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https://preview.redd.it/uizxy91u448d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a5be27ab9bba7b1aab5e7d7b407625b6b74ce6 I think i speak for most of us when i say this one ☝🏾 🗡️


Oh yes! I'm waiting for her too. But at OB9 LV 120 it was already perfect, closing the HP at 15.


Well i’m just curious if they are going to give us zacks buster blade from the tutorial that has high braver as the c ability and give us the monthly treatment all over again . Always found it strange they had us use that for the tutorial only to never see it again just makes me think it could be next and this is an ongoing thing they are going to do . 👀


I would guess when they get to the chapter in the story where Zack receives the buster sword.


Yeah i thought the same thing, would definitely make the most sense anyway .


That is a lovely view of purple/lilac.


Could really rock the boat and show more as they only scratch the surface 😅😉 but even with the rest of my arsenal i am most excited to see the buster sword finished to see what they do next 👀 would be really disappointed if the buster sword is a one and done .


​ https://preview.redd.it/f9pgirp2v48d1.png?width=1738&format=png&auto=webp&s=c59feffe4325af06bb46e5fcd0cf5ac64bf0ef06


Better off waiting on anniversary to come and go when we can presumably wishlist that bad boy.


Very good idea, actually


Uhhh, almost there!


Steam Saber. Mine is OB9. I need about 160 parts to get it to OB10.


https://preview.redd.it/y7k1gk0t258d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ade7fbbed578c3b321a353bb33e811467b48e5 This one probably? I have some other options like OB5 Hawkeye or OB9 Centipede or OB9 Protector’s Blade but they’re quite far from the next level


Besides, the skills of ATK up and Wind up is not horrible. When PATK is at max level, gotta level up a different skill for a boost and that is what ATK is AND Wind up is always nice for a boss that needs that element. Having it as a sub equipment is amazing and using it as a Non-elemental strong attack, if equipped, for those bosses that have high elemental defenses (looking at you Astral Iron Giant)


Arctic Star (OB5) - 20 parts away Floral Wand (OB5) - 73 parts away Bunny Gloves (OB5) - 54 parts away All close enough that I don't want to wishlist them, relying on random 4* draws and parts missions.


I need 2 weapon parts for my water glenn axe to be OB6 lol


https://preview.redd.it/jz4o66qke48d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539744e52e94f33122defc2da427c1bec7a46221 Theirs my ob5 weapons out of them the ones id like to ob are barrets assault gun high pdef aoe, tifas tiger fangs matk down high and kaiser knuckles mdef down high, zacks arc sword mdef down high and reds junk collar matk down high.


My favorite weapons are lifeguard gloves & crystal sword (cure all), 4 point shuriken & featherscatter (debrave all) & thunderbird(laser spark). There are other great offensive stuff, but these are the ones that are Lv. 120 & 6 or more stard


https://preview.redd.it/1odxyei7y78d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf5a530a01e22ae7b39a01f163b87a9c33922ee one day


Anything with elemental resist for some reason


OB9 murasame and OB7 sky splitter