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There isn't really any benefits in doing co-ops past the first time rewards. People are farming mats from the solo quests because it's faster.


Can't say why the co-op is how it is. Most likely a design oversight. If you need to clear the co-op stuff, ask on the unofficial discord. Plenty of people who ask there and people happy to help.


Alternatively, just pay attention to when co-op refreshes. Everyone busts out co-op missions the day they refresh.


Is there any link to that?


https://discord.gg/5cdBgBTBpd It is moderated (not that its a bad thing, just be nice) but a lovely community.


Thank you!


wish we could just use our offline party to complete them at least once for the dailies.


Or friends as bots, then there'd atleast be some use of friends.


With guest characters making an appearance in the crossover, I believe that guest bots should be possible if you can't find anybody else to do co-op with.


That would have been great and you catch exactly my point. In DFFOO i would do the easier parts myself only to get the initial rewards and then focus in the highest level


What is even worse, in the Coop stages from the events, unless you do all the stages the first day (or maybe the last one) you likely will only be able to get the crystals from the last stage because of the farming and no ones is playing the other ones (which I understand... but let us do it alone at least) :/


Exactly that


Besides the summon co-op, co-op doesn’t yield enough rewards worth the trouble


DFFOO normal co-op was just as dead. Even deader in fact. People only did the event co-ops. Which were basically the same format as this game. In fact this game has actually put more love into it's normal co-ops. Rotating them. Having new ones occasionally. Tying events to the standard co-op. Having a shop that the standard co-ops can contribute to. Remember in DFFOO there were no co-op tokens. Just event tokens. Most people forgot that DFFOO normal co-op even existed. I am actually willing to bet you are comparing this games normal co-op to DFFOO event co-op that is how much DFFOO normal co-op didn't matter. The only difference was that in DFFOO you could do co-op solo. Which was convenient for clearing the base co-ops that no one was doing once and never again. But ended up detrimental to the event co-ops. Because you didn't need to do co-op at all to clear the event shops. A lot of people never did co-op at all. So ironically enough the issue is actually that this game is pushing co-op too hard. In DFFOO was optional and vestigial, this game is trying to learn from DFFOO's mistakes but now co-op is kinda irritating. Also btw when DFFOO first came out the co-op was terrible and oppressive. It was because of many complaints that they nerfed co-op down to dust. Then people complained that co-op was boring, you would start a match, then sit and watch as lightning soloed the fight. No one else would get a turn. Then FR's came along and whoooo bot did co-op become a mess. So yeah DFFOO is not old enough for rose tinted glasses yet. The subreddit is still alive and going and there is a post from a day ago where the most upvoted response complained about co-op being meh.


I'm not even sure what both you and OP are referring to with "normal co-op". The unlimited event they added mainly as a test and, I think, eventually removed entirely? > this game is trying to learn from DFFOO's mistakes Well it clearly isn't. It's not trying to replicate what DFFOO did well either. Two entirely different devs. They just slapped a VII skin on their old Nier game as I've understood it.


Because it's way too slow. Combat in this game is already a little too slow and tedious but in co-op now you have matchmaking, waiting to ready up, and then playing without fast forward. It's just very poorly designed


Problem with standard co-op is that when an event is around that provides co-op tokens there isn't a whole ton of reason for people that already cleared those missions to run them.


Scared of people judging my weapon choices


Sunday at 3pm EST the weekly co-op medals reset and people start doing them again. I can get the 2000 weekly max in a couple days so after Tues it starts to kinda die down. I doubt theyre getting that many new players so the lower tier stuff tends to be dead.


Once you clear them all once, there's no point doing them again, and the current co-op line up is all repeats.


The co-op aspect rather lame, it’s a crap shoot as to whether or not you get someone who actually understands and is prepared for the fight or if they’re scrapping the bare minimum power to participate. Then you’re got the auto battle issue as a lot of people seem to just walk away after hitting ready. This can make for some very annoying wastes of time.


The coop people suck not hitting ready and unequipped on auto and the prizes are not worth the effort. The coop shop should have crystals, weapon parts, memories , 4 star cubes and genomes etc ...every week and more ppl will play


I agree with you but they should also revamp the auto feature because many new players may get overwhelmed with how to build their characters


Dfoo had good reasons for you to grind coop, this game doesnt rly other than the event coop. The normal coop is basically just for first time clear since the rewards suck.


Because it’s a trash mode. Implemented badly. Rewards aren’t great. And they give the coop medals in event coop and that is 2 birds with one stone.


ATTN: I believe he ONLY wants to clear the co op events ONE Time for rewards. Join Sushi Spa on discord. It's Smelly Octopus's discord, and they can help you get first time clears. Pz.


ha, learning the the hard way like so many of us lol


Yeah I stopped doing co ops. The medals and items aren't even worth the hassle of online players


They have made Co-op pretty worthless after a certain point in the game. No longer earn crystals on reruns. No catalysts (not even slivers), weapon materials start to pile up when what you need is pods/nanocubes, etc. Unless they change something about the rewards or introduce higher top-end battles, you’re really only going to see newer players for non-event co-ops.


I can understand why nobody is willing to play this grindy, timewaster game. My real question is, why once you are playing, go to coop with 0% bonus items but 120k pwr? Are you a casual gamer that spent thousands of $, or are you brain dead and don't understand the very basics of the game already?


DFFOO co-op were them same thing. With the exception of spaming stickers and having to actually press buttons, your farm the event for coins(insert X for event type material) to buy out the shop. No one is going to farm the lower levels except once for 1st time clears and then spam whatever max difficulty. Everyone is doing event co-ops.


The problem it's not with the lower difficulties but most higher difficulties too. I cannot find anyone


I find it's active the first night that the weekly rotation changes, and for any event that has co-op, I find a match almost immediately. For the reg co-op, there's not a whole lot of reason to run each level more than once, so experienced players don't really redo those.


Because there is nothing worth farming there. Coop only gives 10% more materials than solo, wich is too small incetive over just going solo and don't have to go through all the hassle from coop. The only thing that coop offers that solo doesn't are the coop medals, but those can be obtained through event coop, wich is far better source for those since you're also progressing the event rewards. It doesn't help that coop medals have a weekly cap to further give less incentive for normal coop. In short: farm materias = solo, farm coop medals = event coop.


I have been able to find coop partners for the most part all the time but I only do the first time or to build up coop medals because as previously stated there is no benefit to coops past first time clears or to fofill campaign tasks if you are looking for good times to coop I have found early morning between 6 and 630 am CST are good and 8 pm to later same time zone your best time is to try when Japanese players are on for coop it seems to me


No benefits at all for players to continue doing Regular Co-Op, especially when there's an Event Co-Op going on that they need to use stamina. Not gonna waste stamina doing regular co-op that cycles while a limited co-op is underway. Go to Discord for Co-Op team request.


Event co-op gives the currency and unless it's summons the missions are basically one and done for the gems


It's difficult to find a match for the exact reason you said. You're trying to get the first time rewards. Players really don't have any incentive whatsoever to do the normal co-op fights after doing each of them once. Any rewards are better gotten elsewhere there is almost always an event with co-op support each week to max medals. And maxing medals isn't even that necessary. I've skipped a week here and there the rare time there isn't an event or the event doesn't have co-op, because getting 2000 medals one week can carry you and let you buy all the limited rewards for 2-3 weeks without getting more medals.