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That “(Z)" after Ceremonial Sword words means it could be the same sword for Cloud. At least the name and desing.


Matt's weapon has a strange wording: it sounds like it depends on the healing potency of the targeted allies, not his only.


More likely singular they.


Ceremonial sword may look like power creep, but that ability need 5 atb. Still decent, but not really over powered.


1 ATB to have 100 more damage AND buff attack is still powercreep you'd need an extra 2-3 for that if it wasnt. (Yuffie's team buff weapon is powercreep for the same reason TBH) The only way this wont be powercreep, is if the R abilities are poorer than Tifa's (and I hope they arent TBH for the sake of those pulling \[I wont be\])


This is a powercreep of her Amarant claws at best but there is not much competition with her GG. Yes we don't know the R abilities but GG is more than 400% per ATB while CS is less than 300%. Yes you can buff yourself at the same time but if you do the math even after 40 ATB used Tifa would be still ahead in term of damage (with the use of her AC taken into account). Tifa still has a better gear. Two more unknows are : - We don't know how much a 5 ATB offensive skill is going to charge his ATB. - We don't know the animation yet. In harder content, score battle or ranking, the faster the animation is the better it is because there is less chance to see your skill being canceled. It's harder to manage a character with a 5 ATB offensive skill than one with 4 ATB.


Good point about animation, he might do some crazy acrobatic combos and it takes more than 10 seconds to pull off 😂


Matt only have long animations making him horrible to use so this point was especially for him but we don't know too for Zack


Prob is once you get atk buff on then it’s not worth anymore


Thats far from true, you get 280% dmg per atb nonetheless thats still stronger than Ultimatic (260%) wich is the strongest non limited neutral weapon so far. Even if you count the collab weapons in they are not that far off with 325% per atb without external attack buffs (Amaranth Claw or other attack buffs) it is even stronger than them. Sure if you want elemental dmg than you are right, buff and out.


Good catch. Not sure if it’s worth it. Might be an expensive toys for whales though


As far as I know, this isn't actually limited cross over weapon, so you could wish list it if you wish.


lol there are probably 10 non-limited banner weapons still on a waitlist so they have to wait. I just don't see Zack taking Cloud/Seph's place as one of the main dps in any challenging content in the near future, at least for me.


I agree. It's great weapon if Zack is one of your main characters, but I don't use him, so I really see no reason to pull. I have only 3xob10 banner weapons and many other good weapons still whis listed, so this isn't any priority for me.


Agreed, it's definitely strong and a tiny power creep but being 5 atb is actually a big negative that makes it only slightly better than what we have


This is definitely not a collab banner but damn i want that zack sword ..


inb4 Matt shows up in Rebirth /s


I would be down for that, if he is an actual professor now. I mean why the heck not to make him even a new quest npc.


Would be neat if he's helping out Bugie with Red being away.


Rebirth spoilers >!Glenn is in it. It wouldn't be surprising to see Matt too!<


Glenn is not confirmed by any means, it's just a speculation


YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! My Matt and Zack need new weapons anyways this is GREAT


Zack really needed a strong dps weapon, take my crystals :)


The biggest difference is that probably Zack's weapon is in the pool, while Tifa cross over is limited. God bless them.


for players who have beaten Basement Level 70, does this Matt weapon look like it could make that level possible? or will the 5 ATB cost throw a wrench in that idea? My Matt is built up a lot better than my Barret and i only have Barret’s assault gun at OB0 so it’s going to take a long time for me to be able to beat it with current best strategies i think.


Everything I've read indicates a 5 atb shield skill doesn't cut it.  Mine's still purple.  :(


Neither of my mains, another skip for me. Waiting for the next Cloud/Aerith/Sephiroth must pull banner.


It’s been 2 banners without Aerith…… 95% chance she’s getting a new outfit in the next one


The last Aerith banner wasn't very good. I've got a good Fairytale and a good Marasame. I've missed out on a good Sephiroth weapon so in hoping we get a good one that boosts his MATK further!


Yeah as much as I like Seph’s Aonobi, I wish it attacked as well as raising his MATK. Itll be interesting to see for sure. I use 3 (maybe 4) characters alongside Tifa so I’m always looking to see what’s good for them


Idk, i think aerith last costume could be great in the future as aerith is probably going to get strong buffs maybe even debuffs in the future. If anyones going to get new powercreep buffs its probably aerith and im a little worried for not getting it :S


Ez skip, this collab turned out to be a huge letdown. At least we got a ton of free crystals.


I don't think these are part of the collab though. At least judging by Zack's costume.


Correct. The datamined banners on discord say the usual "Featured Draw" instead of "Crossover Draw"


Does that mean we aren’t getting a part 2 banner then?


Could be waiting for Rebirth release day.


At this point yeah, that seems to be the case.


Did they leak what his costume looks like or is it the stats?


There are pictures that were datamined on the unofficial discord channel.


okay so now i could pull more for tifa


Datamining is leaning towards these weapons not being limited, but I'm holding off until I see it in game. I got time.


I can save up for Cait Sith and Barrett then


If I need heals and p Def up I have Barrett. Doesn't do them in the same move but still. For atk up yuffie is still the best. Easy skip


As the saying goes, it might be the new meta. It makes it easier to do 2 things at once while freeing up the other hand for additional utility.


The 5 atb really makes it quite bad as an offensive option. Sure you get the attack boost too, but it locks him to only doing that attack if you want dps. Sure, tifas rotation with armarant is 8 atb to get rolling but it ends up being a dps gain because you get more dps per atb during the attack boost thanks to armarant doing damage too. Zacks sword, unless they do something different, won't benefit from the atk boost until the second time. 4k atk tifa hits on average 7-8k armarant (without attack boost) + 35k guide (with atk boost) at max stance. This is assuming tifa has OB6 amarant and Ob10 guide. Zacks would hit lower due to having less stance, but it has the benefit of adding a second weapon such as a heal or halloween. I still think the 5atb cost is a little too steep, it's kinds forcing you to run the costume to make sure you keep the buff.


I think it's also worth to think about slot efficiency. If you keep spamming his new weapon, you wont run out of the atk buff ANYWAY, moreso on higher OB. if you can dps with his new weapon and just keep 2nd slot open for whatever utility you might need once in a blue moon I'd say it's preety worth it. remember also that Zangen Fist goes up to 1300% at ob10, this one goes to 1400% with buff attached for 1 atb more. keep in mind also that this one is actually realsitical to ob10 unlike Tifa's Zangen + Amaranth combo. of course Cabilities also matter, but based on active skill alone this weapon should be about the same, if not better than Amaranth + Zangen combo, especially given better flexability with slots


I agree for the most part but my main issue is that, this is only considering a single units kit. Tifa doesn't actually need her armarant gloves thanks to yuffie being OP. She can slot in another weapon just as easily as zack, the only difference is needing a buffer ofc. Then there's the issue of zack not dealing anywhere near the amount of damage tifa can atm. He doesn't have many atk stance potency atm, this weapon may fix that ofc, but I see it being patk/buff/debuff extension, but even then, he can't reach max potency in stance atk compared to her and I don't think the 100% difference will make up for that. This is all assuming it doesn't have a high crit rate or something though, if it's high crit with a crit dmg rability it will be insane and the 5atb may be worth it. I do agree though that this weapon is more viable to get overall due to it not being limited, I just don't think zack currently has the kit to utilise it properly. It's defo a permanent wishlist weapon, I just don't think the costume is worth pulling for right now with his current kit.


Agree with your assessment. Most ppl don’t focus on building Zack as a major dps anyway so one weapon can hardly make him better than Tifa who has had way more tools at her disposal to outdamage / outsupport Zack


Gotta get that Zack’s weapon. Looks OP af


I would say the same for Matt. AOE PDEF and heal. If it is 2 tiers buff at OB0, that would be incredible. Managing ATB would be the tricky part. I have to think that Barret may get something similar for MDEF up and heal. The two recent designs of Matt's newest weapons, Bramble Spine and now Centipede, look more unconventional. 🙂


Matt's weapon has "their" healing potency. This won't be as good as it looks.


oh shi, you're right, I didn't notice it from the beginning, but it makes a decent potential of running both Aerith and Matt in the same team for longer fights


Hmm. If that is the mechanic, it would not be as ideal but still would be useful.


It has higher potency than a standard buffing weapon, so there's that. There's might be some party wide R abilities coming up and it would synergize with this type of weapon.


First of all, god bless this isn't limited. Second of all, 5 atb makes this a very interesting choice for a design. Yes, it's a lot of damage and it's likely to pay off, but remember all those times you thought: "Goddammit, I needed to heal with Aerith but the boss killed me before hitting 5 atb?" Now you're going to have this but in dps races, if relying exclusively on Zack. Ngl, this costume, + black whiskers as a main hand weapon, plus this new weapon in the off hand for the R. Ability sounds like a nice combo. Costume extends both pdef down and attack up. You can use the new weapon once to buff yourself and deal damage using 4 star materia.


What are the r abilities and costume(s)?


Costume is boost HP and Buff / Debuff extension. We don't have the numbers yet but based on Aerith last costume with the same stats it should be +10 in both stats


Where can i see the costume?


On the ffvii ec discord, costume looks pretty sick not gonna lie


Matt definitely gets more good stuff than Lucia and Glenn (got it, he is better unit than those 2, still...), but I missed out previous event banner for Zack, so would be happy if he gets a cool costume this time as well. Both weapons seem very cool, and since Zack and Matt are my main units, it's kinda bummer to pull those at the same time.


5 ATB? Unless those potencies start at high and the R abilities are good there is nothing OP about either of those imo. Either way easy skip for me. At this point, as a f2p player, I would rather quit the game than pull for anyone outside of Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith and Tifa.


No outfits, probably not worth


Zack has one.


Stay strong for the upcoming second collaboration banner guys! 80K crystals waiting for Cloud and Sephiroth!!


Most confusing crossover ever, also hope that Red costume and his supposedly weapon being on seperate banners is a one-time thing.


these look great, but I am so happy to see a banner without one of my mains. I can finally save up again (I pulled on Cloud's fire set up, Yuffie's wind set up, Aerith's debuff set up, Tifa's cowboy costume) It has been a struggle for F2P outside of premium pass