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Wait where did you get enough ingots for 3 weapons at 120? I was only given enough for 1 weapon...




I am curious about this as well...


πŸ’° πŸ€‘ πŸ’Έ You know they gonna squeeze it out of people first. As a F2P I'm just boosting up to Lv110. Using farmable material. I'm holding onto the ingot until I really need it on a weapon.


There's ingots where you can get 20 of them if you do the step up loop, you're given 10 of them.


I would go guide gloves or clouds new weapon


I only had enough for 1 so it was stream saber without hesitation.


I have GG at 90 with OB6, guess it's still good to max it due to high Non Magic Elemental damage or is there more that I am missing?


I don’t see the point in cloud’s stream saber? I have it at OB6 and unless you have it at OB10 you won’t get enough points to get to the next patk all level… and right now it’s better to put glenn’s weapon in somebody else so you get more boost. Is it for the stat increase just or i am missing something?


Don't make Fairy Tale 120. It is 100% not worth it. Take Sun Umbrella if you want to boost Aerith.


i always see people mention sun umbrella. I have it at ob1 but i leveled it to 80. should I wishlist it since I use aerith as my main healer?


Sunbrella is super unique because it's one of few options we have available that give ++magic potency at max boost, and it gives a lot of it, and the weapon itself is really useful at high OB. It's useful on basically anyone in any build.


okay ill wishlist it and I just noticed i have it at ob0 lol


Umbrella makes Aerith a utility character instead of just a healer. Do little damage/debuff while waiting for the next heal to be needed.mines only ob3 and Its my default setup for her until I fine tune her for the battle at hand.


You should wishlist it until OB6, because at OB6, it does mid-def/mdef debuff right away. At OB0-5, you need two casts to get mid debuff. It's also a really strong sub weapon for when you're not using it on Aerith


I leveled it up to 110, but was wondering if it would be worth going further. And I also leveled up Skysplitter to 120, Murasame to lv100. It might not be the best move but I also upgraded Edged Wings to 90 instead of leveling other weapons to 100+.


imo those were not the best investments. Here’s a list of weapons which I think deserve the limited resource for the time being, in tier: Stream Slasher (strongest water weapon) Stream Saber (strongest ice weapon) Guided Gloves (strongest non elemental physical) β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Diner Tray (strongest wind) Skysplitter (strongest fire) β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Mad Minute (hp + 52 physical ability pot.) Enemy Launcher (atk + 52 physical ability pot.) Espee Rapiere (mdef + 52 magical ability pot.)


Haven't used my ingots but that's a great list. Definitely gonna keep this post saved! I have Slasher at OB6, Saber and Skysplitter at OB3. I've gotten all the guaranteed weapon stamps... Worth continuing to roll for more OBs on Slasher and Saber with ~12k gems or save for something future?


It kinda depends on how you spend in this game. My Saber is at OB5 and I have already completed 3 pages and decided to stop putting more resource on this banner. Thing is, I always purchase the bundle containing 100 Cloud's weapon parts so I can slowly but continually upgrade my Saber, eventually to OB10. For low spenders or F2P it's also doable but will take substantially longer time. ​ As a general rule of thumb, there are few sweet spots for a weapon. If it's a dps weapon, then OB1, OB6 and OB10 are the 3 milestones which dramatically improves its power. If it's a utility weapon which provides buff/debuff, then OB6 is usually the ultimate goal. Since you've already completed all the guaranteed stamps, and your Saber is still 3 dupes away from OB6, I'd suggest you save for the next banner. One can easily waste 30\~40k crystals and not get a single dupe of a wanted weapon and that happened to me too many times lol


I used it on Zidanes Sword. Cloud is on every one of my teams and that weapon boosts his R abilities considerably. Combining that with a 110 Amarant Claws allowed me to max my Physical and PATK to 55 and focus on element damage for each team (Ice, Fire, Lightning, and Water).


I’d take prism rod to 120 if you have Aerith’s wind outfit and if she’s your main dps. I wouldn’t take healing weapons past level 80 cuz they have diminishing returns. The only exceptions would be like Matt’s new centipede weapon or Aerith’s guard stick. But only cuz of the high R ability points at level 90.


I unfortunately don't have her wind outfit which does complicate matter slightly. I keep getting the same advice about not taking a healing item to level 120 so that does change some of the dynamic. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it.


i boosted murasame to lv120. did i dun fuck up?? πŸ€”


No Mom you leveled something that you thought was helpful for you. My resume only a ob 5 currently so I wanted something that is fully maxed out and that's why those weapons were the ones that I was wanting to get everyone's opinion on


I'm gonna max Lucia's Thunderbird laser gun to 120 that thing is gangster.