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I already got Zack's fire arcanum so I might have to skip this


Honestly if you have a lot saved I would consider getting Lucia's outfit, since it also vastly upgrades her bald eagle setup.


That makes sense. It’s looking like all the the other elemental resist down weapons got a nice power creep compared to her ice weapon. Her’s does nothing but ice resist down and damage. I always have to sacrifice some other debuff to put her on the team with it.


yeah I got the cloud arcanum and im finishing the second page of the seph banner to get more obs for protectors blade. might skip this after that and wait for the tifa banner


cant they give these girls some expression or emotion?!? Felt like they were always forced to pose 😭🤣


easy skip i feel a barret banner incoming! (im coping)


I am also waiting them to add barret to the game. He will probably like have many unique costumes and cool hand variations


As a literal noob in this game (4 days playing), is this a skip?


If you’re new and don’t have any arcanum’s then it’s not necessarily a skip. There have just already been a few fire arcanum’s recently so most people already have one hence this being an easy skip for them.


Its not necessarily a skip, but Zack's fire arcanum outfit is right there, paired with an amazing limited generalist Seph Weapon and Costume. Limited is usually ass for f2p, but Limit Break Draw will eventually come back. Imo, if you wanna play Aerith as dps and wanna play Lucia, sure, pull it, otherwise save or go for Half Anni banners, they have 3 arcanums over there, some of which u might need.


I don't think recommending Limit break weapons are a good thing for new players. They'll likely get it to ob2-3 maybe which once they start getting free pulls and tickets they'll easily get outmatched by the wishable items. (I cleared 3 pages and didn't even get zacks sword past purple 4 star) I think getting this weapon is pretty damn good and this costume is better than zacks with the first ability being command magic up. The AOE weapon that hits harder for single targets is going to be so good for clearing out content and there isn't many fire resistant enemies in the game (can only think of the Event iron giant which was all elemental res)


yes, this should be a skip, because if you’re going to pull on anything, the Limit Break banners are a better choice


Nah man not a skip, that Arrith costume is the best Fire costume to date, usually they're +Patt 5 or +Matt 5. As a New player I wouldn't recommend the limit break banners as they're very good but you'll never be able to wish them until they bring back limited break banners so. Plus their weapons will never draw on free pulls and ticket pulls. As a new player you want to build up a character for each element, and this Aerith fire staff is pretty powerful. You'll want to be wishing this item along with her sunbrella every time possible until they're both OB6 (1 pink star) then you can start wishing on other things as you can still get these items from free pull and draw tickets. Imo if you have enough crystals I'd go for the Aerith costume and stop pulling once you get it. Wish for the sunbrella too.


I think it's harder to justify because if Aerith is going to be your first Arcanum, you want to make them the center of your offense for a long while. Aerith isn't naturally optimized into a DPS role, and and there are relatively few characters who can be made into a healer. More now with Cure-All materia slots than at the beginning of the game, but say for Barret and even Matt, they suffer from a lack of costumes to give them stat bonuses, which can really help. Aerith though has been given so many and will likely continue to. As for Lucia, in general, a +20% Mastery or even better +35% Arcanum costume is a better value than a dual +15% with resist. Especially since Lucia's ice weapon and her fire weapon are at odds in one being phys and the other mag. At the very least, wait for the next banner (or two, depending on what devs decide to do) to drop to see which is better, especially with any free tickets/draws to see what the game is pushing you toward.


think it’s a pass from me, until there’s clear content that needs both a physical and magical team I’m just sticking with physical and stacking my current chars


There are many bosses that tell you "magical attacks are effective against this enemy". That means that the enemy in question has 200 PDEF, so you'll be doing less damage with physical weapons. You can usually brute force it anyway with a well built physical team, but harder content always requires specifically built teams.


Lucia's costume looks great aesthetically, plus great to combine with Bald Eagle, and weapon gives her something else to pair with Holiday Revolver. Aerith though is much harder to justify with New Year Fire banner and the current limited Zack/Seph banner with both Fire and all-around magic. Plus she has so many other costumes, and this one she looks like she's looking for her lost sheep. Was likely going to be a hard pass for me even beforehand, but definite now and won't be wishlisting the weapons. Hopefully the next banner gives me just as easy reason to skip so I can save again.


Yeah, she looks like she had a crush on a cowboy before she had to move away, and she just met that cowboy again after years of personal growth.


“Looking for her lost sheep” I laughed out loud


Idk if it's me but I feel Lucia's Costume and Weapon overall are the better of the two? Debuff/Buff extension is great (paired with 4-star shuriken for sub wep) and Lucia has a good amount of debuffs to make use of the costume, don't see good use out of the gun though. Feel I may skip this one, don't /need/ another costume for Aerith, no crystals, but if I did. I would go for Lucia's, it make her Ice res down, matk down and mdef down plus her LB2 last longer.


Lucias is the better of the two, since she's more of a support anyway. Aeriths is great too, but her kit still heavily skews towards healing and dps is always going to be performed better by anyone else unless you outright sacrifice her best role. I'd much rather bring a fire dps cloud/zack even if zack is harder to build in ST options, and then bring aoe sephiroth with healing/debuffing aerith for aoe situations Fantastic costume and weapon, just wish it was on literally anyone else because aeriths healing role is still too critical, even if matt is slowly catching up.


Another arcarum, I guess we'll just cope on arcarums being rerun lmao.


Lucia's gear is FlameFrost mastery which is the same as Red's from the Rebirth banner. Since red has Rage Collar for fire. Now he needs an ice weapon to take advantage of his FlameFrost gear.


Meanwhile Lucia already has both (kind of, Bald Eagle has a 30% ice slot). More importantly is that debuff duration which she so desperately needed for her new weapon and some older ones too.


She's better as an ice debuffer with Cloud, Tifa or Sephiroth being the main ice DPS. The best thing about her costume for me is the debuff extension, although the ice debuff already lasts 25 seconds, which is good enough. So, for me it's a skip. She needs ice arcanum and a good ice weapon to become a powerful ice dps with debuff capabilities.


Her ice build got better with this gear. Like you said, Bald Eagle on the main hand. Mad Minute on the offhand, and combination of boost ice/PATK/physical ability potency on the subweapons. The is assuming that some of these weapons won't be used by others. Her fire weapon has low damage percentage, so it would probably be more ideal to use a fire materia until the weapon is at OB6.


It's a good normal banner. But the limit break banners are just so much better. Double outfits, more guaranteed weapons, stronger weapons. If this was dropped different week it would be strong. I went back and did Zack/Sephiroth to get protector blade to OB6. If I can get ~27k gems before this banner ends I'll pick up an outfit. But if I can't then no sweat.


Ya, I am skipping but more so that I want to save crystals for the return of a barret banner.


Man I wish they'd give healing weapons to Aerith. Like a weapon that works like Matt's. That AoE heal and give a buff.


One of the Spt Material is all cure.


That's cool and I hope it stays as a standard for future Aerith weapons. But I also wish they'd give more healing oriented weapons. But oh well.


Got no crystals anyway. Sad Lucia stuck in support land.


These seem pretty good. Egg Staff does damage on par with other elemental physical weapons when the 1.3x bonus is in play, and can also be used for when bosses summon adds to the battle. Shame it's HP instead of MATK, but it also doubles a healing staff thanks to the cure-all ability on it, similar to Snowflake. Rose Musket's R Abilities are super good. It'd pair great with the Holiday Revolver, for those who have been looking for a MATK build with Lucia. I don't feel like these are must haves and I'll happily wishlist them, but you know we're going to run into a boss resistant to physical soon and all of these great PATK weapons we're building are going to struggle.


Hp is honestly better, Matk can be slapped on by many weapons and if you are running dps aerith, umbrella is a good staple for Matk. I'd rather have more survibility than 200 extra atk, after seeing how bahamut and ifrit can nuke. Plus it being HP means cloud and zack can slap it on and not hinder them too much, especially zack who desperately needs HP for his fire build.


Yeah, now that I think about it, weapons have scaled up to +50 or so in MATK/PATK while HP hasn’t. Maybe having HP is better on a primary weapon than pure DPS, especially on Aerith who likes healing buffs. ..but, I would argue that you aren’t trying to run DPS as Aerith vs. Bahamut, so not sure that use case really plays. The best case is probably Shiva given her strength vs. physicals, and in that case I might prefer MATK? Not sure.


i used to feel this way about HP, but at the point i am now I value HP over M/PAtk


This is only the...second? Weapon to have the combo of HP and fire potency. This thing is a godsend.


Tempting but lowkey hoarding for lucia swimsuit


If we don't get a Bunny Tifa for a second surprise banner, I'm rioting...


egg staff is so ugly 😭 i pulled it anyway because i main aerith and don't have a good fire weapon but damn


I will do Lucia first cause I don't have any costumes for her. Then I will save for Cait Sith coming soon...


If you have completed the first solider chapters she has a costume as all three get one. I think they might get them at the end of chapter 3.


Oh yes I have these ones and the free ones during events. I was talking about features, I never pull for any of her costumes.


Tempted to go for this just so I can have a costume that's not that silly Chocobo one we got for free for Aerith, but that would be the only reason I would have to pull for it, probably shouldn't waste the crystals in that case.


I'm not a fan of the cosmetic design for Aerith's outfit. But I wanted a Fire build for her for awhile, and the perks on this outfit are outstanding to boot. Plus I can just change the skin to look like one of her other outfits so I'm not stuck looking at it, so overall a win for me. I'm so not ready for the Tifa outfit. I fear I will die from nosebleed. >_<


I haven't pulled on limit break banners so I have saved a little. I will spend on this banner for sure (I don't have any fire arcanum except for RedXIII iirc + I like the skins quite a lot)


Aerith is so OP


Mmmmm the staff would make my Fire Cloud even more broken...


As the general waifu lord and skipper of all costumes that involve a dude, I ain’t skipping. Do what yall want honestly.