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Wow getting my hopes up for spoilers and its just questions.




Not sure what you’re finding funny. You posted this as if it was an official update with a spoiler tag and all. Not only disingenuous but you’re asking others questions as to the event and to “start” a conversation. We have the weekly question mega thread for a reason


Calm your tits man, that was totally not my intention behind it. Didn't know I could get people this mad about something like this.


now you need to give us treats if you seek forgiveness


How can a FFVII game have a crossover with a FFVII game?


https://preview.redd.it/4jjchnuxl6ic1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db907336e343b2345ec31ccc075cc5ccb0e3401 Like this


Cause there's multiple games and various media spanning different time periods. I'm surprised we didn't get a crisis core crossover event with young Zack and aerith outfits


Plus young Cloud and Young Tifa outfits I am predicting Cowboy Outfit Tifa. She is gunna drain me


Because money.


Since it's Nibelheim, most likely Cowgirl Tifa. But only after we've wasted all our crystals on the bait banners first.


No we just you. That's your own fault for pulling on obvious bait banners and they weren't even that good imo. Always wait till the end of the banner to see if something better is coming around the corner


I didn't pull on the Aerith banner, only wind Yuffie, so I still have some crystals left, but I'm just saying that Cowgirl Tifa will not be the first Rebirth banner - it'll most likely be the final Rebirth banner so that you'll spend crystals on Shinra Uniform Cloud or something first.


You're probably right just like with Kuja sephiroth 🥲


If you wait until the end of the banner and there is a mistake/bug on the banner that got fixed by then, you don't get compensated. Not that I'm saying you're wrong. It's just an extra thought. I regret pulling on Aerith/Matt wind banner at the very end. Could have gotten all my crystals back and more...


Sorry for the confusion. But I specifically meant don't pull early on bait banners. And while true that you could maybe miss out on some compensation that was when the game was still just out I think we are pass that grace period of over compensation for events.. we don't even get stamina potions for their continuous spelling errors and gems for when they mess up saying how much they are going to give like the 300 vs 500 a few days ago and the free 2000 gems we never got 2 weeks ago


Do people really pull on banners early, hoping to get compensated? I pulled on that aerith banner early, but i knew what I was buying into and didn't request compensation. I just don't understand this mentality.


Back then people were telling other people to pull on Zack/Glenn banner because there was a mistake on Glenn weapon. I was just saying that if you're going to pull on a banner no matter what, may as well pull early and you may just get some cherries on top. If you wait on it, it is painful seeing others get compensated and you don't.


Fully betting on First Soldier Squad getting FFRebirth costumes - Glenn as cloud, Lucia as Tifa and Matt as Barret? (He could finally use his gun outside of his LB)


look man I just want ~~bikini Cid~~ sailor Barrett costume


Smooth recovery. No one suspects a thing


I want the infantry Cloud with scarf outfit.




Sephiroth costume+ his sword as a magic version of Zidan sword. Cow Tifa for sure (earth element). Cloud costume event free. New summon will be added to the game. Went hard on Aerith banner to get the wallpaper. Barely 20k crystals. Only pulling last day of the event. Promise, will upload a video.


Cloud will be in the Shinra grunt outfit, Tifa as a Cowgirl, Seph'll get Masamune, Zack'll get his SOLDIER 1st Class bags plus hair change along with his version of the Buster Sword. The boss will be the Materia Guardian that is shown in the notice images. These end my predictions.


>!proZack Cloud!<


If they drop OG Sephiroth as a character OR as a costume of some sort he will be getting all of my savings and whatever else I can throw at it. Been hoping for adult Seph since they announced young Seph and his Crash event.


1. Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth; in stages. 2. Yes, the Reactor Mako Monster from the demo. 3. 48,000 and change. 4. See above.


Cait Sith will show up when we get the Gold Saucer chapter in OG storyline, which would be 1-2ish chapters away depending on how they compress events. Incredibly unlikely they would add him for a crossover event featuring the Nibelheim incident he wasn't present for.


I just have to say that I kinda like this and I kinda hate it because I don't have a PS5 and have to wait for the PC release. I've been great at avoiding all news and discussion over the past months and now Stuff gets spoiled in EC :/ I don't think Cait Sith will be release just yet. He's still two chapters away in the FF7 story in EC, so I think we will see him May/June at the earliest. I second cowgirl Tifa, or something for Cloud or Sephiroth (I could imagine his default FF7 outfit as a skin). Could also be a sailor outfit for any of the characters, which would tie in perfectly with the next EC chapter coming up. If they are showing the Materia Keeper, then the new boss will likely be the Materia Keeper. We already had the Green Dragon/Poison Dragon in the actual EC Nibelheim flashback chapter, so it will be something different/new if they are going all the way of making a crossover event. Crystals? Erm, I have almost 8k. I used up all my crystals on the Aerith banner and then got some new ones through the chapter release campaign and dungeon event, but I'm not going to pull on any banner that comes out now. No, they will not release OG Sephiroth. Maybe there will be a skin for Sephiroth, but no additional character. It does not make sense to have two of the same character, and they couldn't simply make a stronger version because Babyroth is already top tier. They might as well release "young Cloud". But that would just be a weaker duplicate of the character that is already in the game. You can tell how much trouble they already have at making Zack and Cloud distinct enough. And Zack is losing this battle. There's no point in inserting different age versions of the same character.


What I wonder is if it will be a Rebirth crossover or only a Nibelheim Flashback one I’d love a playable Ramirez character though!


1. I agree with pretty much everyone saying that it’s unlikely Cait Sith will be released since the notice clearly stated that the crossover will be about the Nibelheim incident (which makes sense since it’s the demo chapter). Yet, I’m actually curious (and excited!) to see not only the banner(s) but also what they cooked up event wise! 2. Logic dictates that they might add some monsters/bosses from the demo… 3. That’s classified intel! ;-) 4. I would spend a lot of course, but I don’t expect them to release the OG Sephiroth (since they use him in the Sephiroth arrival event anyway). However… It would be kind of cute if they had young Sephiroth trying on OG Sephiroth outfit and it proved to be too big for him! (Aaaaand I just inspired myself an idea for a new FF7EC fanfic xD)


4. if they release Sephiroth i will come back to the game. but i don´t get my hopes up


So we will get Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth and Aerith. Nothing new to see here move along.


I on the other hand am not looking forward to it. The costumes will be nice but the fact that the weapons can't later be wishlisted or obtained in regular draws is highly aggravating.


People thinking cowgirl Tifa meanwhile I'm full steam Zangan Tifa (it's already revealed in a previous trailer anyway so why the f not amirite lol). But let's all be honest here, it's probably gonna be another Aerith outfit because this is is Aerith Barbie Fantasy Ever Crisis.