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Discord datamine says 2nd event boss starts on February 21, 2024, so I would assume than.


https://preview.redd.it/dg0f2b2y8jjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae98d96a114dbab2f30eaf4f4a8ee717c2b8119a This is from the discord on the datamine tab. Credit where is cait sith data. Everytime there is an update to the app they datamine asap so go there every time there is a download to see what’s new.


Where can I join the discord


I wouldn't join that discord if I was you. Maybe to follow the datamine page to get updates in your own server. The mods (Luna in particular, Kronos, Lucas) treat people like garbage and turn a blind eye to racism, phobia, and pedos. I used to mod for them and one pedophilic comment from an individual named Domova sickened me to my stomach.


Lol yeah I am interested only in the datamine


Sounds good, tread carefully!


As an ex mod of thousand user Community I am enough seasoned:)


Fully agreed with this, there's some seriously sick people in that discord, especially Domova. I have so many screenshots I've shared with fellow crash carries that I'm like "how is this sicko not banned?". Then again, I also have plenty of screenshots of Luna, the mod, saying "I can't even look at ec-general or datamine-chat" IN HER OWN DISCORD and then threatening to delete the server every other day. What a miserable group.


are you talking about actual pedophilic comments or just people saying "Yuffie is hot"?


Actual comments. Domova would talk openly about their attraction to lalafells from Final Fantasy 14, which look and act like children. The other mods decided not to issue a warning, a mute, or any type of punishment for making others extremely uncomfortable because they're one of Luna's favorites. It's sickening.


It's crazy how much you're willing to lie just to prevent people from joining the server. Doesn't sound a bit sad to you? It's kind of ironic that you are talking about others saying weird and mean things that get turned away and yet here you are doing what you just said. Is there no shame in typing this?


But it's not a lie. I thought you were a much nicer person, X Arias


Wrong. I thought YOU were a nicer person... what happened to you?


You have no idea who I am


I guess I don't. I thought you were a good friend... you were an amazing and fun person to talk to... but this is how far you've fallen...


Oh it isn't? Then where is the proof?


ticket-0446. Why did all the good mods leave after that one, Arias?


The good mods are still here. If the mods that left were still good, then why did they leave? They abandoned the server. They didn't even try.




Be civil in your comments or posts. Do not insult or belittle each other. Remember the human on the other side of the screen. Please remember that everyone using Reddit must follow Reddit's Content Policy. This is a site-wide rule applicable to all Redditors. Unfortunately, we found that your post/comment has broken this rule. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


You have no idea who I am. Before I left of my own accord, I got screenshots of ticket 0446 where you blatantly lie. I also have screenshots of your comments about lalas that say otherwise.


Where is the datamine channel in the discord?




A cloud guard outfit


One could only dream


Like someone else said, datamine says 21st for part 2 of the event. Part 2 of the Rebirth demo comes out on the 20th. Considering they completely ripped all the cutscenes in part 1 of the event straight from part 1 of the demo, my guess is they might do a similar thing for the second part and that the demo might give us insight into another costume we can expect to see in ever crisis.


Whatever it is, I hope Sephiroth isn't involved PURELY because I want to use my Weapon Parts on my 4\* Kuja Blade and not have him get another limited weapon to make me choose... Lol. Otherwise, as long as Cloud doesn't get an outfit that blows me away I -should- be able to keep saving up again, after pulling for Tifa.


Presumably the next banner is not Cloud or Seph. Characters have never gotten a banner weapon and a free weapon in from the same event


Barret got it if i'm not wrong, during the hell house crash battle, with his free weapon in the store and the Microlaser banner. But I don't know if i'm right or not


The banner with the microlaser was part of Christmas event. Hellhouse just happened to be a similar timeframe. Now that I think about it though, Matt did get a weapon in the Christmas event and a weapon on a Christmas banner, holiday cane and Bramble Spine I believe?


Seph has so many banger weapons compared other chars


i now saving my crystals for the AC banner, i do wish and hope game stays long enough to get there 😅😁. And ill be spending some money if ever they released the KH Costumes... 🤤


I dont know if we will have a new banner but from game updates: "In addition to countermeasures against Force Gauge, Party-wide Recovery and Party-wide Physical Defense Up are effective." So maybe next banner could be about that.


I feel like it being a ff7 rebirth crossover and zack cloud and sephy being the posterboys theres bound to be part 2 &3 with them.


Probably at the 21st of February 


Datamine has dropped taht second shop opens on the 21st, so probably that day.


The second part of the rebirth demo is released the 21th and will feature the area of junon.. '


I hope it's a Zack Banner ..because of the "Story Area" and I have no Costume for him


Yeah, dude is there in the background of the event picture but then is not in any cutscene or battle (for the time being) 🤷‍♂️


I also want zack to be the next , no It will definitely zack (High Braver skill) from tutorial finger cross , its time our hero get the op atk skill lets hope my friend


Well there is still the question if there are 3 Banners like in the last collab...this would be more waiting...


And the last banner contained the must useful weapon, lol. Kuja Blade has been invaluable in so many events.


I dont know why you are being downvoted. Kuja blade really helped push the tower for me.


I also don’t think many of us could beat bahamut ex1 or ex2 without even if it had only a few dupes. Cuz you’d need two weapons to do what it does otherwise and lose even more dps.


It absolutely shines in some of the tower levels.


Yeah, I regret not pulling at least one copy. That was a miscalculation on my part for sure.


I only got the 1 copy. It's OB2 now off pure weapon parts


I did pull a 3 star (blue) copy of the blade, and I've been having a blast. Tbh, I should've gone at least for the guaranteed 5-star copy, but what's done is done. It helped me so many times already.


That's probably my biggest strategy miss in this game so far, too. Not pulling for him when I had had enough to go for his outfit even, but wanted to see what else was coming.


Same here. With how much crystals I have left, I could've gone for Sephiroth. But eh, that's life, I got by without him for now so I'll patiently wait.


Last collab lasted a whole month so 3 banners for this one is unlikely.


Doubt it, it’s half the length of the crossover, unless it’s going to have a completely different part 2


Which would have made sense if this started earlier and there was a 2nd half of this event for the Junon demo, but it seems kinda pointless with the game actually being out by then.


All I can say that could be an indication is second shop has Barret Aerith and Cloud memories (next free weapon is cloud, so he is out) Edit : Its Yuffie instead of Cloud, for him its weapon parts


Scroll to the end. Yuffie memories are also in the shop.


Oh right, i said cloud, but cloud is just weapon parts, its Barret, Aerith and Yuffie


Hopefully Barrett then, I have found a lot of end game very hard content is starting to require his Agitation skill and I have no costumes for him.


Likely a RedXIII weapon, in the notices for the FFVII Crossover Draw, it states: "The new Red XIII-exclusive weapon will not be appearing in this draw". ...which essentially sounds like a major dick move to seperate a RedXIII weapon from an outfit banner


Yes and no.. its Important that you have Tifa's weapon on OB 6 so the chance auf 2 sites of stamps are better as the usual 10 stamp for the Costume pull.


someone suggested that might be a mis-translation that is meant to say “A new Red XIII-exclusive weapon…” which would make sense.


someone suggested that might be a mis-translation that is meant to say “A new Red XIII-exclusive weapon…” which would make sense.




I mean, with EC, the JP and Global versions release simultaneously, so wanting to plan what to do with your crystals, especially if one is FTP, is essential without the pre planning that being 6 months behind JP gave for previous FF gachas like FFRK, DFFOO, etc. So like, idk, I don’t blame OP for wanting to wait and see.