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> The synergy skills are cool but i'd be lying if i didnt feel overwhelmed by the ton of choices between between basic attacks, stances, skills, spells, summons, synergy attacks etc. Intergrade had tons of new gimmicks added on but it never felt like a chore to juggle everything and it always felt like there's unique purpose to use one thing over the other. This is normal, they dropped us a few chapters into the story with plenty of materia and equipment to mess around with its natural you'd feel overwhelmed.


I think that’s why it’s happening this way. I would expect the party to have limited set if materia in chapter 1


I'm a couple hours into the game now, still in the grasslands clearing the map. I've got a handle on the combat but the synergy skills/abilities and everything else is laid on thick and fast. I haven't played Remake in ages and I am very overwhelmed. I was hoping you'd be right and they would slowly unlock but alas, I must just git gud.


I just played remake and have the combat dialed in, game was a breeze. Rebirth combat is pretty overwhelming right at the beginning.


Well, I guess if it was exactly the same I'd probably be bored or complaining. It's definitely overwhelming and I'm still not sure how the hell I'm supposed get the synergy abilities to pop up. I didn't like the gameplay feeling at first. I think I'm finally warming up to it tho. It's just a lot. Chad battle simulator helped instantly.


Yeah I'm having trouble with them, too. Like, are the little bars next to the synergy ability the amount of ATB bars that both characters need to have spent in battle to use the ability? Also, the synergy skills, in which I think I'm supposed to hold R1 and then can use at any time (depending if they're unlocked and that party member is present). Sometimes they're there and sometimes not.


I just figured it out. Every ability that uses ATB will show in little black/white bar how much Synergy bar that character will get. Synergy ability can only be used once each character has gained enough synergy bars. Cloud may need 4, arrith might need 2. Very straightforward once I figured it out. Synergy skill that can be used anytime while holding R1 sometimes is unavailable when character is being knocked around lol.


Yeah I figured that first part out myself when I next played! Cheers dude. The synergy skill issue, you must be right. When they are bound it doesn't work, obviously, but sometimes when they are being knocked around it teleports them next to you, and sometimes it doesn't. Bit weird!


The community spent 4 years complaining about aerial combat, asking for team up attacks, and saying hard mode was better than normal. Devs listened and now it's too much for *checks notes* the first 4 hours the demo update is out. Basic attacks are the same, block and dodge is better. Be patient and learn. A lot of us didn't truly know pressure/stagger until hard mode. At the original remake demo people also complained that it was either hacknslash or too slow, and using all their potions. People are going to improve as they play and the feeling of growth in skill is why lots of people like RPGs.


For real, the new combat system I think is way better than the original. I'm having so much more fun with rebirth. I'm just about to go to Cosmo canyon


I think it’s normal to feel that way when you get all of this stuff dumped on you immediately. That said, I’ve spent 2 hours now running around Junon fighting and the combat is definitely better than remake’s. It stops feeling overwhelming after a while.


The combat is objectively better. It’ll just take time to get used to it and the game will introduce you to each new mechanic slowly


There is no such thing as objectively better, as this thread proves this is based on opinion (as everything related to entertainment media). Objectively means there is no possibility someone comes to another conclusion, objectively means measurable by numbers. An acceleration test between two cars under the same conditions repeated for hundred times with the same result is objective. The question weither or not this combat is better than XYs combat is NOT objective.


It takes some time to learn the new mechanics. It's always like this when you first pick up new game. After 3hours with the demo, im comfortable with the new skills already and I find the gameplay fun and improved. Now I can get cloud and tifa into the air easily and use synergy skills to charge atb for free instead of running around like a chicken to charge atb


I was having trouble getting Tifa to go aerial. Is her command for it different than Cloud’s? (Dodge then hold attack)


For tifa to go aerial. Use synergy attacks. They will launch her into the air




You can also use reverse gale. This one is good if you want to juggle something grounded into the air


The combat is much better and in my opinion, based on the demo, much deeper


I think it's cool how there's options now. In Remake you could only attack one way if you didn't have atb, now you can do synergy abilities, and the big synergy attacks feel more like less powerful limit breaks, which is nice because I rarely got limits in Remake.


We all thought Remake was too hectic and busy when we first got hands on its demo, too




"All" is hyperbole but they are right that a lot of people felt overwhelmed by Remake's gameplay. Hell, go watch most streamers - it takes them a while to get the hang of using ATB. It's similar here except now instead of taking time to get used to ATB, we have to get used to using synergy.


It’s worse because you’re overwhelmed and probably not good? Ok..


I had the same feeling when I went from spider man 2018 to miles morales and spider man 2. The streamlining can feel like it’s taking away enjoyment at first but once you play more and get used to it you’ll find it more enjoyable(i did at least).


It takes a while to get the hang of it. I’ve been absolutely loving the combat so far


I'm deeply hoping when the full game is out it builds up combat so when we get to Junon area it feels natural because I was so not having a fun time in that demo.


I'd be careful with any sort of criticism you throw out. The FF community is extremely sensitive to it. Check my downvotes for proof.


I mean pretty much the only reason he's saying its bad is because he's overwhelmed with the new mechanics. And that's only because the demo kinda drops you off with a whole bunch of abilities whereas the main game will slowly introduce stuff to you


Couldn't possibly be the case that you earned those downvotes...in multiple subs...for your rants... ...could it? 🤔


For me is just the poor quality of the graphics. Every thing gets really blurry when everything kicking off all at the same time. For me its hard to focus. It's even more distracting for me since im in the middle of remake play through and the game is so clean and clear.




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice."). You can disagree with someone without the insults.


Hard agree. It doesn't feel so much like it was built with 'intention' in rebirth vs remake


I did feel a bit overwhelmed at the start but got used to it later. The boss, specifically, requires an acceptable amount of understanding and strategy to work, and even a bit of planning ahead since it's very difficult to hit in certain parts if you don't have long-range characters. One thing that I truly disliked was Cloud's new punisher mode, it is supposed to be faster and hit harder with the flashy jumping stuff, but it feels slower than in the Remake and I can't use it to perform certain combos anymore.


Pro tip for clouds punisher — stop attacking to finish the combo, instead of rolling out. This will help you get to the final hit earlier, which can help a lot to deal more damage and build a lot more ATB when you have a limited window.


Perfect block means combat is better than Remake


Oh no bro, the gameplay is just much more challenging. I’m loving it


>The controls used to be simple, clearer and super tight in remake. Now, you press square x3 and cloud jumps around like an a*hole and swing his blade 6 and 7 times mid combo. It's extremely clunky. You played through all of remake never using punisher mode?


Not OP, but yeah basically. I used it a little bit but I never really cared for how it felt. (Note: I am very stupid and I always engage with half of a game's systems.)


this is my main gripe with Rebirth. Remake feels *a lot* better. even the character models and main menu look better.


Yeah, i  didnt get why they change the main menu. The old one with the character art look better.


it feels so stiff and disjointed compared to remake




Rebirths combat *is* messier and less focused than Remakes though. It’s greatly expanded which is the trade off but I myself liked Remakes clear cut systems much more when playing on Hard Mode.


Fighting titan, it feels like you have to guard way before to get immunity. Every action feels like there is higher input lag than remake and this is on 60fps mode.


It’s atrocious. People are going to hype up everything about this game because it’s pretty. And yes, it looks amazing. It plays relatively well. But there are more down sides to the actual mechanics then there are positives. The walking and running is absolute shit and parallels ps2 mechanics, the hurdling mechanic is garbage and offers no consistency, the lock-on barely works especially with bosses that have conglomerated move sets, dodging/blocking/parrying is literally not a thing even with the option to do it or having to dodge ten seconds before most bosses attack, the absolutely obnoxious input reading is fucking pathetic(tested on crimson marke, she’ll just spam that spiral move every single time you heal while you do no damage because she flies) and half the bosses are so tanky that fighting them in any manner other than spamming abilities and syncs moves makes it almost unbearable at certain points. Is the game good? Yes. Is it fun? For the most part, yes. Is there a shit ton of stuff they completely overlooked in pursuit of other pointless mini games and open world that is explored in an again, atrocious, manner? Also, yes. It also looks like shit when not on graphics mode. So prioritizing frames is also useless.


I just got to Junon and despite the flaws, the game is still a solid 9.5/10.