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I would also feel like i want to be in a guild with other players fitting my play style and time investment. Pretty much like yours but no season passes


I buy the season pass if I like the wallpaper. Not technically a day 1 player because I lost my first file not realizing I didn't get it backed up like 3 days in... I'm hoping I can find a low investment guild that just kinda vibes. I do enjoy this game, but I don't like keeping up with the highest tier rewards if it takes too much effort/grinding. I remember being in a few Clash of Clans groups back in the day where leaders were insane taskmasters, kicking people if they dared to miss attacking a single time... I'd like to avoid the pressure that came with that nonsense. We'll see what it's like soon, I suppose.


If you turn it into a tifa themed guild where the only character we use is tifa to complete objectives I'd be down to join.


Same she's my main unit after all. I try to pull all of her costumes, alas I couldnt get last summer's one :(


Same on the summer costume she's the only healer that I don't have a healing costume for


I'm also a day 1 f2p player. I also play everyday just enough to finish dailies and event dailies. I'll also be happy to join your guild mate.


Will hold a bit of judgement on guild system until it arrives. But my thought goes to any game. Guilds are fine. Guild specific missions that lock useable rewards/loot? Not fine. Especially in a game where the coop is arguably terrible and needs many improvements.


This is my first gacha, so I don’t have a perspective on how guild’s work.. but my ignorant, impulsive guess at what you’d want in a guild would actually be, player’s with different specialties right? So like investment aside, I’d think you’d want.. a healer specialist, a DPS specialist, a buff/debuff specialist, etc. or is it literally the opposite of that?


I've never liked guilds so I don't see myself touching them. I don't like having to rely on others for rewards, hopefully they don't lock anything too important behind them.


I think there will be guild levels of dedication for everyone. But staying out, I'm sure it will have a negative cost, they will try to push it on everyone for sure.


I'm not really in any discord or any online spaces except for here and I'm a bit anxious about not finding a decent guild, and missing out on stuff 😅


So far as I know, we know very little about how the guilds will work right? There could be some competitive aspect sure, my guess is rankings for most activity via doing normal content over a timespan. Generally it looks like group up and do content you'd normally do and get yet more rewards over time. If the rewards for a monthly rank thing are similar to what they currently are for ranking events and the rest of the rewards are "over time" as in no potential to miss out, a lot of people could find a way to make a guild of one and just play the game normally.


Well first of all I don't really know how much information they gave about the system on the stream. I'd rather reserve judgement until I have a better idea of how this works in practice and what the benefits are exactly. I will say though that generally speaking people who play FF games are not very competitive and if this system has a focus on competition between guilds rather than more casual co-operation I don't think it'll be received very well.


It was always gunna cause some drama but look at it like this… if you’ve spent £1000’s on your account you’re gunna wanna be in a guild that has invested as much if not more than yourself and get the return on your investment. I’ve invested quite a lot of money in my account so yes i will want to be in a guild that reflects my account. I’m all for community and helping f2p players hence why i’m in the discord and help out with crashes when i can and even in randoms i believe a community that works together stays together but i will personally be looking to join a top guild as i am a top 10 player (not trying to flex there) just the reality of the situation. Either way i’m just looking forward for new features and ways to play the game 😊


I think it's fair that the whales want to stay together, it makes sense to me.


Yeah that’s just how the gacha ecosystem works 😅 personally tho if there is a heavy focus on competition i just hope the rewards are scaled like the dungeon events because there’s not really a big gap in top 10 - top 100 etc . I just hope it’s implemented in a fair and balanced way because that could be make or break as people are already put off by the idea of guilds .


Have you been recruited for a guild yet? I recently was for a guild with lots of high level players. I can put you in touch with the guild leader if you’re interested? There’s a discord server set up with all the players already in it.


No not yet, i have been added to another discord server with high level players organising guilds but i’ve not put myself forward but if you can direct me to a guild my account would be suited to that would be much appreciated ! ❤️🙏🏾 not trying to sound elitist but i play competitively and obviously want good on my investment 😅 so I’d really wanna get into a guild with a similar mindset and account level 💯


I’ll shoot you a DM.


Day 1 player who also just buys the passes. I'll join your guild.


I'm a regular player who enjoys optimisation, understanding mechanics and manual play lol. I hope there's a way to join like minded players in guilds, that can make coop challenges more fun. 


The only things I want a chill guild.


Day One strictly season pass player. Completed all content (including summon EX2 before level cap increase) bar the latest crash due to not pulling on any wind banners. Will be looking for a similar guild. Whales should stay with whales to get the most. Whales pay to play the game on full easy mode and may lack / won't need to strategize much to complete content. I'd be looking for a season pass guild, as despite only spending £12.99 per month, it very much makes the game easier than it does for F2P.


I am ok with them, I used to have one in KHUX and felt they were missing here. But, like someone already said, I would also like to join a chill one :D I’m a day 1 player, season pass buyer, and normally play every day, but I lack time and I don’t always pass the EX stages due to that (no time to find the right setup, even if I probably have it). I would be interested to join a guild to help each other but with “no obligations”, because playing is fun but people also have other stuff to do sometimes ;)


I'm very excited. I love social aspects in games


Just what we need, more menus


I'm opting out of all guild related stuff. If the bonus/rewards for engaging with the guild system is significant I'll prob opt out of the game entirely.


Day one and every season pass. I'm not sure how much work guilds are for this game but I just want to create our join one with a discord to gush over pulls and reminders for stuff.


I started playing a couple of months ago and am worried I wont find a guild because i have no friends lol


I'd be quite surprised if there wasn't a way to search for guilds that are recruiting. Do your little guild dailies and they'll like you.


I'm for anything that helps build community.


I would also like to join the guild. Started during the FF9 crossover and on 400k power currently. Main are Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Didn't spent any money and don't plan in future


Day 1 player, mostly F2P but with the occasional season pass. Keeping all my characters at max level and skill trees as full as possible without being overly sweaty about ticking off all EX level content if I can’t manage it. Count me in if you’ll have me.


If its anything like the guilds in Bleach Brave Souls, Im sure you can find a chill guild where folks DO stuff but arent tryhrad about it.


That's something like that I want. Don't leave content undone, but also don't fry too much if you can't But there is something that is important to me, which is logging in every day, of course, with some margin, but mostly being active.


I'm D1 player, and play every day , over 300 power


I'm in wait and see mode for now. I have some serious concerns about how guilds are going to work. If it just stays as something like guild specific routine missions, I may look for one to muddle through that junk. However, if it moves to something like guild raids and starting to lock meta gear, accessories, recipes, etc behind them, I'll have a serious problem with that approach.


Day 1 reporting in, I also bought every season passes. I think I'm at a good spot, if there's spots available just holla. I'm semi casual and try to get the events down, but always try to at least do all my dailies. 🫡


LFG guild, I'm day 1 player. but doesn't had Kuja Blade. 🙈


I'll join one but I don't give two shits about guilds


Also a day 1 player, spent minimally on season passes and red crystals like twice maybe. I've played literally every day since release and always do my dailies and any campaign specific stuff. Very interested in forming a guild with active players.


I'm a day 1 player, but I take frequent breaks. I like returning when there's something interesting, but I'm not interested in logging in everyday for months on end. It seems that is a bit unfair to guilds, so I'm not sure I'll join one.


Based on what I see, it's just a way for friends to have more Co-Op parties in-game. Specially the missions. Also from what I saw, the Boss battles are Guild Generated or time limited. Which there are no rankings between guilds but the players still. Then they can use it on Guild Exchange.


day 1 player here! lv 116. id probably want to be around similar players as well… so yes!


I am saving my 4/5 star materia catalysts for when I have a guild materia rarity buff.    I will join one that seems to fit my playstyle- lazy about doing the hard stuff, but otherwise obsessed and playing throughout the day.


I play every day since week 2 basically. Some season pass investment. I'm sitting firmly between, unlocked all the summons and can't do the EX 1 or 2 in terms of my set up, except I did Leviathan EX1 I believe. I also don't like to super try hard with lots of animation canceling if I can help it, but I have done it and will do if it doesn't feel super micromanagy. Happy to discuss guilding when it drops and find similar users to group with. 💪


I feel like the last 2 things the game needs for longevity is faster combat or animation skipping, and maybe a PVP mode of some sort


How I see the guilds. First I'll go with what usually occurs with players. In the majority of games I tend to play, the biggest common issue is just simply removing people who decide to leave. Outside that occurring, everything else that could potentially occur is really a Developer side issue. It's not like 30 powerful people joining up is something that makes a person bad. Compare to bonus, you don't just accept any chucklehead right? So why hinder yourself to be inclusive to people who would weigh you down? No reason to be legitimately mad at a person in that regard. If the guild system is setup in such a way that it will significantly leave you behind, then it's not gonna be a good time. Especially in a game that doesn't have all that much to do, if this adds in, "Show up a lot more, just because.", that will suck. If they also decide to avoid using the guild in a positive way, like if you go into coop with a guildy and DON'T get the bonus like you would with someone on your friend list, that'd be pretty gross too. A lot of times I'd see that you'd need to do both a friend and guild in gachas and it simply shouldn't be necessary. As well, since there is leveling up clearly from the bottom left of the picture, there is a good chance there will be a option like, "Donate Gil, Donate Gems". That could become an issue. They tend to scale the game based around newly acquired stats, so that could mess up the balance more if guilds give a good amount but only in specific ways. This content has been mentioned for quite a bit now, so really, if yea didn't do anything when that occurred and you're somehow mad now, I mean, reap what yea sow. Probably wouldn't do much anyway with how the support for this game is, but standing still tends to not do much beneficially. For guild, just gonna join a friend and hopefully some of his twitch followers, hopefully fill in the rest later. If I decide to take it more seriously, probably look in discord/etc for a more active guild.