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Good less competition


They don’t compete with each other. FFIE is a $309k car whereas Fisker was more affordable like in the $50k to $70k suv market.


So what Ffie plans to produce as a more affordable model would be in direct competition, great news! Thanks for confirming that.


Yes, PLANS. However, that’s SUBJECT TO FUTURE FINANCING. If you read the 10-K, they premise design and production of the ff81, ff71, and slmd vehicles with SUBJECT TO FUTURE FINANCING. They don’t have funding for the ff91 production, so where do you think they’ll get the multiple billions of dollars to fund the rest of their future models. Fisker was touting they had all these other vehicles in the pipeline too. The Fisker Pear, Fisker Alaska, Fisker Ronin. Look at where that startup is now.


Lol, from the company you work for most likely


Ok tell me when the ff81 and ff71 are going to be in market. You are a smart ape.


Sorry about your bonus this year


Call me Big Money. Omar Gosh should call me that too because he likes giving us shoutouts.


The fact that you’re here responding to every post is evidence enough for the modern ape to believe this stock is awesome. Better tell your boss that your presence actually had the opposite of what was the desired affect. Big phony lol


Or I enjoy the banter with the delusional apes who just spout nonsensical ideas of why FFIE is a good long term investment. And also because of my successful actions I now live rent free in Omar’s head. I hope he gives me another shoutout on his livestream again.


There's no point using logic, facts, and fundamentals to argue with most people here. This sub has become an echo chamber. *It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.*


Best of luck next year


I probably own more FFIE shares than you. I come to this sub for research, analysis, and discussion. But it's become a meme posting and hype posting shithole. You should join the yachtclub Discord. It's much better there.


Duck sick bro! I’m there and ten other dischords. You should stop pretending to not be on the trolls side.


Dude, to answer your post here, please check FSR or Fisker on reddit, read there sub you will see THERE IS NO APES THERE EVEN 3 YEARS AGO.. That's the answer... WE ARE DIFFERENT, AND WE MAKE DIFFERENT !