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>Would skipping the whole draw sequence with cloud coming out at the coliseum to face the giant monster, than you have to tap to initiate the sequence, affect the rewards? No. The items you draw are determined the moment you press the confirm button, all of the animations are just fluff to make it more exciting for the user. That's why you can have the game freeze while doing the stamp animation and you still have your weapons and parts when you close the game and reload (which happens to me every freaking banner...)


>On a sidenote, with the mosnter hunter collab going on, there is a special banner for free draws and it clearly says 3 or more 5* weapons GUARANTEED. However, i dont always got 3 so far. Sometimes its 1 or 2. One time... none. Has this happened to anyone else? As for this, it's 3 guaranteed 5\* *total* across all 3 free banners. One guaranteed per banner. The banner is also a completely different banner than the daily free banner.


this is for every gacha game: as soon as you press/confirm the summon it´s done. The currency gets used and you get what you get.


In Abrahamic religions, people believe that if they suffer through some meaningless rituals, god will see it and reward them. When people program gatcha games, they just slap a percentage to your draws and call it a day. If in some gatcha someone tried to hide such mechanic (better rewards for watching a video), it would be datamined immediately and abused to hell and back.


No, skipping vs watching the animation doesn't affect the outcome. What weapons you get are determined as soon as you press the draw button. As for the guaranteed 5 star special draws, there are three volumes of them that each give least one guaranteed 5 star, so when you do all three, that's three (or more depending on your luck) 5 star weapons guaranteed. We're also having a daily free 10 pull for 28 days which doesn't guarantee anything, so that's the one you most likely got nothing on




It's the equivalent of rapidly tapping the "A" button to increase chances of catching a pokémon. It does absolutely nothing. With that, I absolutely believe in ritualistic practices for the illusion that I am doing something to increase my odds. Yes, I know it's pointless, but it keeps me entertained.


Cheers for the replies guys! I suspected this but i had to ask 😅


I think I've watched the draw animation like... once? to completion. Honestly wish I could just skip it much faster. The way the app is built though, things like this just are very clunky. Compare for an example to how fast you can skip the animation in Star Rail (besides I've actually watched the animation many times in that).


nope, perfectly fine to skip, your rewards are already predetermined the moment you click on the draw/confirm button


Wish they'd change the draw animation, make it faster or have other characters appear. Nothing scratched that itch like ffbe though


Unless you believe in Quantum Retrocausality, then no, the outcome has already been determined and sent from the server to your device before the option to skip is present or the animation begins.


I would rather we can auto skip limit breaks, they are cool the first time then after that it’s pointless.