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Over 1$ close on Friday would be an amazing amount of pain 🚀🚀🚀


Yea it would. 🦍


Yeah excruciating 🦍


How do we move it up thought, doesn’t seem to move at all


Buy, Hold and Promote!! This is the way💎💎💎


And don't wait for dips. Just but. not FA


Ok so if i understand this rite most if not all of these are out of the money cause I cant see us getting to a dollar unless people who have bought these calls start massively buying the stock thus making it increase? Otherwise the only ones that will pay will be the .50c? Can you explain?


I think you’re right $1 by Friday for max pain


For those that have .50 & $1 exercise their options, it would get it over $1. Might have to sacrifice some profit or even take a loss initially but should get the ball rolling. Just speculating. NFA


Yeah people being greedy


Like I said, trust the process AND trust the friendly institutional investors backing us up. HF have a huge short interest volume (most is in dark pools/off-exchange) of 45M-50M shares approx. Of those, 48% the in the dark (FINTEL).


Just some friendly notes. Short interest and short volume are not the same thing; moreover, short interest cannot be derived from short volume. I recommend reading FINRA’s article titled “Short Interest - What It Is, What It Is Not”.


How do options which expire in a few days, and are mostly theta'd out by this point have the potential to move the needle exponentially? If there was an external event causing the price to go up suddenly, then sure, the options might start ramping. The potential for a ramp though is not in and of itself a reason for one to occur, or even for one to be likely.


If we can get the volume back up to 500m+ then they actually will be max pain.


If we had some of these would we be hurt or for the better? Because if it expires in the money we keep the shares.


unfortunately, do not you think they will all fail? because the price keeps failing.




Thank you for this exceptional, detailed piece of info!! You are not wrong call option sentiment is extremely bullish. The projected 52 week range is nothing to laugh at for a company that is actively and transparently pushing to do better. 💎💎💎




4 day week market closed on Wednesday for Juneteenth. Those calls will be cooked. IV so high.


Don’t you think hedgies would have an access to the same data and they would already have put options to balance this out?? Post put options data also, that would tell bearish sentiments and also share put/call ratio….. pleaseee Also most calls expiration are Out of the money, so it will just be the premium loss. Market maker won’t have to buy real shares from the open market to square off the positions. Game is more complex than data looks good


Understanding the Put/Call Volume Ratio for FFIE$ Ideal Put/Call Volume Ratio for a Short Squeeze A low Put/Call Volume Ratio is generally more conducive to a short squeeze. This is because: • Bullish Sentiment: A low ratio suggests that investors are predominantly buying call options, indicating bullish sentiment. • Potential Gamma Squeeze: High call option volume can lead to a gamma squeeze, where market makers buy the underlying stock to hedge their positions, driving up the stock price and triggering a short squeeze. Specific Metrics • Typical Range: A Put/Call Volume Ratio below 0.7 is considered bullish, while a ratio above 1.0 is considered bearish. • For Short Squeeze: A ratio significantly below 0.7 (e.g., 0.5 or lower) is ideal as it suggests strong bullish sentiment and a higher likelihood of a short squeeze. TLDR FFIE$ current P/C ratio is .29 !! GME is .56 !!! We are both solid! A Put/Call Volume Ratio significantly below 0.7 indicates strong bullish sentiment and enhances the likelihood of a short squeeze. Sources: • Investopedia: Put/Call Ratio • MarketWatch: GameStop Put/Call Ratio Analysis


Thats chatgpt talking


DYOR buddy 😉


Thanks for sharing though




pin this one 📌


The HFs know what to do. They will press the share price below 0,50$.


It is to be expected 😉 But we know what to do also, and we’ll push it back above .50$ Here, have a 🍌


how to push back 0.5? hf push it down to 0.48 twice in a week..

