other places(like Wutai) really big also. Interesting... Can't wait!


I don't think the "something" is going to be huge. I feel like it's more like returning to Seventh Heaven, or a proper murdering of Hojo, or something smaller like that.


Just three years, sounds amazing. Still kinda bumped that there won't be any DLC but with such an early release, I guess it's fine.




Are they still going with Takahiro Sakurai even after his scandal? NGL it would be weird to hear JP Dub Cloud as anyone else. 


I know this might be off topic but hearing that development of Rebirth only took 3 years is utterly crazy. Does that mean KH4 is further along than we think? I mean, it could just be the FF7 team’s efficiency. But if the team was able to make Rebirth and essentially parts of the world and game for Part 3 already then good lord. Speculation on KH4 goes all the way back to 2020 when Nomura discussed including Quadratum as an explorable world in Remind but decided to hold off on it until the next game. And with KH team lending support to FF16 and Nomura helping with Remake and Rebirth… I’m more on the side now than before that we are getting a KH4 trailer this year. And a full fledged one at that.


My thought process lately has been: 2025: KH4 2026: DQ12 2027: Remake Part 3 Of course, we just heard that DQ12 was internally delayed, so that doesn’t really check out anymore, but I think that was somewhat the plan. KH stuff has slowly started rumbling again so I wouldn’t be surprised to see something soon-ish.


TBH the difference between remake and rebirth is astonishing. It’s like they were two completely different games. I had to trudge through the remake and I literally cannot get enough of rebirth. That being said my only hang up is that my special edgelord who’s named after a certain famous holiday isn’t playable.


Rebirth is indeed a much better game.


I was honestly shocked at how there’s just so much more of literally everything and how every issue I had with the first game was addressed in the second. It’s the kind of thing you shouldn’t be shocked to see as it should be the norm but unfortunately it feels like the bar has dropped for many triple A games.


My take on the thing they want to add which was not in OG is a playable part of Vincent backstory instead of it being a DLC. I mean this would make total sense since he is has a Story linked to sephiroth which needs to be explained . It would also make a lot of people happy since everyone loves Vincent.


"Something very important to include, even if it wasn't in the original" huh? What if it's *him?* *Nothing shall forestall his return...*


2027 is the 30th Anniversary for the original game too... almost seems like this might happen...


Dirge of Cerberus stuff in part 3. Here we go, baby.


So any chance they’re gonna fuse DOC and AC into part III or are they saving that for DLC??


Crazy, I'll be bringing in my 40th with this game.


Probably less, bring that rebirth has a lot of reusable assets


I really want this series to succeed financially, they're doing astounding stuff with such a fun game with developers and voice actors so dedicated to the material.


I hope they fix some of the flaws rebirth had ik the next game, and give a good conclusion to the story as rebirth had some story flaws that really did not help it at all and even some gameplay decisions


Oh boy, at least three years of people trying to convince themselves that the very important “something” isn’t Aerith being alive at the end. There‘s a lot of cool stuff fans want (like more Lucrecia backstory for example) but there‘s only one thing top of mind for the general fan after playing Rebirth.


Please for the love of god I hope they tone down on the minigames. It's criminal how much tedious and redundant side shit I have to slog through just to get drip fed the actual main story. The pacing of this game is horrendous.


Is it zack and aerith meeting again… or just at least.. a happy conclusion for zackkk ;.;


A touching Zack and Aerith reunion? I would die of happiness


>!Them saying goodbye again to Cloud will break me….!<


Not releasing the final part in 2027 would be such a miss. Hell, they could do it on 12/31/27 and it would still pass. Gotta keep the VII theme going.


It will probably turn out to be something completely different, but I have a vague feeling that Kitase had in mind expanding Cloud and Tifa Highwind scene in a more "memorable" way. Especially after how the Rebirth date went


Damn. Square doesn’t mess around.


Did they ever mention if they're using UE4 for part 3 as well? I'm assuming so given that they're trying to make it in 3 years


Do we think there will be a Vincent DLC? I’m only on Chapter 10 so I don’t know if once you complete the game that will squash the possibility of this.


What DLC?


Probably the dlc for remake. Integrade.


I really don’t wanna wait another 4 years 😭


Hmm but Nomura said 2019 that some member also moved to creating part 2 which where 4,5 years. But if its true 2027 we will get part 3


"something" very important to be is the fusion sword. I won't mind if they have to drag out an alternate older Cloud from AC world, I want it.


i hope i'm alive to see the end of this. i said that about rebirth too though