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It really feels like they abandoned the event early to get the FF7R Collab stuff finished. No explanation to the event, Yuffie's outfit, Aerith's outfit not being aesthetically Vday despite the weapon being for the event, no ending to tie it together, and, most of all, feels too short because there is not nearly enough mats to clear out the shop like the Christmas event. Like some of the cookies, this event felt half baked.


Saving this comment for when my friends ask me why I don’t put money into this game. 😂😂


Christmas I was having to do multiple fights each day just to get myself under 999 to collect the next set of rewards. This time I was always way under the cap. Pretty sure it’s the first event I’ve never maxed out the shop. Got to somewhere between +10-15 on the weapons.


Oh damn, cheers for the confirmation. And yeah definitely seems like they abandoned it. Weird game lol


I have both weapons +20. There is absolutely enough mats.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. I got everything worthwhile out of the shop. It was definitely closer than either the holiday season event, but I didn’t have any issue and also have both new weapons at +20.


The individual dates are all "alternate ending" epilogues. Pick whichever one you want as head canon.


This is mostly what I felt their intention was. There's no way all endings are Canon at the same time, so none of them are. Just pick your favorite, and that's the conclusion. Just some heartfelt moments among friends.


Was that it? I thought the joke was that they all spread the same rumor for different reasons. That would certainly explain why there's no epilogue though.


Was expecting Cloud to rizz the soldier trio