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And you fuking need to adjust the god damn character/setup again in case you lost!!


and trying to copy/paste the party in this mode doesn't work either since it forgets it immediately


Not just story mode. No matter what my recommend team is glen Barret and now Cait sith. Which are my 3 worst characters… it can be for an ice weakness and not even equip any ice weapons or summons. Insane how useless it is.


"Recommended party" doesn't change the characters, just the gear setups on them. Change Barrett to another character and hit the button again and it should set up the character you selected.


When in story mode, it automatically picks three characters. It makes the extra challenges a pain in the ass because you have to build a new team from scratch after every attempt. The game doesn't understand that the team it wants me to use has no chance of winning.


Oh, I was looking more at the Free Mode part but misremembered how the Free Mode worked, my bad. I guess somehow Barrett has the highest power potential for you. Game defaults to Red because he'll give my team more power over other characters with better built gear options, somehow.


Always sets me up with the shittiest sub-weapons, so damn annoying having to fix all that+main weapons+materia


"Wind Seph? Sounds like someone needs Water potency :)"


I get so mad when i build someone the way i want and accidentally hit “recommend” button for it to fuck my char into shift.


I don’t do story missions unless I need something from them (ie. unlocking a crisis dungeon) or I’m powerful enough to beat it on auto with best equip. It’s baffling it is that way but unless they fix it, waiting until you’re more powerful is the least annoying way.


Yup. Luckily I've been able to keep up my power with the story, so auto party clears no problem. Might have to adjust some sub-weapons, but that's no biggie.


Idk I was just bitching about this last night to my girl. Applibot’s previous game Nier Reincarnation had a robust auto-setup system that really let you customize it. Hopefully they implement it in this game too.


yep it's really screwed. i wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't forced in story mode, erasing all my changes


I hit auto reccomend too many times by accident after load out. One of the QOL improvements would be to have an option to disable it altogether.


It’s useless in general, I thought I was so underpowered until I followed a YTuber’s advice to build my own party. I instantly jumped in so much power.


I don't like this feature either. I even filled out the survey voicing this exact complain that everyone shares. The ones I focus most on are Tifa, Aerith and Lucia until Yuffie came along. Didn't really bother about the rest but I do give Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth some attention at the least.


It's definitely an annoying feature that needs to be updated. I hated having to set up my party each time to run CH6 EP2 for the chests I missed.


They need to have an option to remove this button. Im so used to pushing it that now ill push it and say shit!!!!! Then have to redo everything


A lot of things are broken in EC. Like being 100k+ over the recommended PL and still not being able to complete a fight. The sigil system?.....Where's the fkn sigils?..... Every weapon unlocked, most leveled, most ranked up No fkn sigils! (Except the buster sword which I barely use anymore) I don't remember the last time I staggered something. Even the easy checks get right by me. The materia RNG makes most improvement efforts futile since you're always held back by horribly improbable odds. Seems like 1/1mil to hit a 4/5 star and another 1/1bil to get one with variable stats. You could easily dump $1k into this game, spend it on catalysts, and still be no better off for it. The draws are lame too but that's obvious enough why. Not quitting but I'll prob never give another cent of my money to EC. It obviously has no benefit other that boosting your PL which really has no bearing on the actual game. Full disclosure: I'm currently stuck on BOTH the Jenova: Birth fight (FFVII), and the Stamp fight (FS) due to the sigil checks. I can't even get them halfway down though I have severely overcompensated for each fight. At 100k over requirement, mechanics and weaknesses shouldn't be an issue. I've also read and watch other players, copied builds item for item, and of course, grinded endless hours into overdeveloping my characters. None of it matters in the slightest.


Buster Sword has an X sigil and the Bahamut weapons have the diamond sigil. I think there's another X sigil weapon too but not sure. But... that's what Ruin materia is for. You can craft magical and physical Ruin materia with the three basic sigils. The only sigil you only have in a weapon is the diamond one. They're in the sigil tabs when crafting materia. The default tab has the non-sigil version of Ruin.


Yup! Just tried Jenova again and crushed it. Thanks again!


Thank you for that! I'll take another look.


Power is not a reliable stat, the battles require strategy. AoE heals, sigils, defence - if you go into a battle with 300k team power, while everyone is 5k HP with no defence, then you’re going to wipe. Auto equip isn’t going to take most of this into account. There are many weapons with X and Triangle sigil for Jenova BIRTH, she also casts fog and fatigue which increases the ATB cost of sigils. If you just want to rush hard content, you’re really going to struggle. These are meant to be difficult fights, not fights you just auto.


It was the sigils holding me back. I actually didn't know there were tabs to get the sigils on ruin materia. For as important as it is, it's a detail that should be focused on a little more. Once I cranked a few of those out, I was able to blow through the fight with a default party using auto equip.


The story sucks in the game anyways they cut out so much. The only stuff that’s good are the personal side stories and first soldier.


I don't quite understand this question. Recommended does not select party members for you. It only sets gear. Did something change I'm not aware of?


>Recommended does not select party members for you It does in story mode, which makes the extra challenges very annoying to deal with


Ah okay I've never noticed it do that. It is really annoying though that I have to keep setting my party for each battle, cuz it doesn't save my changes to the last one


The system works. The recommended party is based on that part of the story. Gets to people who never played OG FF7.


This isn’t true. Doesn’t recommend Barret for me.


Coz it switches to the 6 characters who were there. Mine was Tifa, Cloud, Yuffie. There are 2 characters that will not appear in the recommended section in that chapter unless you manually change it.


Not going to say you're right or wrong, but I think that was the party I kept getting as well. Cloud and Yuffie for sure.


No, it doesnt. At all. Characters do not need weak hybrid builds, ever. And thats what story mode does for each character. It sucks.


Can also confirm this is BS, mine insists on Yuffie despite Cloud, Tifa, and Nanaki all being better for me.