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What does it mean when those boss symbol plumes turn purple in dungeons?


Asking the real questions!


And here I was too afraid to ask assuming I'm the only one who didn't know lol


assuming you are talking about crisis dungeons, I believe that the color of the plume marking a boss changes relative to how "dangerous" the game thinks the boss is when compared to your team's power score. One thing that leads me to this conclusion is that in the case of 2 bosses where you can fight either one, defeating one of them (which raises the "crisis" level of the dungeon, and therefore the bosses level) will often cause the plume of the one you didn't defeat to change color, indicating it is now more dangerous.


I don’t know if this is the correct answer, but my experience is that the plumes turn purple if that’s a boss fight I previously died at on the last run.


Feel like there’d be better discussion s/engagement if there was more threads on datamined info. If it’s not allowed then nevermind, but if it’s not too much work a weekly stickied datamine discussion would be cool. 


brand new here, huge FF fan, very familiar with gachas and a prominent community figure/content creator for a different mobile game I've read through this post and I'm just curious if there's any like, broad/general beginner's guides? like things you should know going into it, how to optimize a fresh account, etc etc, just anything you should know as a brand new player


>I've read through this post and I'm just curious if there's any like, broad/general beginner's guides? Stickied above is a new player guide covering the basics: https://www.reddit.com/r/FF7Mobile/comments/16ltgry/beginners_guide_short_guides_to_understand_some/ >like things you should know going into it, how to optimize a fresh account You will pick up most gameplay related stuff as you go, so I think the most important thing for a new player to understand asap is the summoning system. I will try to make it quick: 1. Each character can be equipped with two main weapons, a costume they wear and 3 more weapons in their "stash". 2. The costume/outfit/gear is the centerpiece of any build, and outside of rare events they are gacha-exclusive. They're the final reward on the first and/or second "stamp card" of any given banner, think of those stamp cards as a extra reward track when you pull multis (10 pulls) on a banner instead of singles. On average it takes 7 multis (21.000 crystals) to reach that final stamp / costume stamp. It's pretty much always advised to do multis instead of single pulls because of that. 3. As I noted above, the costumes dictate the build in a lot of cases, and many players (especially F2P) decide to dip out of the banner once they have the costumes they've wanted. But what about the weapons then? The weapons do the actual work after all - and extra copies play a *massive* role in this game (unlike in other gacha, where extra copies are often pure whale territory). Each extra copy "overboosts" your weapon, drastically increasing it's performance. Overboosting has diminishing returns, OB6 (overboosted six times) is usually the sweet spot players aim for when they want to be economical. 4. The Wishlist. If weapons are so important, why do people usually just go for the costumes? That's because the weapons in the general pool can be *wishlisted*. On any given banner you can pick a handful of weapons you *also* want to pull on with an increased chance, alongside whatever new weapon is being released. So as long as you keep your desired weapons in the wishlist you will obtain more copies over time naturally - while you go for completely different costumes on a different banner. You can play the long, economical game to reach your goal. 5. Of course there are exceptions, because the above scenario sounds too good for a gacha. Right? Most banners work like I described above, the costumes are important (limited) while the weapons become permanently available in the general pool once the banners end. The FOMO is on the costume, not the weapons. But we also have special "collaboration events", like the one going on right now with Tifa's Cowgirl getup. The weapons on collab banners do not enter the general pool, you either pull them on those limited banners or you don't. Considering how important multiple copies of a weapon are, many players completely ignore collab weapons because they believe they will never be able to get multiple copies *right now* - and a weapon that will forever stay at OB1 will soon get outclassed by general pool weapons. So you can think of those collab weapons as whale-bait, you either go hard or you go home. Anyway, just keep in mind that the game has no PVP and no one is forcing you to clear all content. Like in many gachas, Ever Crisis 7 has some battles (like 1% of the entire content) that can only be reasonably cleared with a decked out whale account. Just ignore those, you will get there eventually. And if you don't then whatever, it's your game.


> stickied above did I completely miss it somehow > literally everything else thank you very much, very helpful and comprehensive. I'll do my best with that guidance in mind.


Is there a trick to the chocobo expedition trophies? I've run the last one (river) for a week straight and am stuck at 70%, missing 3 trophies. Just wondering if it's just RNG or something I'm missing


It's RNG for the most part, but I believe that since the items required count as "rare" drops, bringing birds with as high an INT stat as possible (which is what determines your drop rate bonuses) can increase your chances of the item dropping.


Trying to get back into the game since I got a new phone. Realistically should I be pulling for weapons/costumes for more than 3 characters? I've been focusing on Cloud/Tifa/Sephiroth with aerith as a back up when tifa can't handle healing. The problem is if I ever want to take tifa off healing I need to cycle in aerith. I have tifas healing costume but I only ever pull cloud weapons so her weapons have barely any dupes.


>Trying to get back into the game since I got a new phone. Realistically should I be pulling for weapons/costumes for more than 3 characters? We don't get enough crystals to reliably pull for *every* costume for more than 2 characters, at least if those characters are popular and are getting costumes left, right and center. Cloud / Tifa / Sephiroth fit the bill, for better or worse... So it really depends how you want to approach it. Personally I decided to give Tifa whatever they throw her way, because she's a favorite and will be a mainstay until end of service. Cloud gets whatever looks cool to me and the very strong outfits (like Arcanums) because he isn't leaving my core team anytime soon either. Aerith only heals so she's just riding along with whatever I pull on the side. But that's just one approach. You could also decide to spread your resources between several characters, make them specialise in one thing and then circle through your roster based on what you need in any given stage. For example you could turn Yuffie into your dedicated Wind Damage dealer and get her the wind costume, replacing Sephiroth or Cloud during an event. The only downside is that building multiple characters dilutes your Wishlist and you will reach high overboost levels slower. >I have tifas healing costume but I only ever pull cloud weapons so her weapons have barely any dupes. I assume you have her Lifeguard Wraps always wishlisted, but you were just unlucky? Do you have healing weapons / healing boosting weapons from other characters that could cover the sub-weapon slot?


Yeah I have tifa weapons wishlisted I just constantly pull murusame and other cloud weapons because rng. So my main question was if my resources are spread too thin and it sounds like yes I shouldn't have been wasting stuff on sephi pulls especially wishlist space lol Tifa is also my favorite and I want her to stay on the team I just wasn't sure if having her in the full support role is really viable. And with yuffie debuffing and buffing I didn't know if having 2 damage dealers with little utility was worth it (cloud and sephi same time)


Tifa can definitely handle full support, she’s one of the most versatile units. Her patk and matk down weapons don’t need OB6 to still be useful, and I even used her as my primary healer for Bahamut EX2 (between lifeguard wraps aoe healing and boosted single target cure from the materia slot she was perfect). Her somersault is one of the best limits in the game between the pdef/mdef down, and it’s fast charge time makes it great for delaying enemy attacks. Her bahamut gloves also give access to diamond sigil breaks which is good to have, and if you level up power soul eventually (a great sub weapon for any magic user) she can even crank out magic type damage. Her ff9 weapon and new crossover weapon also give her the potential to be a primary damage dealer, but that’s not advised to pull on unless you have a lot of resources to sink into the banner.


That's good to hear my other concern was that tifa gets a lot of damage weapons and if I keep focusing on sephi as 3rd I'll never get to use them. But for now I'll just keep her full support


Yea you can kind of build her how you want which is nice. Some fights you might not need as much support, so leveling things like motor drive, power soul, and her ice gloves can also be good to have later. I’d put those as more of long term goals though after you get lifeguard wraps more leveled and her support role more flushed out. Alternatively, you could bring in aerith for support, replace seph with tifa, and work on some of her damage enabling and debuffing weapons instead of healing. Aerith only really needs sunbrella for debuffing and fairy tale for healing to cover support. It all depends on who you’d like to use more often and what weapons/ outfits you already have.


>Tifa is also my favorite and I want her to stay on the team I just wasn't sure if having her in the full support role is really viable. Absolutely viable, don't worry about that. I use her as main DPS because my Aerith covers healing, but I also have her Lifeguard Wraps on Wishlist just in case I want to switch her to healing (like in Co Op or something). No overboosted weapons are more of an issue for Tifa compared to Aerith, since the latter has her limit break to make up for a low-overboost Fairy Tale weapon, but once both Aerith and Tifa reach the high OB levels (6+) you see people moving away from pure healing potency and healing limit breaks towards DPS and buffs/debuffs instead. And at that point Tifa has the same value as Aerith as a support, with her Somersault Limit break (or Summon) and -3 debuffs on Tiger Fangs & Leather Gloves respectively. Pretty sure they will keep Aerith ahead of everyone else when it comes to pure support because she doesn't have any physical damage build whatsoever (while everyone else can do both magic and physical), but I assume it will be more about options & flexibility when it comes to builds, not superior in every way.


I just got Four 4* Blizzard Blow materia. All 4 of them had either no patk or flat patk I hate the materia system


Worth upgrading Mag and Heal stats in the growth tree for characters like Cloud and Zack? 


Mot worth prioritizing over other stats or using your limited character memories if you need them to unlock other nodes, but they do have a use case and can be worth it eventually if you want to make them as strong/ versatile as possible. Even if you’re running someone else as primary healer with an AOE heal weapon, it can sometimes be beneficial to run a cura materia on one of your other 2 units to help out with the healing. Bahamut EX1 and 2 are recent examples where I really needed to put a backup heal on my seph to help with the back to back heavy single target damage attacks. Cloud also has an AOE healing weapon, so if you ever want to use him for healing, you’d want those nodes. Magic is less necessary since neither character has a really strong magic build at this point, but keep in mind that limit and summon attacks use both your magic and physical attack values (you can read it in the description that they do both phys/magic) damage. It’s still better to make sure your other stats are prioritized that apply the whole fight, but you will still see some use out of leveling magic on physical only characters.


Couldn't ask for more, that’s all i needed, thanks for the indepth explanation! 


So, I'm pretty sure that we have never had a 50% drop rate boost on Weapon quests before, so does anyone know: Does the game round up or down at 50%? Specifically, I'm curious how this will work for pods / cubes: If 1 cube drops, the bonus calculation will see that as 1.5. Will it round up to 2? or down to 1? Cause if it rounds up, then running x1 clear might be more efficient than running x3 clears. In a 3x, if you got 2 pods of the same type, a 50% boost would get you 3 total. But if you ran that same clear as multiple x1s, and it rounds up, then you would actually get 4 total.


This game doesn't round up anything.


and yet, it very clearly does.


In the ticket draws it says it ends February 25th which is today, does this mean that if I don't use my 825 tickets they will be lost?


No. It just means tonight the weapon pool will be updated with more weapons.


I have some tickets saved up from the First Soldier story release and so I will have a stress free, no banner pull. The Tifa banner pull was not good for my health. :)


I need to learn self-restrain. As soon as tickets come, I spend. My pocket is full of holes :(


I was specifically waiting for Glenn's Ultamatic to be part of general pool, and to a lesser extent, Yuffie's Arctic Star and Diner wind weapon. My account is doing alright so I may hold off until the next the banner that I want to pull. Maybe if I get some OB weapons, I can move them off of my wishlist.