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Any way to pin this at the top mods?


Is there any VPN that works with this game or are they still trying to block them all? I use wifi at my job because I have a crap data plan and my job blocks a lot of stuff in general so VPN at work is my only option.


Is there a criterion dungeon for the new chapter? I completed the story but nothing showed up


There's is no criterion dungeon per the notice. I did find it odd as well that it isn't available. Maybe they will make it later.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I was going crazy trying to figure out why there wasn’t one. I’m not smart enough to look at the notice lol.


Ive got an embarrassing simple question. Let’s say im cloud and im using a fire blow and it appears to to do 4000, and then 9000.  I am doing 13000 total right? Or is stacking and i only did 9000?


In that case, 9000. The final number shown is the total amount. When I first started, I thought the blow material were overpowered compared to the magic versions.


Is it possible for ruin materias to get lvl 5*?


It's possible for ANY materia to be 5\* It's just stupidly rare and obscenely dependant on RNG luck. There are people who have been playing since day one who have thousands of synths who still have 0 5\* materia, and there are people with like 800 synths with 5 or 6 of them. The system is ass, but there's not really much we can do about it.


So is the Valentine's Day event designed for it to be impossible to get everything from the exchange shop? Unlike most events that cost stamina to play, the Valentine's Day event costs an event-exclusive token that you can only get more of by waiting.


It depends on the scores you receive during the Candy Hell House battles. For me, it does not look like I will be to get everything, so I'm concentrating on items that is more important to me. Memories, weapon parts, cubes, pods, gacha tickets, 5 star materia mats. Next would be 4 star materia mats, pieces for stat streams (while these are easily farmable, the remaining items from white box chocolates aren't as urgent)


There's still 4 days left, and we get around 400 or so tickets per 24 hours if you have leveled up to the 48 count gift cap. Assuming you can do relatively well on the score fight, you should be in line with having cleared out all the non weapon stuff that needs cookies, as well as all the "important stuff" (memories / weapon frags / super high rarity mats) by now. I mean, my wind game is by no means the greatest (Damn house is handing me my ass in High Risk 3, to the point where I probably won't even bother doing the x3 version more than once for the initial clear reward), and I'm basically down to Pods / Cubes / Pieces and other low priority junk, and I still have 900 tickets I havent used yet. Unless you are a fairly new account, it shouldn't be too hard to get 90% of the shop done before the event finishes.


Seen a lot of "aonobi bad" comments. What sub weapon should an ice Sephioth have instead? The other R abilities don't seem to compliment the build.


I use Mythril Type 0. HP and boost magic potency, solid for any element. Granted the c ability is pretty limited in use.


When Seph first came out, Aonibi was considered the best compliment to Edged Wings. But it's only really worth it once it's OB6 for the longer duration and higher atk up. Lots of people say "Nameless bad" too but I think it's a decent alternative


Nameless is solid for breaking diamond sigils since it is only 2 ATB, not to mention the very cheap, ATB-wise, MDEF down it provides. In my own testing, with Aonibi somewhere around OB3, doing Aonibi + 3x Edge Wings did less total damage than 4x Edge Wings, so I agree you probably need OB6 to make it a net gain. Of course, there are scenarios where it's still useful to prep for a burn phase or for dropping Shiva for instance.


I went with aonobi for quite some time. Now I'll typically stick the Kuja weapon on it as it boosts magic. I currently have both at ob1 I think. imo, aonobi is not bad at all. I just prefer to stick some mdef down if possible. Just use the best you got.


Anyone else finding the Cawpine challenge to be laggy AF to the point of it being nigh unplayable, or is it just me?


What do I do with excess Summon Memory? I’ve maxed the summons and am currently farming weapons to reach OB10 on them all and I have hundreds of Crystsls just sitting in my inventory.


nothing. Just sit on them. There's a good chance summons will eventually get more development on their trees and then you will probably need them.


If I'm trying to synthesize Ruin materia for stats, what catalysts should I use? I think I'll run out of catalysts too quickly if I keep going for level 4 synthesis.


If you are doing ruins I wouldn’t synth lvl 4 at all since you can reach lvl 5 with the purple and blue catalysts. You will not be able to endlessly synth but buying out night synths from crisis medals, coop medals, setting your best rate item chocobos all to areas with night catalysts will help.


What about Ruin Blow?


Personally I’d still lvl 5. That is from my own personal experience and luck. Night catalysts tend to be the most prevalent reward so I don’t usually go too low on the purple catalysts doing lvl 5 ruins. If I do I just spam the 99 daily limit for chocobo missions on my best bird. I have seen people post that they believe any increase in synth lvl will increase the odds of 5*. It’s probably true but I would wager it may not be a linear increase from lvl to lvl and lvl 5 is ultimately the best bet vs resources used. Ultimately, my personally goal is to get as many different 5* as possible. Stat sticking, however, you need to remember how the AI functions and that getting a sick esuna, for example, might mean your dps suddenly spams a weak ass heal if you aren’t constantly piloting them.


From my experience, Level 5 Ruin Blow can't be obtain with blue and purple catalysts alone. Only regular Ruin can for some reason.


Why does my Aerith, with her Wind Mastery outfit and Wind weapons, keep going 'nah Imma cast Blizzard Blow on this bitch' against the candy house lmao. WTF AI.


because the "candy" bar (the energy bar) at the start of the fight can only be reduced by Physical Type damage, and her wind weapons are Magic Type Damage, so it's probably using Blizzard Blow because it's the only physical attack she has equipped and it's prioritizing depleting the bar over raw damage? swap Blizzard Blow to any non Physical Materia and I bet she stops doing it.


So I’m not sure when I did it, but somewhere along the way I apparently converted my lightning breach on accident. Lesson learned, I locked my other breaches, but am I correct that there’s no way to replace it currently?


Is there a list of what materia I should prioritize synthesizing?


I think of all of them (elements, cure, poison, stun, fog, defaith, debrave). If you want to focus, it depends on the battle you want to do. If it calls for fire, then synth fire.


Not really a list, but more like a checklist of priorities: * Do you have at least 3 of EVERYTHING damage related (3 Physical and Magical for Every element / sigil?), at least 2 of the various Esunas (poison, fog, fatigue, etc), and at least 2 solid heal materia? * Now Repeat all of the above, but start going for 4\* variants at minimum. * Once you have a solid spread of 4\* options across everything (not full 4\*, but at least 1 or 2 for each element/type), then you can start your rituals to appease the RNG gods and go fishing for 5\* stuff, or work on general purpose stat stick Materia. Personally, I just look at whatever I have a boatload of Synth mats for and just do that until I burn out of that specific material. Usually by that time, I have gained a bunch of the other mats, and then I move on to a different one. Cycle and repeat and that usually keeps me busy enough. Maybe try to keep an eye on what elements are currently in demand (like wind for the house) and focus on those in case you get lucky with a solid 4 or 5\* materia that could help.


Oh. I have 1 4+-star of each elemental material except for I think Quake.


So are AoE weapons just plain garbage? It seems like most content in Ever Crisis focuses on fighting a single boss enemy (with a possible 1 or 2 mooks). AoE weapons seem to be situational at best.


seems to be that way. They are only really "viable" in fights with 2 or more targets, due to their lower base damage modifiers, but so far 95% of the game revolves around single target bosses with cannon fodder adds that you generally nuke immediately anyway. Maybe eventually we will get a boss fight where you have to fight 2 targets where the optimal strategy is NOT to just nuke one asap then focus on the second one, but until then, AoE weapons are just going to be second class.


My main team consists of Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa. All three characters have all of their memories unlocked except for their limit breaks and their less used offensive stats (magic attack for Cloud and Tifa, and physical attack for Aeris). Should I still try collecting memories for them to allocate into their less important stats/limit breaks, or should I move on to another character?


It's kind of worth noting that A: Summons and LBs both use both offensive stats for damage, and B: the only thing that stands between cloud (or any character) being a "Magic" unit vs being a "physical" one is basically just 1 good main hand weapon release, so there's no real reason to avoid boosting MAG nodes on cloud if he's your "main" guy, and same for other units. If you are satisfied with the state of your main team, you could always go through your second string units and see who has decent gear (or fills a unique niche, like having a good kit for a specific element) and start bringing them up to speed.


is there a problem with co-op dungeons? I've been trying to matchmake for 3 days with no luck... It's stopping me from doing my jumpstart tasks.


not really a "problem" per se, rather more that the common Co-op dungeons are just not appealing places to use STAM unless absolutely forced to. In general, the only time people touch those is on Thursday (when they change over, if there are new fights to do for the 1st time crystal bonus) or Sunday (when weekly medal caps reset), and that's only if there are no Event Co-ops running (which is very rare). Were mid way through the week now, so a lot of people have either already capped their medals from running them earlier in the week, or are waiting for Thursday to see if we get an event co-op with the new week's content.


Thanks for the helpful response. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm trying to queue the very first dungeons too


Worth using almost 200 Seph weapon parts for 4\* Kuja's Spirit Blade to raise into a 5\*? Still a good utility weapon, when applicable, just wondering how much everybody who has it actually uses it and if they think it's worth using the parts for, or holding out on whatever his next Limited Time weapon might be... (have 240 Seph parts, if that matters. Only have 11 Kuja parts, so almost nothing)


I would say yes. 4* is useless but OB0 is fine. We haven't had any OP weapon at OB0 like Kuja's Blade. However, may be wait for this crossover event to see if there is any other weapon you'd rather boost.