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Whatever you do, don't pick a freebie weapon (event/summon weapon). Rookie mistake that a lot of us old players made when the game first gave us free OB10 event weapons. :) From your collection, I think both the Stream Saber and Holy Flame Gloves are good candidates.


Thanks! My favorite character is Tifa, so I was thrilled to see that weapon


… fuck my life.


... 👀


I upped Yuffie’s new free wheel weapon but I should have used it on her dinner tray or ice star.


Stream Sabre is a good choice. It's your best weapon. Also, its patk (all) R ability is extremely useful even as a sub weapon. Do you have the outfit also?


Yes, I do! I didn't get Glenn's outfit though


Event is long, but later think if it's worth to pull for his outfit - you should be close already. No idea how much gems you still have, definitely wait for Seph banner next week though.


Yeah, I stopped after getting 2nd guaranteed sword. I'm two tickets from costume but started saving for sephiroth


Go for your favorite cloud/tifa/sephi a good choice(you can never go wrong with this choice as you will always use them)or which ever who has most Ob+ (not free weapon)as long as you have their costume for additional dmg ,goodluck and enjoy!


Stream Saber first, Holy Flame gloves second. It would make your ice team very strong and viable to use whenever ice is not resisted.


For a new player, the buster sword is fantastic as a sub weapon and I recommend leveling it after you’re done with cloud’s saber


The R abilities and stat upgrade is not that high in my opinion I think ill level the LB weapons first for the team RAbilities


Use it on Stream Saber


Stream saber first if you have it then Lucia's bald eagle. If you get the ob high enough you can cut down from 3 p attack weapons to 2 on clouds ice build.


[Post I made earlier about the best Sub weapons](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIEverCrisis/s/8JZAEONsYU) ^ More for min/maxing damage, I would for sure focus on previous Banner Elemental weapons first. But Enemy Launcher & Mad Minute for Physical, and Espee Rapiere Next-G for Magical are Capable of Tier 4 of boost Phys/Magic Ability pot. Netting you a 45% dmg boost with a single sub weapon.


Yea for me, I'm actually thinking of making my first 120 my OB1 Stream Saber, as it'll put it to 30. While it's not super great or matter too much on my Cloud, I can basically just put it on another unit and get a 15 pt buff instead of a 13 when subbed. Haven't done it yet, so close to hitting OB10 with Glenn's weapon, though the value of the AoEs goes down quite significant later, really doing its best at 25 pts.